Discipline: Public administration

Revolutionizing Roads: Paving the Way for Sustainable Transportation Funding in Florida’s Local Governments: A Comprehensive Exploration of Alternative Revenue Streams to Fuel the Future of Florida’s Transportation InfrastructureRevolutionizing Roads: Paving the Way for Sustainable Transportation Funding in Florida’s Local Governments: A Comprehensive Exploration of Alternative Revenue Streams to Fuel the Future of Florida’s Transportation Infrastructure

Please continue draft of paper- focusing on alternative funding sources for local transportation projects in Florida by adopting EV tariffs and legalized marijuana tax revenue. Need research to show how other states have benefited and how it could be used in Florida.  https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Explaining-Transportation-Funding-Ballot-Measure-Herrman/3e6e19e00ea96139e4998be4bddacf5f30b63e0a https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Innovative-transportation-funding-and-financing-Li-Moore/b6312d5b4d236a2083796550af9fd8d2d33bfbfd  https://pluginamerica.org/policy/ev-road-usage-fees/ https://www.urban.org/policy-centers/cross-center-initiatives/state-and-local-finance-initiative/state-and-local-backgrounders/highway-and-road-expenditures https://www.crainsdetroit.com/government/cannabis-vs-road-costs-tax-money-unlikely-be-panacea-pavement

Free Speech and the Challenges Presented by Hate Speech in the Public or Non-Profit SectorFree Speech and the Challenges Presented by Hate Speech in the Public or Non-Profit Sector

  A research paper is based on research and data – not personal opinion. The appropriate writing style and tone are important in academic papers. Accordingly, avoid, • Informal and imprecise language. Do not write the way that you speak. • Contractions (e.g., doesn’t, can’t, isn’t) and etc. • Colloquialisms. (Used in or characteristic of […]

compare and contrast the political and the legal approaches to public administration.compare and contrast the political and the legal approaches to public administration.

With academic research [requirement above], in APA 7th formatting with 3 to 4, but no more than 5 pages of writing, compare and contrast the political and the legal approaches to public administration.  Be sure to include a APA 7th student title page, an Introduction with a thesis sentence, 3 to 4 main points and […]

Case Study: Local Executive Use of Organizational Funds to Finance Extramarital AffairCase Study: Local Executive Use of Organizational Funds to Finance Extramarital Affair


RESEARCH QUESTION-“The Impact Of International Human Rights Law On Reducing Human Rights Violations By Law Enforcement In The United States”RESEARCH QUESTION-“The Impact Of International Human Rights Law On Reducing Human Rights Violations By Law Enforcement In The United States”

Concept Paper: Research Question Assignment Instructions    Overview  You will write a research question(s) with one- or two-paragraphs explaining the question(s) in current APA format that lays the foundation for a clear, feasible, significant, and ethical research proposal.  Instructions  Explain the assignment in detail. Specify the exact requirements of the assignment. Items to include are outlined as follows:  ·    The Research Question Assignment should […]

looking for 5 research news and summarize with my requirments Course about Public Managementlooking for 5 research news and summarize with my requirments Course about Public Management

This assignment is spread among Modules 4-8 with the goal of supporting continuous research during the next five weeks. Your Literature Review Part 1 should be 3-4 pages in length. Consult the rubric below to learn how your review will be graded.  Details: Based on the research question and dependent and independent variable(s) presented in […]

“Fastly Internet Outage Exposes Vulnerability of Major Websites; Ransomware Is a Worldwide Problem: Palo Alto Networks”“Fastly Internet Outage Exposes Vulnerability of Major Websites; Ransomware Is a Worldwide Problem: Palo Alto Networks”

 Video 1   Fastly Internet Outage Exposes Vulnerability of Major Websites https://mediaplayer.pearsoncmg.com/assets/_video.true/HE_ProfCareers-IT-2023-laudon_emis15e-internet_outage_exposes_vulnerability  Video 2  Ransomware Is a Worldwide Problem: Palo Alto Networks https://mediaplayer.pearsoncmg.com/assets/_video.true/HE_ProfCareers-IT-2023-laudon_emis15e-ransomware_worldwide_problem After reading chapter 8, click on the links above to video the 2 Video Case Studies: “Fastly Internet Outage Exposes Vulnerability of Major Websites” and “Ransomware Is a Worldwide Problem: Palo Alto Networks” […]

Public/Private Comparison for a Capstone Project: Cultural Transition Guide: Top 10 Things for Vietnamese Immigrants in Pinellas CountyPublic/Private Comparison for a Capstone Project: Cultural Transition Guide: Top 10 Things for Vietnamese Immigrants in Pinellas County

Government is constantly being tasked with doing more with less, and in some instances less with less. They are always in competition with private industry and are often asked to compare services to see who is more efficient and more effective. Given that the two have different ideologies as to their reason for being, this […]

Capstone Project: Cultural Transition Guide: Top 10 Things for Vietnamese Immigrants in Pinellas CountyCapstone Project: Cultural Transition Guide: Top 10 Things for Vietnamese Immigrants in Pinellas County

Marketing Plan Marketing plans are customized to the Capstone Project. There is no one template that works for all. At the minimum, students are expected to: Utilize your four step policy analysis to identify stakeholders. Recognize the importance of education, communication, and cooperation. How are you going to connect with your stakeholders? Know you audience. […]

A Capstone Project: Cultural Transition Guide: Top 10 Things for Vietnamese Immigrants in Pinellas CountyA Capstone Project: Cultural Transition Guide: Top 10 Things for Vietnamese Immigrants in Pinellas County

The findings from your Stakeholder Survey are a cornerstone of your Capstone Project. Discuss the findings from your Stakeholder Survey by addressing the following  four questions: Who did you send this survey to? (What was your sample?) How did your sample help provide you with relevant and useful information (data) for your Capstone Project? Was […]