Discipline: Religion and Theology

CRITIQUE on: Christianity’s Dangerous Idea: The Protestant Revolution—A History from the Sixteenth Century to the Twenty-FirstCRITIQUE on: Christianity’s Dangerous Idea: The Protestant Revolution—A History from the Sixteenth Century to the Twenty-First

You are to use Christianity’s Dangerous Idea: The Protestant Revolution—A History from the Sixteenth Century to the Twenty-First as your text for the book critique assignment. Read the book carefully and write a review of 700—1,000 words. In terms of style the review should be modeled after Keith E. Johnson’s review of Cyril of Alexandria’s […]

Which is the superior conception of faith—James or Clifford’s? Or, do you have your own conception of faith which you think is superior to both?Which is the superior conception of faith—James or Clifford’s? Or, do you have your own conception of faith which you think is superior to both?

For this assignment, you should, at a minimum: (a) explain James’ view of faith, (b) explain why Clifford would reject it, (c) explain Clifford’s view of faith, and (d) argue either that (i) one of these views is superior to the other or (ii) your own view of faith is superior to both. The nature […]

For this assignment, you are to define the term worldview (75 – 100 words). You are writing a research paper, so this assignment should be written in paragraph format.For this assignment, you are to define the term worldview (75 – 100 words). You are writing a research paper, so this assignment should be written in paragraph format.

For this assignment, you are to define the term worldview (75 – 100 words). You are writing a research paper, so this assignment should be written in paragraph format.   • Cover page – This is the first page to be included in your paper. (This should be formatted according to the style (APA, MLA, […]

How did the Quran’s message radically alter the ethical and religious worldview of the pre-Islamic Arabs?How did the Quran’s message radically alter the ethical and religious worldview of the pre-Islamic Arabs?

Carefully read “The Islamization of Old Arab Virtues” by Toshihiko Izutsu (attached titled: articles in quranic studies page 1-15) and answer the following question: How did the Quran’s message radically alter the ethical and religious worldview of the pre-Islamic Arabs?  1. Your paper should be six full pages in length, double spaced, and written in […]

Consider the reading and viewing material this week, and discuss what you consider to be the core essential beliefs that comprise ChristianityConsider the reading and viewing material this week, and discuss what you consider to be the core essential beliefs that comprise Christianity

There are many people and groups who claim to be Christian and yet disagree on any number of things. Yet, Myers and Noebel (2019) in our textbook, Understanding the Times, quote noted atheist Christopher Hitchens as saying, “I would say that if you don’t believe that Jesus was the Messiah, and that he rose again […]

Solution-Focused Pastoral Counseling: An Effective Short-Term Approach for Getting People Back on Track Synopsis DiscussionSolution-Focused Pastoral Counseling: An Effective Short-Term Approach for Getting People Back on Track Synopsis Discussion

These are the directions that I received for this assignment: Write a synopsis discussion on the Kollar text giving evidence of comprehension of the book and demonstrating constructive critical interaction with text and its concepts. The synopsis should include the following: A brief description of the book’s theme and basic subject matter (do not recite […]

Strategic Pastoral Counseling: A Short-term Structured Model Synopsis DiscussionStrategic Pastoral Counseling: A Short-term Structured Model Synopsis Discussion

 These are the instructions that I was given for the assignment: Write a synopsis discussion on the Benner text giving evidence of comprehension of the book and demonstrating constructive critical interaction with text and its concepts. The synopsis should include the following: A brief description of the book’s theme and basic subject matter (do not […]


How American/Western Churches Dealing Second Generation Immigrant        I.         Introduction – the Problem of      II.         Literature – (What they say) ·      Definition  ·      Multicultural Church – (5-6 sources) ·      Immigration (2nd Gen) – (5-6 sources) ·       Multigeneration – (5-6 sources)   III.        The  Issue  ·      How can apply or what is the positive and negative?  ·      What is the issue? ·      What can we learn […]

Reflective essay defining the importance of corporate spiritual disciplines within their livesReflective essay defining the importance of corporate spiritual disciplines within their lives

The essay should integrate previous reflections from Origen’s writings and at least three additional works that deal with corporate spiritual disciplines. The reflective essay represents half of the course grade. As graduate students, the three additional works on the corporate spiritual disciplines should be of a substantially high quality academic value, and not something you […]