Discipline: Psychology

Mental health or behavioral challenges within the characters of ‘Shutter Island’Mental health or behavioral challenges within the characters of ‘Shutter Island’

Select a movie of popular tv show that features people with mental health or behavioral challenges within the characters.  With these characters in mind, please respond to the following. 1 – Please provide a description of at least two characters and how the mental illness, personality disorder or behavior concern is effecting the characters life. […]

Settings in the clinical mental health field that appeal to me and settings that do not.Settings in the clinical mental health field that appeal to me and settings that do not.

Instructions: ‘Please describe 2 settings in which clinical mental health counselors work that most appeal to you and two settings in which they do not appeal to you. Describe the population served at each setting, and the range of services offered, (including the model of therapy). describe why these settings appeal to you and do […]


Review Module 2 and Module 4 as well as the feedback provided on your rough draft of your literature. Please be sure to make all appropriate corrections and submit your Final draft of your literature review here. Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric below. Literature Review Assignment For this assignment, you […]

You were hired to complete an internship for a local psychology magazine. Your manager has assigned you a writing assignment. You are expected to interview family and friends to inquire about their psychosocial developmental stage of life.You were hired to complete an internship for a local psychology magazine. Your manager has assigned you a writing assignment. You are expected to interview family and friends to inquire about their psychosocial developmental stage of life.

Interview 2 to 3 family members or friends to inquire about their psychosocial developmental stage of life. Additionally, either during the interview or at another time, observe the behavior of your family members or friends.   Write word article that does the following: Explains what Erikson’s psychosocial stages of development are Describes 1 to 2 interactions […]

Students will identify an issue facing a group (i.e. a particular classroom or school-wide) and develop an intervention to address that issue.Students will identify an issue facing a group (i.e. a particular classroom or school-wide) and develop an intervention to address that issue.

Students will identify an issue facing a group (i.e. a particular classroom or school-wide) and develop an intervention to address that issue. Think of it as a mash up of the FBA and BIP but less formal. The teacher comes with a class problem Not a report for a kid’s file Classroom management Choose a […]

The impact of positive self-esteem on childhood development: fostering lifelong successThe impact of positive self-esteem on childhood development: fostering lifelong success

This paper must discuss “The impact of positive self-esteem on childhood development: fostering lifelong success.” Reviewing and summarizing the extant research and theory pertaining to the topic. Current trends in research related to the topic and future research directions should also be discussed (if possible). Additionally, the paper should address the methodology employed in research […]

Please complete PowerPoint Presentation with speaker notes. Please use the attached paper to complete the PowerPoint presentation Include all citations and sources from the paper.Please complete PowerPoint Presentation with speaker notes. Please use the attached paper to complete the PowerPoint presentation Include all citations and sources from the paper.

You will have an opportunity to showcase and present (e.g., powerpoint, etc.,) your research on a subject/topic that you explored/ investigated. Presentations are a great way to have develop/practice your communications skills as well as build confidence. It is also another way to reinforce the knowledge and be able to professionally share it with others, a skill […]

Assignment 2: Early Years • Infancy and Toddlerhood: The First Two Years • Early Childhood: Two to Six YearsAssignment 2: Early Years • Infancy and Toddlerhood: The First Two Years • Early Childhood: Two to Six Years

For this assignment, you are asked to choose a toy for a child in the early development stage. If you are able to play with the toy please do! You should interact with it as much as possible. It could be a stuffed animal, an electronic toy (e.g. Vtech Talk and Go Farm Rattle), a […]

Does social media (Instagram) usage correlate with narcissism in self-esteem levels in young people (Gen-z)?Does social media (Instagram) usage correlate with narcissism in self-esteem levels in young people (Gen-z)?

A fifteen-minute power point presentation of your research proposal should include the following:   ·      A brief opening of the importance of the topic, placed in either a historical, theoretical, empirical or global perspective   ·      A list of points to both generate discussion and assign an exercise or group activity   ·      A summary of your research proposal […]

Top 10 Team Presentation for 5 or 6 Peer Teams: PowerPoint Presentation of Psychology Discipline Review (Top 10 Researchers, Theories, and Experiments/Studies)Top 10 Team Presentation for 5 or 6 Peer Teams: PowerPoint Presentation of Psychology Discipline Review (Top 10 Researchers, Theories, and Experiments/Studies)

Top 10 Presentation: This presentation with your Team of 5 or 6 person peer team member will be on the top 10 theories and scientists in your team’s pick of a  Psychology discipline area to review for your peers. Make sure to include the Top 10 scientists and theories in the psychological domain.  You can use diagrams […]