Discipline: Public administration

Module 3 Assessment—Orientation Presentation for Emergency Preparedness for Special Needs PopulationsModule 3 Assessment—Orientation Presentation for Emergency Preparedness for Special Needs Populations

The Assignment: 15–20 narrated PowerPoint slides, not including title slide and reference slide(s) (Galveston Texas ) Create a narrated video PowerPoint presentation that includes the following: Title slide (i.e., title of your presentation, your name, Week 9 Module 3 Assessment submission date, and course number and title) Part 1: Emergency Manager Role Introduce yourself Explain […]

African American students being misdiagnosed as having behavior disorders or learning disabilities.African American students being misdiagnosed as having behavior disorders or learning disabilities.

Week 8 (April 29, 2024)  Research Proposal Report Task:  Students will demonstrate a consistent understanding of research methodology  consistent with course objectives to develop a research proposal submitted in an  American Psychological Association (APA) cited research report. Due date: May 8, 2024

E-government Services and the Relationship of Trust and Satisfaction in CitizensE-government Services and the Relationship of Trust and Satisfaction in Citizens

format  Introduce the contemporary topic/issue and research question (How do digital innovations in e-government services influence the relationship between governments and citizens, in regards to trust and public satisfaction?) Literature review  Theoretical framework of your research question based upon the literature review Discussion of how the theorists, journal articles in literature review, would address your […]

creating a facility where resources are provided to the unhoused population in the City of La Mesa,San Diegocreating a facility where resources are provided to the unhoused population in the City of La Mesa,San Diego

The topic is about creating a facility where resources are provided to the unhoused population in the City of La Mesa,San Diego. To create a safe space to receive necessary resources in one location. The County of San Diego: Health and Human Services Agency is the sponsoring agency that leads the efforts on this topic. […]

The Ethical and Economic Implications of Government-Run Lotteries On Public BudgetingThe Ethical and Economic Implications of Government-Run Lotteries On Public Budgeting

THE PAPER IS MOSTLY COMPLETE.  PLEASE EDIT THE PAPER FOR THIS FEEDBACK GIVEN: Hi  , this is more than great for the intermediate draft. I have three suggestions: (1) you may want to trim some parts to make your paper more coherent; for example, you mentioned interviews and also comparative analyses from three different countries; perhaps […]

Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia organ penting ATAU sumber undang-undang di Malaysia yang mengamalkan kerajaan demokrasi berparlimen dan raja berperlembagaan.Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia organ penting ATAU sumber undang-undang di Malaysia yang mengamalkan kerajaan demokrasi berparlimen dan raja berperlembagaan.

Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia organ penting ATAU sumber undang-undang di Malaysia yang mengamalkan kerajaan demokrasi berparlimen dan raja berperlembagaan. Huraikan isu-isu dan penyelesaiannya bersama citation. Sokong jawapan anda dengan merujuk kepada peruntukan undang-undang dan kes-kes yang diputuskan oleh mahkamah.

Student should select: 1) One (01) concrete real-life environmental case that is a problem and/or crime. 2) Two (02) sources treating the chosen event/case. These choices have to be used for Step 02, described below.Student should select: 1) One (01) concrete real-life environmental case that is a problem and/or crime. 2) Two (02) sources treating the chosen event/case. These choices have to be used for Step 02, described below.

each Student should select: 1) One (01) concrete real-life environmental case that is a problem and/or crime. 2) Two (02) sources treating the chosen event/case. These choices have to be used for Step 02, described below. And they have to be done following the guidelines provided here.

Critically compare and contrast Herbert Simon’s Comprehensive and Bounded Rationality models of decision making. Infuse as many practical examples and illustrations as possible.Critically compare and contrast Herbert Simon’s Comprehensive and Bounded Rationality models of decision making. Infuse as many practical examples and illustrations as possible.

Number of pages- 5-6 typed pages excluding bibliography and cover page Font type- Times Roman Font size-12 Spacing-1.5

a memo to a City Manager from a Department Director recommending implementing a new City policy.a memo to a City Manager from a Department Director recommending implementing a new City policy.

Topic: Implementing a new City policy on working from home options  Follow the instruction provided :  https://law.stanford.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Policy-Memo-Guidelines-2.pdf  Example of the memo:  https://mitcommlab.mit.edu/broad/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2017/12/Policy-Memo-AAE-1-Light.png Please create the memo the same as the example provided.  THANK YOU !