Discipline: Religion and Theology

Explain the development of Judaism via Yawehism and why circumcision and the covenant are important to this development.Explain the development of Judaism via Yawehism and why circumcision and the covenant are important to this development.

Paper must be roughly 750 words. Do not worry about being exact, just be around that number. Don’t add useless words to make word count. State your point very clearly. I must be able to understand what you’re saying. Some of you may not be speaking English as a first language and that is absolutely […]

Argument against orchestra and choir practice on the Sabbath of the 4th commandmentArgument against orchestra and choir practice on the Sabbath of the 4th commandment

Use Bible texts, Ellen G White references, personal convictions of well known orchestra condutors and choir leaders that refuse to hold regular orchestra and choir practice on the Sabbath of the 4th commanment.  Argue that the following texts do not stated in context do not support regular orchestra and choir practice on the Sabbath: 2 […]

The Biblical perspective that orchestra practice on the Sabbath of the 4th commandment, 7th day of the week, is considered work and not a good Sabbath activity and that such activity for kids is stressful and burdensome.The Biblical perspective that orchestra practice on the Sabbath of the 4th commandment, 7th day of the week, is considered work and not a good Sabbath activity and that such activity for kids is stressful and burdensome.

Argue for not having orchestra practice on the sabbath based on Bible verses, Ellen G. White writings and professional orchestra conductors and maybe choir conductors that did not condome Sabbath practices. Explain the following Bible verses in context, 2 Chronicles 23:8, 1 Chronicles 25:6-8, Mathew  12:5, Joshua 9:3, Leviticus 23:24-26.  Generally make an argument that […]

RESEARCH TOPIC: the significance of the night of decree (laylat al qadr) in islamic eschatology.RESEARCH TOPIC: the significance of the night of decree (laylat al qadr) in islamic eschatology.

RESEARCH TOPIC: the significance of the night of decree (laylat al qadr) in islamic eschatology.   All sources should be academic at least 5 sources, + in text citations (Can use Quraan , “Hadith” if needed).  AI tool is not allowed to be used, and i will check it thoroughly to be sure that it isn’t […]

RESEARCH TOPIC: the significance of the night of decree “Laylat Al qadr” in Islamic eschatology.RESEARCH TOPIC: the significance of the night of decree “Laylat Al qadr” in Islamic eschatology.

RESEARCH TOPIC: the significance of the night of decree (laylat al qadr) in islamic eschatology.   All sources should be academic at least 5 sources, + in text citations (Can use Quran , “Hadith” if needed). AI tool is not allowed to be used, and i will check it thoroughly to be sure that it isn’t […]

our third assessment is a critical exercise in examining material culture of religion. Your task is to choose a religious, ritual, or sacred object and think about how that material object is used in a religious setting.our third assessment is a critical exercise in examining material culture of religion. Your task is to choose a religious, ritual, or sacred object and think about how that material object is used in a religious setting.

Choose a religious object that you would like to write your field report on. This can either be an object that you or your friends and family owns, or an object in a museum or gallery. Be as creative and inventive as you like – what do you think is a “religious object”? Examples include: […]

Discuss how a catholic school leader is seen to be both integral and prophetic in assisting students, parents and parish in identifying some of the signs of the times in the church’s ongoing mission of Evangelisation.Discuss how a catholic school leader is seen to be both integral and prophetic in assisting students, parents and parish in identifying some of the signs of the times in the church’s ongoing mission of Evangelisation.

Type of assessment: Individual discussion paper  Task description: The current Bishops Mandate Letter (2009-2015) is to be replaced in the near future by a new Bishops’ Mandate Letter. You have been selected by the Catholic Bishops of Western Australia to contribute your perspective on the future formation of Catholic school communities.  The Bishops have asked […]

A Comparative Analysis of Quakerism, Lutheranism, and Methodism, but focus mainly on highlighting QuakerismA Comparative Analysis of Quakerism, Lutheranism, and Methodism, but focus mainly on highlighting Quakerism

Write eight pages that research and support of George Fox’s Quakerism, while comparing and contrasting it to Martin Luther’s Lutheranism, and and John Wesley’s Methodist movement. Create a clear thesis statement within the first paragraph of the paper in support of Quakerism over Lutheranism or Methodism. Throughout the paper, use at least two quotations from […]

“Unveiling the Theological Tapestry of Imago Dei: A Multifaceted Exploration of Human Identity and Purpose”“Unveiling the Theological Tapestry of Imago Dei: A Multifaceted Exploration of Human Identity and Purpose”

Students will submit a 2500–3000-word research paper, not including footnotes and bibliography, focusing on a one topic covered in this course. This paper should contain a cover page, introduction, body, conclusion, and bibliography. A minimum of 7 reputable academic sources beyond the course textbooks are required.  As the name suggests, the paper should be a […]

Comparing and/or contrasting aspects from the letters or correspondence between Elisabeth of Schonau and Hildegard of Bingen with any of the other texts to find 2 textual connections between Schonau and any other woman writersComparing and/or contrasting aspects from the letters or correspondence between Elisabeth of Schonau and Hildegard of Bingen with any of the other texts to find 2 textual connections between Schonau and any other woman writers

  Students may opt to write a brief 1.5 to 2 page paper comparing and/or contrasting aspects from the letters or correspondence between Elisabth of Schonau and Hildegard of Bingen (which can be found in *Women’s Writings on Christian Spirituality,* pp. 26-37) with any of the other texts written by women writers we have already […]