From your reading so far of Indigenous worldviews, philosophies and perspectives, define Indigenous relationality. Discuss what you learnt about Indigenous people in this subject and how this relates to your own understanding of self. Reflect on how this might be applied in your professional career at the completion of your degree. You should focus on one key topic area of your learning for […]
Discipline: Psychology
Instructional Objectives and Assessment/Student Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in InstructionInstructional Objectives and Assessment/Student Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Instruction
C: Instructional Objectives and Assessment: Design a follow-up in-class activity to a lesson you observed that is designed to support and formatively assess the achievement of two learning objectives according to Bloom’s taxonomy. For this activity, include two learning objectives (one lower-order and one higher-order of Bloom’s taxonomy) and explain how these objectives are an […]
You have applied for an internship at a local psychology magazine publisher. All new employees are required to take the Myers-Briggs personality test prior to starting work.You have applied for an internship at a local psychology magazine publisher. All new employees are required to take the Myers-Briggs personality test prior to starting work.
My personality type is adventurer. Discuss your results in a 700 word paper. You should reflect upon the following questions: What are personality tests used for? What is the Myers-Briggs personality test? How does it measure personality? According to your results, what is your MBTI personality type? Do you agree with your results? Why or […]
choosing two theorists and providing a brief biography on each of their particular theories. I will provide three but you can choose the two you prefer.choosing two theorists and providing a brief biography on each of their particular theories. I will provide three but you can choose the two you prefer.
The follwing is 99% of what my professor wrote . I added a few detail for clarification puposes. Please let me know if you need anything.Due Saturday, April 19th by 11:59 PMTERM PAPER:You will be required to write a 4-6 page paper (double-spaced, font size 12, 1” margins) choosing two theorists and providing a brief […]
What factors influence sexual decision-making and risk-taking among adolescent lesbians?What factors influence sexual decision-making and risk-taking among adolescent lesbians?
Below, you will find the assignment details, my question and the 6 sources I chose. Attached to this, youll find a PDF labeled “Format/Writing to follow” Which is a paper my professor gave us as an example of how he wants our personal paper formatted and written/the language it should be in. The second pdf […]
Noncontingent attention delivered by parent to reduce attention seeking behehaviors in the home, field of applied behavior analysisNoncontingent attention delivered by parent to reduce attention seeking behehaviors in the home, field of applied behavior analysis
Problem within applied behavior analysis: “The proposed study will examine practical ways to thin the schedule of NCR (attention function) (over five minutes), without extinction, implemented by Parents, to reduce attention-seeking behaviors, in the home setting.” 1) Gap in the literature Present an analysis of a gap in alignment with the problem and placed […]
Improving Early Childhood Emotional Intelligence through Traditional “Balogo” Games in Kindergartens By: Manda, Darman; Fajriani, Kartika; Darmayanti, Dyan Paramitha Manda, D., Fajriani, K., & Darmayanti, D. P.Improving Early Childhood Emotional Intelligence through Traditional “Balogo” Games in Kindergartens By: Manda, Darman; Fajriani, Kartika; Darmayanti, Dyan Paramitha Manda, D., Fajriani, K., & Darmayanti, D. P.
Article Review The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize you with current research, library resources, standards of writing, and APA format. For this assignment, you will need to find a scholarly article through the library database in the field of Psychology that relates to child or adolescent development. The article you choose must be […]
Psilocybin with psychological support for treatment-resistant depression: an open-label feasibility studyPsilocybin with psychological support for treatment-resistant depression: an open-label feasibility study
For this assignment, you are required to write a 2 page (600 words of content) reaction paper on your thoughts while reading the assigned article for the week. Briefly summarize the article (1 or 2 paragraphs). Then, you could write about what you found interesting, what surprised you, discuss how the content relates to the […]
formulate 5 interview questions to be asked a 3 years (Toddler) and 15 years old(Adolescent)formulate 5 interview questions to be asked a 3 years (Toddler) and 15 years old(Adolescent)
Imagine we will make an observation and then arrange an interview of two different subjects from two separate ages. Toddlerhood. (3 years old) Adolescent years. (15 years old) · formulate 5 interview questions that you will ask both of your subjects.
giving children who where abused , neglected, abandoned, and displaced a chance at a better lifegiving children who where abused , neglected, abandoned, and displaced a chance at a better life
Why are you pursuing your career of choice? Do you feel you have adequately researched this avenue? What steps could you take to be a better candidate for the jobs you wish to pursue? SUBMIT DQ RESPONSE to help other children and adolescents who are abused, neglected, abandoned, and displaced children like myself deserve a […]