Discipline: Public administration

In this assignment, you will interview a Public Administrator. How do they define professionalism and model ethical behavior and leadership within their organization?In this assignment, you will interview a Public Administrator. How do they define professionalism and model ethical behavior and leadership within their organization?

  In this assignment, you will interview a Public Administrator. How do they define professionalism and model ethical behavior and leadership within their organization? Discuss the Public Administrator’s view on the role in promoting organizational ethics and whether it has changed over time. How do the interviewee’s answers align with the organization’s mission, goals, and […]

OP-ED – Global Influences and Local Policies Due: Thu Feb 8, 2024 9:00pmDue: Thu Feb 8, 2024 9:00pmOP-ED – Global Influences and Local Policies Due: Thu Feb 8, 2024 9:00pmDue: Thu Feb 8, 2024 9:00pm

Overview As the world experiences increasing ties through migration, communications, trade, and cultural contacts, global issues frequently become local ones. The COVID-19 pandemic is a good example of a worldwide crisis that has required local and state governmental authorities to make policies in response, from mask requirements to business closures to online schools. Local responses […]

The Only SOP needed by Army S1’s A master’s capstone project Submitted to the Faculty of American Public University SystemThe Only SOP needed by Army S1’s A master’s capstone project Submitted to the Faculty of American Public University System

Must address at least one of our current program objectives Title Page exactly as in End of Program Capstone Manual but noting a Project instead of thesis University publication license/copyright page Dedication (optional) Acknowledgement (optional) Abstract with correct title heading Table of Contents Dot leaders Left justified Double spaced between entries Make sure to list […]

Cultural Transition Guide: Top 10 Things for Vietnamese Immigrants in Pinellas CountyCultural Transition Guide: Top 10 Things for Vietnamese Immigrants in Pinellas County

Surveys are a cornerstone of your Capstone Project. The purpose of the Stakeholder Survey is to add value to your Capstone Project by reaching a larger group of individuals. Since you will be asking a larger group (the sample) more diverse data may result. In most cases whatever group you choose to sample will be […]

The Impact Theory and the Initial Design of the Logic Model for Meals on Wheels AmericaThe Impact Theory and the Initial Design of the Logic Model for Meals on Wheels America

This assignment has two parts. 1.      In a few sentences to a paragraph, come up with a brief impact theory in narrative form, where you convey how Meals on Wheels America’s activities will translate to its outcomes. You could look up studies that have evaluated the kinds of services offered by the program, mention social scientific […]

Read Case 4.1: “Differences in Organizational Culture: Is the FBI from Mars and the CIA from Venus?”Read Case 4.1: “Differences in Organizational Culture: Is the FBI from Mars and the CIA from Venus?”

Review the FBI website AND the CIA website to see what can be gleaned about the culture of each organization. As you review both sites, consider the following questions: ADDRESS ALL THESE QUESTIONS IN NARRATIVE FORM IN YOUR PAPER!  What are the historical roots of the different organizational and behavioral cultures in the FBI and the CIA? How do these cultures […]

PADM 805: complete a library search and find one quantitative and one qualitative article related to “DSP job crisis in new York “.PADM 805: complete a library search and find one quantitative and one qualitative article related to “DSP job crisis in new York “.

Using the Jerry Falwell Library, complete a library search and find one quantitative and one qualitative article related to “DSP job crisis in new York “. In your discussion, write one quantitative and one qualitative abstract of two research          studies found in your online search. For this exercise, please select a research article […]

PADM 810: Explain how survey research has been used to support and analyze policy decisions by public administrators.PADM 810: Explain how survey research has been used to support and analyze policy decisions by public administrators.

Survey research has become an important component of the public agency data analyst’s toolbox. Explain how           survey   research has been used to support and analyze policy decisions by public administrators. ***Please utilize the attached reading materials into the assignment. you must support your assertions with ideas and citations from all Learn […]

PADM 710-Research Paper: Challenges and Biblical Principles in Managing InformationPADM 710-Research Paper: Challenges and Biblical Principles in Managing Information

Research Paper: Challenges and Biblical Principles in Managing Information Assignment    Instructions Overview Technology brings significant risks and challenges along with its benefits. Wise public administrators need   to know about those risks and constantly be vigilant to prevent misuse of information by themselves, their organizations, or external forces. Instructions This paper focuses on the stakeholders […]

article by Leonard D. White, Introduction to the Study of Public Administration,article by Leonard D. White, Introduction to the Study of Public Administration,

The article by Leonard D. White, Introduction to the Study of Public Administration, is considered one of the most influential writings in the field of public administration. In this assignment, you will create a critique of the article. Instructions: Your paper must include: 1. An introduction (describe the article you are critiquing). 2. Identify the […]