Discipline: Psychology

Generativity Magazine would like to write an article about your interesting adult life. They have asked that you discuss your journey through adulthood and how your experiences in recent years have shaped who you are.Generativity Magazine would like to write an article about your interesting adult life. They have asked that you discuss your journey through adulthood and how your experiences in recent years have shaped who you are.

Write a profile for the magazine. This is only 2-3 pages double spaced. Complete the following in your profile:  Reflect on your life’s timeline from early to middle adulthood. Beyond chronological age, discuss the milestones you’ve attained that defines you as a full-fledged adult (and additional ones you hope to attain).  Discuss your moral development using Kohlberg’s […]

To examine the theories of gender, including biological, psychodynamic, social learning, cognitive, social role, and feminist theories.To examine the theories of gender, including biological, psychodynamic, social learning, cognitive, social role, and feminist theories.

Objective:To examine the theories of gender, including biological, psychodynamic, social learning, cognitive, social role, and feminist theories. Source: Rider, E.A. (2005). Our Voices: Psychology of Women (2nd ed.), Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley & Sons.     IBSN: 978-0471478799. You may also use other sources in addition to your textbook, but must cite them properly using American Psychological Association style. You must provide […]

Experiencing a Natural Disaster Temporarily Boosts Relationship Satisfaction in Newlywed CouplesExperiencing a Natural Disaster Temporarily Boosts Relationship Satisfaction in Newlywed Couples

The article source is provided! Please follow instructions below. Article Summary Paper (10 possible)   Please follow the instructions and guidelines below. If you are unclear about any of this information, please ask.   What is a summary paper? This paper will require you to read and summarize the major elements of an empirical research paper. I […]

Week 11 – Assignment 2: Evaluate Archival Research, Content Analysis, and Meta-AnalysisWeek 11 – Assignment 2: Evaluate Archival Research, Content Analysis, and Meta-Analysis

For this assignment, prepare a brief paper to address the following:  Explain two types of records used for existing data designs. Provide examples concerning how archival research data design, content analysis, and meta-analysis might be used for a study (of each, not necessarily together). Evaluate the common uses of existing data designs (examples). Explain any […]

Reflection 4: Learning, Memory, Development and You – notes in PanOpen OER CoursewareReflection 4: Learning, Memory, Development and You – notes in PanOpen OER Courseware

The purpose of this assignment is to help you make sense of how psychological concepts and theories learned in class are connected to your personal experience. Each class reflection will help you explore and analyze how principles of psychology are related to your motivation, goals, behavior, and your plans for your future.   Skills and […]

One from Chapter 4 (Philosophical Foundations) One from Chapter 5 (Biological Foundations) One from Chapters 7 to 9 (Associationism, Voluntarism-Structuralism, or Functionalism)One from Chapter 4 (Philosophical Foundations) One from Chapter 5 (Biological Foundations) One from Chapters 7 to 9 (Associationism, Voluntarism-Structuralism, or Functionalism)

For this assignment, you will compose an essay with a brief overview in your own words of each of the following paradigms discussed thus far: One from Chapter 4 (Philosophical Foundations) One from Chapter 5 (Biological Foundations) One from Chapters 7 to 9 (Associationism, Voluntarism-Structuralism, or Functionalism) Next, select one of these paradigms to cover […]

Reflection 2: Stress, Health, Sleep, and You -notes found more on PanOpen OER CoursewareReflection 2: Stress, Health, Sleep, and You -notes found more on PanOpen OER Courseware

The purpose of this assignment is to help you make sense of how psychological concepts and theories learned in class are connected to your personal experience. Each class reflection will help you explore and analyze how principles of psychology are related to your motivation, goals, behavior, and your plans for your future.   Skills and […]

This is a thesis research component to a thesis manuscript / portfolio project. The goal is discover how engaging with art (either creating it or observing it) affects the mind. What draws us to it, what chemical reactions happen as a response, etc..This is a thesis research component to a thesis manuscript / portfolio project. The goal is discover how engaging with art (either creating it or observing it) affects the mind. What draws us to it, what chemical reactions happen as a response, etc..

The structure of the paper. Use the file attached to reference the structure of the paper (at the top) and to use the material written for each section as a guide to go off of. Sources I wrote about in the attached document are cited, please find 5 other journal articles or scitific journals that […]

(EDS)-Eldest Daughter Syndrome focusing in on the major responsibilities in the middle childhood going into the adolescence stage.(EDS)-Eldest Daughter Syndrome focusing in on the major responsibilities in the middle childhood going into the adolescence stage.

5 Pages Term Paper– Due 03/21/2024. The topic I chose is (EDS)-Eldest Daughter Syndrome focusing in on the major responsibilities in the middle childhood going into the adolescence stage.  Objectives The purpose of the Term Paper activity is to: Analyze key developmental milestones across different age groups in the lifespan (CO2, CO3 and CO5) Describe the connections between […]

In this unit, you are examining how you are affected by your sensations, perceptions, and different states of consciousnessIn this unit, you are examining how you are affected by your sensations, perceptions, and different states of consciousness

In this unit, you are examining how you are affected by your sensations, perceptions, and different states of consciousness. Though appearing as separate processes, these three concepts are experienced in a fluid, continuous experience. By breaking them down and examining them further you can gain more understanding of human thinking and behavior. Consider your career […]