Discipline: Psychology


https://web.p.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=4&sid=d2e4f05b-b5ea-4374-9c8a-bd2060889620%40redis Write apa format 3 page paper addressing these questions and cite evidence. Your Curiosity paper should be 2-3 pages (12–pt. font, double-spaced) – 3 points Include a summary of what you learned from the reading – 3 points An original question (your own question) that the reading has inspired – 2 points A short answer to […]

Critically assess what the most prominent neurocognitive changes in adolescence might be and why are they relevant?Critically assess what the most prominent neurocognitive changes in adolescence might be and why are they relevant?

Cover sheet: The first page should provide the following: your candidate number (e.g. EN1920-01), the essay question you are addressing, the module for which the essay is required, and the MSc/MA programme you are enrolled on. Start the text of your essay on the second page. Please do NOT write your name anywhere on the essay. […]

Does parental involvement and student academic achievement in the context of K-12 education.Does parental involvement and student academic achievement in the context of K-12 education.

Two, you created a research question with at least two variables. Rewrite your research question here. (It is okay to update or even change it.) List your two variables. For each of your variables, also create (invent) and list a small set of data that could represent that variable. For both variables, using the data […]

2. Briefly describe the Dark Triad of Personality, and critically evaluate the association between the Dark Triad and life outcomes.2. Briefly describe the Dark Triad of Personality, and critically evaluate the association between the Dark Triad and life outcomes.

Exceptionally detailed knowledge of theories/concepts relevant to the field, with acute awareness of limitations in the field. Richly illustrated using vivid and informative examples, demonstrating a deep level of understanding.  Exceptionally high quality analysis, developed independently or through effective collaboration of independent and taught materials. Judiciously selected and critically evaluated evidence. Excellent ability to investigate […]

In relation to the personality trait Neuroticism, describe and critically discuss the influence of genetic and environmental factors on individual differences in that trait.In relation to the personality trait Neuroticism, describe and critically discuss the influence of genetic and environmental factors on individual differences in that trait.

Exceptionally detailed knowledge of theories/concepts relevant to the field, with acute awareness of limitations in the field. Richly illustrated using vivid and informative examples, demonstrating a deep level of understanding. Exceptionally high quality analysis, developed independently or through effective collaboration of independent and taught materials. Judiciously selected and critically evaluated evidence. Excellent ability to investigate […]

Psychology: Please respond with at least 150 words to each question. Please see below InstructionsPsychology: Please respond with at least 150 words to each question. Please see below Instructions

1.Do you believe that learning this chapter’s material will change the manner in which you think? Do you believe that learning this chapter’s material will make you want to apply it to someone else?   2. For you, how much is your rationality tied into your social life – that is, your social identity and/or […]

Abnormal Psychology – Influences of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – 3- 4 Page PaperAbnormal Psychology – Influences of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – 3- 4 Page Paper

In Abnormal Psychology: Clinical and Scientific Perspectives Read Chapter 5 and 6  Book Link: https://online.vitalsource.com/reader/books/9781517815233/pageid/17  U – previously provided PW –  previously provided The purpose of this three-page essay is for students to explore and explain the various influential factors of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (ie., biological and environmental research). Students will also offer a faith perspective.  A successful essay […]

Research Paper Introduction: Sexual Orientation in Relation to Depressive Symptoms and Substance Use in Young Adult College Student WomenResearch Paper Introduction: Sexual Orientation in Relation to Depressive Symptoms and Substance Use in Young Adult College Student Women

Why substance use is a major public health problem for LGB women – drug and alcohol use –  statistics on importance and consequences  Prevalence rates of substance use disorders Empirical evidence of consequences of substance use – including health outcomes and disparities  Treatment of substance use disorders in heterosexual compared to LGB young adults  Depressive symptoms […]

Theories of Counseling – Read two chapters, watch two videos and wrtie 300 word discussionTheories of Counseling – Read two chapters, watch two videos and wrtie 300 word discussion

Book Access  Read Chapters 5 and 6 in the book link below Use name and PW previously provided https://online.vitalsource.com/reader/books/9798214354910/epubcfi/6/16[%3Bvnd.vst.idref%3Dbd-JNCA71SCK5LPRNLD0337]!/4/2[JNCA71SCK5LPRNLD0337] After watching Irvin Yalom (Existential therapy)  – https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkJ0Yl9uTkdFbUVWSGdnc3ZnSkl2RVF2RUY1UXxBQ3Jtc0trQW90RjJ3QVBWdHY3U1dySmhidEhLQ09TNHJLbnNPNGg0WEZ4WWhvYTVNUFJYSXp5UmlabkIyUU85b185UzB4OTZDM3Q5XzROR2c4VGlBUUlTYnhhOUFkajJRQkxnUTZHZVdKdjRtdDRwU29haU5QWQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.psychotherapy.net%2Fvideo%2Firvin-yalom-psychotherapy-Gareth&v=eT6B5cyq4LE Jon Carlson (Adlerian therapy)  – https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqblNsMGhubWZHTU1GMkpGVUhoQjJEWWlPOEZxUXxBQ3Jtc0tsQV92N1Q1b0Z2QW5YUC13Rks5cHRBQ0EtbjZLcmlNNFN3YkZoQlIxR3BJQjJnbWYxNkpTQmJ4ZEp3SDZyemt6TmxxSWNQWER6QnVQOE1ub2c4Y19LNmVYTmJDa2ZLMVhsZFJjS2ZXeGVHQ3RLUUpGSQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.psychotherapy.net%2Fvideo%2Fadlerian-therapy&v=RXtuR-d6vMA  Conducting therapy with their clients, please compare and contrast the two counseling approaches.  Who’s approach, Yalom or Carlson, did you feel more comfortable with?  […]

Reimagining Human Development Frameworks in the Context of Modern Teen Identity FormationReimagining Human Development Frameworks in the Context of Modern Teen Identity Formation

This is the citation page. The 15 pages I am requesting are a part of a much larger paper. The citations at top are from the sections that I need assistance with. I am open to other citations as well.  Bronfenbrenner, U. (1978). The social role of the child in ecological perspective. Zeitschrift fur Soziologie, […]