Discipline: Public administration

Research Sites for a Capstone Project: Cultural Transition Guide: Top 10 Things for Vietnamese Immigrants in Pinellas CountyResearch Sites for a Capstone Project: Cultural Transition Guide: Top 10 Things for Vietnamese Immigrants in Pinellas County

Research Sites Contained within this module is a requirement that you post a minimum of five research sites that you have used for your Capstone Case Study Project. Verify, verify, verify that the information you are receiving and using is, in fact, accurate. “Garbage in is garbage out.” In other words, your credibility is often […]

Analysis of the Agency’s Policies, Procedures, and Plans Regarding Unions, Privatization, Pensions, and ProductivityAnalysis of the Agency’s Policies, Procedures, and Plans Regarding Unions, Privatization, Pensions, and Productivity

Preparation Scenario for Assignments Please note, the assignments in this course build upon one another. For these assignments, you will take on the role of a consultant for a government agency. Your consulting firm has been asked by the agency to conduct research, compile a report, and provide recommendations for improvement of their personnel management […]

Provide a supportive response of a minimum of 250 words and with at least two (2) references, to a submitted paragraphProvide a supportive response of a minimum of 250 words and with at least two (2) references, to a submitted paragraph

Provide a supportive response of a minimum of 250 words and with at least two (2) references, to the following: Public opinion should always be a part of making decisions and problem solving. In the age we live in, people feel like they should have a voice. If a person was to take this away, […]

When researching and solving public problems, should the public administrator use public opinion when making decisions?When researching and solving public problems, should the public administrator use public opinion when making decisions?

In Shafritz & Hyde’s textbook, Wilson (1887/2017) states, “Wherever regard for public opinion is a first  principle of government, practical reform must be slow, and all reform must be full of compromise. For wherever public opinion exists, it must rule”. When researching and solving public problems, should the public administrator use public opinion  when making […]

Analysis of the Agency’s Policies, Procedures and Plans Regarding Unions,Privation,Pension, and ProductivityAnalysis of the Agency’s Policies, Procedures and Plans Regarding Unions,Privation,Pension, and Productivity

Write a 4–6 page paper, titled “Analysis of the Agency’s Policies, Procedures, and Plans Regarding Unions, Privatization, Pensions, and Productivity,” in which you: Determine whether your selected agency should have union representation. Defend your position with at least two reasons (title this section “The Agency and Unions”). Determine whether your selected agency should privatize its […]

Working 2.5 full time jobs: How non-sworn employees jobs increased without representation in payWorking 2.5 full time jobs: How non-sworn employees jobs increased without representation in pay

Students will create an applied project based on an actual public administration issue relevant to their current (or former) workplace or profession. It should be an examination of a particular public administration issue that is relevant to operational practice and performance, and which has a potential solution(s). From that perspective, the project should be prepared […]

Federal scheduling of cannabis and how it introduces administrative, policy, and organizational challenges within the VHA system, creating barriers for veterans in need of cannabis treatment.Federal scheduling of cannabis and how it introduces administrative, policy, and organizational challenges within the VHA system, creating barriers for veterans in need of cannabis treatment.

This is not a paper but information to support a bigger paper in which additional case studies are needed to support or not support changing the Classification of Cannabis allowing the VA to provide alternative pain therapies to veterans. This is a DOCUMENT ANALYSIS of those case studies that you find that need summarizing, visualizing, […]

Resume Draft for a Capstone Project: Cultural Transition Guide: Top 10 Things for Vietnamese Immigrants in Pinellas CountyResume Draft for a Capstone Project: Cultural Transition Guide: Top 10 Things for Vietnamese Immigrants in Pinellas County

Resumes are in a “constant state of flux” as to myriad of information required, the terminology used, and the technology available. What you write on a resume today could well not be the format accepted in the near future. Take the time to seek professional help to draft your resume. Check with SPC’s Learning Resources for those […]

Organization Overview for a Capstone Project: Cultural Transition Guide: Top 10 Things for Vietnamese Immigrants in Pinellas CountyOrganization Overview for a Capstone Project: Cultural Transition Guide: Top 10 Things for Vietnamese Immigrants in Pinellas County

Organization Overview This topic deals with the organization as a whole and the hierarchy of those involved in your case study – internal and external. Departmentalization Chain of Command Span of Control Centralization or Decentralization Work Specialization Degree of Formalization Your overview can be displayed within an organizational chart that easily and clearly shows the […]

Diplomacy/Public Relations Plan for a Capstone Project: Cultural Transition Guide: Top 10 Things for Vietnamese Immigrants in Pinellas CountyDiplomacy/Public Relations Plan for a Capstone Project: Cultural Transition Guide: Top 10 Things for Vietnamese Immigrants in Pinellas County

Diplomacy/Public Relations Plan When we get to this point in our Capstone Course, it begins to seem like there is a lot of common overlap and redundancy within the module exercises. In reality, there is a distinct difference, albeit subtle in some cases. By completing each module to the best of your ability, your Capstone […]