Discipline: Religion and Theology

How have American Jews synthesized their Jewishness (inclusive of religion) with American values and how have they distinguished their Jewishness from American values? Where have the points of conflict between these two sets of values resided?How have American Jews synthesized their Jewishness (inclusive of religion) with American values and how have they distinguished their Jewishness from American values? Where have the points of conflict between these two sets of values resided?

answer this question in essay format: How have American Jews synthesized their Jewishness (inclusive of religion) with American values and how have they distinguished their Jewishness from American values? Where have the points of conflict between these two sets of values resided? Use this source if possible (chapter 3 only):  Diner, Hasia R. The Jews […]

volutionary Approaches: Edward B. Tyler Pals, Introducing Religion, pp.1-17.volutionary Approaches: Edward B. Tyler Pals, Introducing Religion, pp.1-17.

It is imperative to understand the arguments of the theorists we will study. You should have a head start on this before you come to class. Doing so will enable us to delve deeper into the theorists’ arguments during class time and will also allow us to engage in the important task of reflecting critically on their […]

Given what you know and have learned about discipleship why is it absolutely nesscary for the church the body of Christ to emphasize and engage in the discipleship process more than were doing?Given what you know and have learned about discipleship why is it absolutely nesscary for the church the body of Christ to emphasize and engage in the discipleship process more than were doing?

Topic-Given what you know and have learned about discipleship why is it absolutely nesscary for the church the body of christ to emphasise and engage in the discipleship process more than were doing? Gallaty, Robby. 2015. Rediscovering Discipleship, Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.  ISBN: 978-0-310-52128-0. based of chapters 1-3

A discussion forum: How does the portrayal of Esther’s character contribute to our understanding of the role of women in the Old Testament?A discussion forum: How does the portrayal of Esther’s character contribute to our understanding of the role of women in the Old Testament?

Make a 300-500 word post in Forum 2 answering the following questions:How does the portrayal of Esther’s character contribute to our understanding of the role of women in the Old Testament? What are the unique features of Esther’s story that make her an important figure for the study of women in the Bible? In what […]

The love of God compels us to fulfill our undeniable need to treat every person as our neighbor, regardless of their background, including foreign workers who experience the injustice of discrimination, refugees, and individuals facing starvation.The love of God compels us to fulfill our undeniable need to treat every person as our neighbor, regardless of their background, including foreign workers who experience the injustice of discrimination, refugees, and individuals facing starvation.

Course Description The course will provide a translucent entry into the complex reality called Catholicism. It will explicate the basics, which form the foundation of Catholic theology, against which everything else is either explained or judged. We will investigate the history, worship, moral action, views of the Church and ways of life present in Catholicism. […]

Rolheiser, The Problem of Unbelief Among Believers Rolheiser, The Problem of Unbelief Among BelieversRolheiser, The Problem of Unbelief Among Believers Rolheiser, The Problem of Unbelief Among Believers

Review Rolheiser’s retelling of Nietzsche’s parable of the shattered lantern (pp. 19, 20). Then, after reflecting upon your own religious life or what you may have observed about the religious lives of others, comment on Rolheiser’s assessment of Nietzsche’s claim that it is the modern believer, rather than the atheist or agnostic, who has “killed […]

the Egyption government done to curb sectarian violence regarding inter-religious marriage and conversionsthe Egyption government done to curb sectarian violence regarding inter-religious marriage and conversions

What has the Egyption government done to curb sectarian violence regarding inter-religious marriage and conversions? Unfortunately, Egypt continues to experience bouts of interreligious sectarian conflict between Muslims and Copts. The three main reasons causing these occasional eruptions is interreligious marriage, church construction, and conversion, all of which are issues affecting both communities in Egypt (Bontrager, […]

Chart & Summary; use POETIC Analysis Chart to analyze both Jer 22:13-19 and 31:1-14 and write the summary essayChart & Summary; use POETIC Analysis Chart to analyze both Jer 22:13-19 and 31:1-14 and write the summary essay

 poetic Chart on the two Jeremiah texts, and the Summary Essay on these texts here (4-5 single-spaced pgs for Chart, 4-5 double-spaced pgs for Essay = 8-9 pgs total.  Please complete the first biblical text fully on the Chart, then move to complete the second biblical text under it, on the Chart (so you will have one document with the Chart). Similarly, in […]

How did the Move from Persecution to Patronage Shape the Understanding and Practice of the Church?How did the Move from Persecution to Patronage Shape the Understanding and Practice of the Church?

Please ensure you produce a compelling argument for this answer. Use the Original sources ALOT and also make use of the secondary sources when forming your answer. Again, its necessary for you to make sure you are going in depth with your answers. Using references to back up your points, as well as quotes from […]

c. A book review of a section of study material related to this module (approximately 30 pages; please mind APA).c. A book review of a section of study material related to this module (approximately 30 pages; please mind APA).

I have to write a book review, BUT not of an entire book. It has to be only  about a section of the book.(up to 30 pages)  Its for Master’s level but I would like for you to write it on a lower level e.g. highschool  level ( in regular English)  because when I get […]