Discipline: Psychology

Evaluate the Significance of Cultural Competency and Humility in the Ethical Practice of MFTEvaluate the Significance of Cultural Competency and Humility in the Ethical Practice of MFT

For this assignment, you will write a short paper that addresses each of the following topics:  Define cultural competence and cultural humility. Describe the importance of these concepts in your work as a marriage and family therapist. Describe how you plan to develop and maintain cultural competence and cultural humility. (1 page)  Complete the Social […]

Please respond to all 3 posts. 300 words, formatted and cited in the current APA style, with support from at least two academic sources.Please respond to all 3 posts. 300 words, formatted and cited in the current APA style, with support from at least two academic sources.

No Artificial Intelligence   Should be at least 300 words, formatted and cited in the current APA style, with support from at least two academic sources. Post 1:   Please review the Association of Multicultural Counseling & Diversity (AMCD) website at www.amcd-aca.org and report back to the class as follows: Share a multicultural competence that you have learned […]

Critical report on the considerations used by the Criminal Justice System When Dealing with the Testimony of Elderly Victims, Using Cognitive Competence, Credibility and Age.Critical report on the considerations used by the Criminal Justice System When Dealing with the Testimony of Elderly Victims, Using Cognitive Competence, Credibility and Age.

Write a report which communicates the main points of your literature review to a specified audience (the jurors and judges in this case as a guide to further practice). – PLEASE also see the structure in which this report will need to be written in at the end of the page.  Word limit: 4000 words […]

Post-Grief Counselling Course Book Review of How to Live When a Loved One Dies by Thich Nhat Hanh.Post-Grief Counselling Course Book Review of How to Live When a Loved One Dies by Thich Nhat Hanh.

This is a grief counselling course. The instuctions are as follows: Having read one of the books you brought to class on greif & loss/ death& dying, write a 5-6 page description and review, commenting on aspects: 1. the accuracy of the material in terms of current knowledge in the field of thanatology 2. Any […]

Do you think there should be a punishment for pregnant women who consume drugs or alcohol?Do you think there should be a punishment for pregnant women who consume drugs or alcohol?

    Discussion Board Post #1: Beginnings Please review the requirements for discussion board posts that appear in the syllabus and below before posting.   All responses need to be a minimum of 7 sentences and include proper citation of text material (textbook chapter or assigned article only) in the body of the post.  You must incorporate the weekly reading material in your […]

Discussion Forum #2: Theoretical Perspectives- How do we explain the causes of psychological experienceDiscussion Forum #2: Theoretical Perspectives- How do we explain the causes of psychological experience

After reading the relevant pages, please respond to the following discussion prompt: Marie has been feeling “down in the dumps” for the past several months. She has been feeling extremely sad most of the time, has difficulty focusing on tasks, and has been withdrawing from friends and family. She feels hopeless about the future and […]

Define: Science and Pseudoscience. Respond: Why is it important to understand the difference between these two things?Define: Science and Pseudoscience. Respond: Why is it important to understand the difference between these two things?

Please define the two terms listed below and then briefly answer the question. Define each term by first seeking an answer from your book. You will need to be careful gathering definitions from outside your textbooks as sometimes the general definitions do not match up with the field of Psychology and are only partially correct. […]

I will be researching the myth that children from single parent homes are less likely to succeed. My focus will be on college enrollment rates and the success of these children.I will be researching the myth that children from single parent homes are less likely to succeed. My focus will be on college enrollment rates and the success of these children.

This is the topic i choose and what all is expected : Single parent homes – child outcomes and ways to improve outcomes Identify a commonly held belief about single parent homes, and discuss how parenting can impact the development of a psychological concept in children (cognition, self-esteem, personality, morality, relationships, etc.). Find at least 2 […]

Adolescents Living With the Internet: Balancing Benefits and Risks in the Digital AgeAdolescents Living With the Internet: Balancing Benefits and Risks in the Digital Age

The bibliography needs to be based on adolescents living with the internet. thesis statement: The internet, while offering valuable educational resources, poses significant risks to adolescents by contributing to increased screen time, distractions and potential mental health issues, raising concerns about its overall impact on their developments. Research question: how does internet usage impact adolescents […]