Discipline: Psychology

In your reading this week, you learned about the definition of psychological disorders and how to diagnose and classify themIn your reading this week, you learned about the definition of psychological disorders and how to diagnose and classify them

In your reading this week, you learned about the definition of psychological disorders and how to diagnose and classify them. You also took a closer look at symptoms to some of the more common psychological disorders that we see these days. Please respond to the following: Explain what is necessary to determine if a person […]

Drama Therapy as a Tool for Enhancing Emotional Regulation Skills in Children and AdolescentsDrama Therapy as a Tool for Enhancing Emotional Regulation Skills in Children and Adolescents

Hi, I’ve completed an article on Drama Therapy as a Tool for Enhancing Emotional Regulation Skills in Children and Adolescents as part of my master’s module. I’ve attached the guidelines, a PowerPoint presentation from my course, and the BPS Guidelines since I plan on submitting the article. Instructions: Critical Discussion Paper Weight: 40% Word count: […]

Critiquing the essay Automaticity of Social Behavior: Direct Effects of Trait Construct and Stereotype Activation on Action”Critiquing the essay Automaticity of Social Behavior: Direct Effects of Trait Construct and Stereotype Activation on Action”

Using the rubric and structure I have provided write an essay about “automicity of social behavior”. The full name of this paper is “Automaticity of Social Behavior: Direct Effects of Trait Construct and Stereotype Activation on ActionAutomaticity of Social Behavior: Direct Effects of Trait Construct and Stereotype Activation on Action”. Essay should be about 5 […]

Challenges faced by therapists when treating adult patients with borderline personality disorder: The effects of countertransference on the therapeutic processChallenges faced by therapists when treating adult patients with borderline personality disorder: The effects of countertransference on the therapeutic process

The thesis is a 12k word literature review in the field of clinical psychology. A table of contents is required, an abstract, a methodology section, results and discussion section. The writer is required to understand how to read, analyze, synthesize and report and significant/relevant data from a number (approx 20) studies that have conducted empirical […]

Argument Essay. People cannot multitask effectively. Turns into People can multitask effectively.Argument Essay. People cannot multitask effectively. Turns into People can multitask effectively.

You will be taking the argument you wrote last, last, last week, switching the stance, then writing another argument to support the new stance. For example, if you wrote an argument with the following claim and stance last, last week: Spanking children is not an effective method of discipline because it only makes children afraid […]

Research Methods – Quantitative Analysis – Perform SPSS (Mean) & Integrate Results in PP TemplateResearch Methods – Quantitative Analysis – Perform SPSS (Mean) & Integrate Results in PP Template

 The Basics of Social Research  Book Link: https://online.vitalsource.com/reader/books/9798214338118/epubcfi/6/2[%3Bvnd.vst.idref%3Dcover-page]!/4/2[cover-page]/6[JICXTN634438381]/2%4052:0 U – previously provided  PW –  previously provided  Video of assignement explanation attached.  Below.   They are pxl files.   This is a simpler assignment.  All data and power point template provided (this needs to be made more visibly appealing).   SPSS file attached.   Word Doc also attached with slide by slide requirements.   […]

Signature Assignment: Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development: Current IdentitySignature Assignment: Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development: Current Identity

Tips/Suggestion for the Signature Assignment: Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory Current Identity This document is intended to provide my tips and suggestions on how to successfully complete this assignment. 1. This assignment is intended to be a self-reflective experience and an opportunity for you to apply what you have learned in the course to your life/real-world situations. […]

Essay: Colonialism and Scriptural Authority and Theological Interpretation AssignmentEssay: Colonialism and Scriptural Authority and Theological Interpretation Assignment

Essay Assignment Instructions Overview The Essay Assignments provide you with an opportunity to incorporate research and demonstrate course-related knowledge in a written context. Instructions You are required to write 5 Essay Assignments in response to a provided prompt in the Essay Topics document. You may use the course textbooks, scholarly articles, and the Bible as […]


-The assignment instruction along with the rubric are in the files.    -My topic is on how Video games affect Cognitive Abilities!, but I HAVE TO USE SCHOLARLY RESEARCH AND IT HAS TO BE RELATED TO COGNITION PLEASE.   THIS IS A COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY COURSE!!!! PLEASE MAKE SURE FORMATION IS THE EXACT SAME AS THE SAMPLE […]

Develop “Groupthink-No-More” guidelines for teams and complete Option 1 or Option 2 for the second deliverable.Develop “Groupthink-No-More” guidelines for teams and complete Option 1 or Option 2 for the second deliverable.

Develop “Groupthink-No-More” guidelines for teams and complete Option 1 or Option 2 for the second deliverable.  Many organizations aspire to be “innovative environments,” but are plagued with suboptimal outcomes. The executive team may decide to hire a social psychologist to identify the root causes of poor decisions and provide coaching on creative and independent thinking. To deepen […]