Discipline: Religion and Theology

Religion and American Politics Research Paper: American Religious Fundamentalism and its relationship with homeschoolingReligion and American Politics Research Paper: American Religious Fundamentalism and its relationship with homeschooling

Here is the prompt:  Assignment: Each of you will be responsible for writing a research paper on a subject related to the topics and conversations of our class. Over the next several weeks, each of you will develop this topic in consultation with me. I would like each of you to think first about a […]

The Resurrection and Spiritual Formation: Exploring the Transformative Power of Christ’s Resurrection in Spiritual GrowthThe Resurrection and Spiritual Formation: Exploring the Transformative Power of Christ’s Resurrection in Spiritual Growth

Resurrection, Theology, and Practice Paper Assignment Instructions   Overview Having sketched out a sermon series in the previous assignment, students are now given the opportunity to explore and dig deep into one of those topics by researching how it specifically integrates with the doctrine of the resurrection. In so doing, students are to examine the […]

Buddhism has profoundly influenced American life and thought, shaping spiritual, cultural, and philosophical landscapes, while also undergoing adaptation and reinterpretation to suit the needs and values of American practitioners.Buddhism has profoundly influenced American life and thought, shaping spiritual, cultural, and philosophical landscapes, while also undergoing adaptation and reinterpretation to suit the needs and values of American practitioners.

Prompt   Choose a religion, denomination, or faith practice that has not been discussed in this course. In a paper of around fifteen-hundred (1500) words, discuss how this religion, denomination, or faith practice was influenced by American life or thought or how this religion, denomination, or faith practice influenced American life or thought. You will need to […]

Jesus’ “I am” saying in John as they relate to Jesus’s deity and the Old Testament.Jesus’ “I am” saying in John as they relate to Jesus’s deity and the Old Testament.

Research Project:  Paper Assignment Instructions Overview  This assignment is the culmination of the research, planning, and pre-writing you have compelted thus far in the course. The end product of this paper is a final draft of your paper for review by your instructor. Ultimately, this paper will answer the research question you identified in the […]

Religion Final Essay (A Christian Argument in Opposition to an Open Border U.S. Immigration Policy)Religion Final Essay (A Christian Argument in Opposition to an Open Border U.S. Immigration Policy)

Show how Christian values, principles, or ideals address the issue being considered. The term paper is to be double-spaced, 12 pt. font (Times, Times Roman, Geneva) with 1” margins.  Paragraphs must be indented 5 spaces (Tab key).  Direct quotes longer than 3 lines must be single-spaced, boxed, centered, and with justified margins. Proper bibliographic notation […]

Briefly describe the five stages leading to the mystical union and provide thorough and abundant examples from the readings and the lectures for each of the stages.Briefly describe the five stages leading to the mystical union and provide thorough and abundant examples from the readings and the lectures for each of the stages.

Briefly describe the five stages leading to the mystical union and provide thorough and abundant examples from the readings and the lectures for each of the stages. The five stages of the mystic way are 1. awakening, 2. self-knowledge/purgation, 3. illumination, 4. surrender, and 5. union with God/ecstacy. describe each of these stages with examples from […]

What changed for African Americans — those who were enslaved + those who were free — when the British system of Anglo-American settler colonies became a predominately white nation-state?What changed for African Americans — those who were enslaved + those who were free — when the British system of Anglo-American settler colonies became a predominately white nation-state?

What changed for African Americans — those who were enslaved + those who were free — when the British system of Anglo-American settler colonies became a predominately white nation-state?   Your response should be double-spaced, 12-pt. Times New Roman font, 1-in. margins with Chicago-style footnotes. Your scholarly response — uploaded to Canvas — will only be allowed in the following two […]

Religious Zionism: Merges Zionist ideology with Jewish religious beliefs, advocating for the land of Israel’s significance in Jewish religious tradition.Religious Zionism: Merges Zionist ideology with Jewish religious beliefs, advocating for the land of Israel’s significance in Jewish religious tradition.

You are asked to submit here a list of 10 direct quotes from at least 3 different bibliographical items. By item I mean either a book or a journal article. Quotes from internet sites (Wikipedia etc) will not count toward the 10 required quotes. You can use APA, MLA, or Chicago guide styles. and there […]

A message on how to prepare for the coming Messiah. Text:Mark 1:1-8;Preparation for JesusA message on how to prepare for the coming Messiah. Text:Mark 1:1-8;Preparation for Jesus

RLGN 360SCORRE TEACHING METHOD: FINAL PRESENTATION ASSIGNMENTINSTRUCTIONSOVERVIEWSelect 1 of your 3 lessons and complete the necessary components of the teaching project. These2 components consist of the SCORRE Teaching Method: Outline Assignment and apresentation created by the method of your choosing. This presentation may be in the form of aKaltura video of your teaching. You will […]