Discipline: Religion and Theology

Critical analysis of Lev Vygotsky’s Theories of Education in light of Biblical TeachingCritical analysis of Lev Vygotsky’s Theories of Education in light of Biblical Teaching

Three sections:  a. Briefly summarize the theory (no more than 1.5 pages) b. Discuss areas of alignment with biblical teaching and areas of incongruence. c. Should conclude with applications for an instructor seeking to utilize the theory in their teachings, specifically ways that the Christian (Baptist) instructor might utilize the theory within a biblical framework.  […]

TOPIC QUESTION: What role did gender and/or race play in American religions during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries?TOPIC QUESTION: What role did gender and/or race play in American religions during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries?

ANSWER THE QUESTION: What role did gender and/or race play in American religions during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries? Essay prompt: Essays should be 4-5 pages, and they should be double-spaced with 12-point Times New Roman font and 1” margins. Supporting evidence should be sourced from multiple class periods, and all evidence should be properly […]

revised term paper topic:embracing diversity and inclusivity in the beauty industry(particularly in makeup and haircare)revised term paper topic:embracing diversity and inclusivity in the beauty industry(particularly in makeup and haircare)

I need to revise my old paper by rewrting it as i am slightly changing the topic; I have posted the directions; comments from proffesor on the old paper:Remember to craft a persuasive argument. There is a bit too much summary here. Like we discussed, ground this in something that you can analyze. Review the […]

Essay 1Exploring the Efficacy of Psychotherapy in Treating Depression: Methods, Outcomes, and Future DirectionsEssay 1Exploring the Efficacy of Psychotherapy in Treating Depression: Methods, Outcomes, and Future Directions

In Essay 1, you are going to demonstrate your APA formatting skills. Attached is a student’s paper in which the student reviews two articles on the topic of psychotherapy and depression. Download the student’s paper and open it on your computer. You should immediately notice that this student has not followed current APA formatting guidelines. For […]

How does the Old Testament sacrificial system point to the person and work of Jesus Christ?How does the Old Testament sacrificial system point to the person and work of Jesus Christ?

In your paper, you are welcome to draw from material from the videos or study guides, but make sure to include Scripture.  Look ahead to Chapter 6 in God’s Big Picture and read the section titled “The Cross: Salvation through Substitution”; also note the different images of salvation in this section (e.g., redemption, reconciliation, justification, conquest).  Requirements: Times […]

The Great Commission Dilemma: Exploring the Disconnect between Evangelism and DiscipleshipThe Great Commission Dilemma: Exploring the Disconnect between Evangelism and Discipleship

This research paper will express my viewpoint concerning my spiritual growthand my philosophy on making disciples. Please compose this paper using Turabian 9th edition.Here’s your outline:1. Share your story of coming to Christ and how you’ve grown spiritually.2. What implications does your experience have for helping people mature infaith?3. Explore the tension between working out our […]

Indigenous Survival in the Aftermath of Cultural Erasure (What ive learned from a video)Indigenous Survival in the Aftermath of Cultural Erasure (What ive learned from a video)

Watch this two hour long video: https://youtu.be/3AE8KiV9Lq0?si=ShRydEPF49wRrfHN Write a 1000-1200 words essay (a) summarizing what you learned from the teach-in panel/documentary AND its Q and A, and (b) spending at least 200 words of your essay connecting it to themes from the class (Use this vocabulary and use what fits most into the video):Key Terms Theology […]

Submit: Ordinary or Extraordinary Care Case Study – Scholarly Written AssignmentSubmit: Ordinary or Extraordinary Care Case Study – Scholarly Written Assignment

Overview Mrs. Jansen is a Roman Catholic Christian 58-year-old schoolteacher. Six weeks ago, she suffered a stroke that left her with severe deficits. Her doctor told her family that due to her injury, she will be unable to walk on her own, feed herself, or be independent from full assistance for the remainder of her […]

4. The use of ayahuasca in its traditional ritual contexts and its current popularity in North America.4. The use of ayahuasca in its traditional ritual contexts and its current popularity in North America.

The aim of this short paper assignment is to follow your own interest in going more in depth on a topic regarding religion and drugs, using scholarly sources. Guidelines 1.     Write a minimum 1000-word essay, double-spaced, using a bibliography of at least five academic sources (class readings are allowed). Submit as a Word document. 2.     Choose one […]