Discipline: Psychology

How does the use of social media impact the mental well-being of adolescents ages 15-21?How does the use of social media impact the mental well-being of adolescents ages 15-21?

Thesis Statement: the use of social media impacts the mental well-being of adolescents ages 15-21, such as anxiety, depression, and low self esteem.   (NO AI PLEASE) The purpose of this assignment is to draft and submit a comprehensive and complete APA research paper. The paper is written to report on that research and offer […]

onsider some of the things that teenagers do that might be interpreted as indicating a struggle to establish identityonsider some of the things that teenagers do that might be interpreted as indicating a struggle to establish identity

According to Erik Erikson, adolescence is a particularly turbulent time in life because of the struggle to establish a secure identity. Establishing a secure identity is the primary function of the ego. Identity is an inner sense of who we are, or what makes us unique, a sense of continuity over time and a feeling […]

Expository Essay on the extent of how environmental factors contribute to the development of criminal behaviour among individuals in North America versus genetic predispositions?Expository Essay on the extent of how environmental factors contribute to the development of criminal behaviour among individuals in North America versus genetic predispositions?

Need to create an expository essay on the topic, which is: To what extent do the interplay of environmental factors, such as socioeconomic status and community resources, and genetic predispositions contribute to the development of criminal behavior among individuals in North America.  Make the thesis clear and obvious – thesis/big take away. thesis is along the lines of: This paper argues […]

Exploring the influence of music manipulation, openness and age on memory performanceExploring the influence of music manipulation, openness and age on memory performance

For the EMA you must submit a single zipped file that contains: • Your project report – consult Weeks 26–28 Study Guide for guidance on structuring your report. The word limit for the report is 5000 words excluding title, reference list and Appendices. • Appendices containing the following documents (all projects): • a copy of […]

Summative Assessment: Power, Persuasion, Obedience, Conformity, and Social RolesSummative Assessment: Power, Persuasion, Obedience, Conformity, and Social Roles

Select 1 of the social experiments that you read about this week (Zimbardo, Asch, Milgram) and identify a current event or situation that similarly illustrates obedience and conformity. Like the social experiments you studied, the event you choose should also raise questions of ethics. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that includes the following: Compare […]

Explore the dynamics of conflict resolution in family relationships, focusing particularly on the period after the birth of a childExplore the dynamics of conflict resolution in family relationships, focusing particularly on the period after the birth of a child

Research proposal. explore the dynamics of conflict resolution in family relationships, focusing particularly on the period after the birth of a child. Formulate two or three research questions for what you are interested in, as I list below: 1. What are the common sources of conflict experienced by couples before and after the birth of […]

Is there an unconscious and if so, what is it, and why is it therapeutically relevant?Is there an unconscious and if so, what is it, and why is it therapeutically relevant?

Assessment Type Reflective Essay Learning Outcome a) Critically review, interpret, integrate, synthesise knowledge of major paradigms associated with counselling and psychotherapy.b) Exercise adaptability and judgment when critically analysing, evaluating and applying the underlying structure of different therapeutic practices.c) Critically apply self-awareness and self-reflexivity to identify specific counselling and psychotherapy approaches that resonate with their own […]

What is the impact of screen time on the development of children within different age groups?What is the impact of screen time on the development of children within different age groups?

LITERATURE REVIEW PAPER FOR RESEARCH QUESTION & HYPOTHESIS (3-4 PAGES) INCLUDE: ABSTRACT, TITLE PAGE, REFERENCES PAGE WITH 3 PEER REVIEWED REFERENCES RESEARCH QUESTION- What is the impact of screen time on the development of children within different age   groups? HYPOTHESIS- Increased screen time in children is negatively associated with their social and emotional development, with […]

Critical analysis of psychoanalytic approaches and individual psychology/adlerian therapyCritical analysis of psychoanalytic approaches and individual psychology/adlerian therapy

Instructions Write a 4- to 5-page, double-spaced paper critically analyzing theoretical approaches presented in this unit: psychoanalytic approaches and individual psychology/Adlerian therapy. The purpose of critical analysis is not merely to inform, but to evaluate the worth, utility, excellence, distinction, and validity of the theories that were introduced within the unit. Include the relevant core […]

Describe what the client may be experiencing in the micro, mezzo, amd macro systemsDescribe what the client may be experiencing in the micro, mezzo, amd macro systems

1. Case Conceptualization Domains: Describe what the client may be experiencing in the micro, mezzo, amd macro systems Micro System Individual (mental health, biologically, medically), Family, Friends Mezzo System Vocational, Local Community/ City, County Macro System State, National 2. What treatment and /or services might you recommend 3. Submit information on #1 and #2 in […]