In developing a biblically founded, theologically consistent leadership style, it is helpful to prepare a mission and vision statement of how you will lead. Using Appendix C in Overcoming the Dark Side of Leadership, as well as consulting with your ministry supervisor, you will develop a Leadership Constitution. In a 1,250-1,500-word essay, address the following: Personal biblical […]
Discipline: Religion and Theology
# 4 Discussion Post: The Elusive Nature of Happiness and the Presence of Suffering# 4 Discussion Post: The Elusive Nature of Happiness and the Presence of Suffering
Howdy! There are two aspects to this discussion post. First, answer the following question: (1) Why is human happiness ever so elusive suffering and human problems are ever so effortlessly and naturally present according to Buddha, Confucious, and Lao Tzu? After exploring their answers, (2) share your own reflection of what you think of their answers […]
Research Paper about the official Roman Catholic position regarding the issue of prenatal screeningResearch Paper about the official Roman Catholic position regarding the issue of prenatal screening
Discuss the evolution of, and take a stance on, the official Roman Catholic position regarding the issue of prenatal screening. Include recent papal and magisterial input on the subject and include the views of those groups/persons who agree with the policy vs. those who do not, and its link to the topic of abortion. Please […]
The Golden Age of Jewish Culture in Spain: A Flourishing of Arts, Science, and Religious ThoughtThe Golden Age of Jewish Culture in Spain: A Flourishing of Arts, Science, and Religious Thought
The Golden Age of Jewish Culture in Spain: A Flourishing of Arts, Science, and Religious Thought Introduction Historical Context Achievements in Literature and Philosophy Scientific Contributions Communal Autonomy and Leadership The Decline of the Golden Age 1492 and the End of an Era Conclusion
What led the Ethiopian Orthodox Church to canonize the Book of Enoch, and why do other Christian denominations have different sсrіptural canons?What led the Ethiopian Orthodox Church to canonize the Book of Enoch, and why do other Christian denominations have different sсrіptural canons?
This research paper requires documentation of the research done. It is to include a thesis statement and a picture of every page that is used for reference alongside the title if the book with it. The book of Enoch itself with commentary is a great resource. Scholarly books and articles only. I will attach the […]
Christianity & OLD TESTAMENT – ESSAY – The Old Testament: Foundation and Fulfillment in Christian FaithChristianity & OLD TESTAMENT – ESSAY – The Old Testament: Foundation and Fulfillment in Christian Faith
Use only the sources attached in the attachments. Please utilize all the ones titled “MUST USE”, also utilize the Secondary Source and draw on St. Ephraim’s Refutations on Marcion. -> Ensure to use the link. Please utilize the biblical verses pdf as well. This essay must be written using and guidance from all the […]
1 Reply, 1 Unread Discussion Topic: Discussion Thread: Age Based Ministry and the Diversity of NeedsDiscussion Thread: Age Based Ministry and the Diversity of Needs1 Reply, 1 Unread Discussion Topic: Discussion Thread: Age Based Ministry and the Diversity of NeedsDiscussion Thread: Age Based Ministry and the Diversity of Needs
The student will complete 4 Discussions in this course. The student will post one thread of atleast 400 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of the assigned Module: Week. The student mustpost 2 replies of at least 200 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of the following Module:Week except for the replies in […]
The Prophecies of Isaiah: Old Testament Fulfillment, New Testament Connection, and Contemporary ApplicationThe Prophecies of Isaiah: Old Testament Fulfillment, New Testament Connection, and Contemporary Application
Research paper w/oral presentation, powerpoint with speaker notes (9 slides). Research paper presentation plan provided. · Title: The Prophecies of Isaiah: Old Testament Fulfillment, New Testament Connection, and Contemporary Application · Subtitle: A Journey Through Isaiah’s Prophetic Messages and Their Ongoing Impact The Prophecies of Isaiah Every historical event in the Old Testament has […]
Expository precis on judith butlers “the power of mourning and violence” chapter 1 and 2Expository precis on judith butlers “the power of mourning and violence” chapter 1 and 2
The first purpose of this paper is to restate the author’s argument in your own words. Simply identifying the main thesis of the text, and then detailing the various steps of the argument the author uses to come to that conclusion, should occupy 60% of your paper. NB: To restate the argument of the text […]
Compare and Contrast the Hermeneutics of 3 Commentaries, and Compare and Contrast the Hermeneutical Approach of 3 SermonsCompare and Contrast the Hermeneutics of 3 Commentaries, and Compare and Contrast the Hermeneutical Approach of 3 Sermons
Select a passage and compare and contrast the hermeneutical approach of the three commentaries or articles on this text. It might be helpful seek out at least one commentary that utilizes a literary or contextual approach. Each of the three evaluations you do should be around 150-250 words. (Use Deuteronomy Chapter 6 for my Scripture) […]