Discipline: Religion and Theology

Title: The Impact of College Sports on Human Flourishing: Exploring How College Sports Make Life BetterTitle: The Impact of College Sports on Human Flourishing: Exploring How College Sports Make Life Better

This paper is a paper that is secluded into 4 parts where they finally will merge together as a final paper. I only want you to write the first 3 parts. Part 1 should be approximately 2 pages, with an additional work cited page of the sources used.Part 2 should be approximately 3 pages, with an […]

Reflection Paper on Worship in the Joy of the Lord (Chip Stam’s worship quote of the week) by John WitvlietReflection Paper on Worship in the Joy of the Lord (Chip Stam’s worship quote of the week) by John Witvliet

This is a reflection paper that must cover the following: 1.). Begin with a brief evaluation of the book. 2.). Arrange the quotations in any order following the logic of your reflections. 3.)  25 quotes from the book.  Each quotation should be properly cited with both Stam’s location and the original citation).   4.). Each […]

Haitian Vodou and the compare/contrasting of death within Vodou and the catholic faithHaitian Vodou and the compare/contrasting of death within Vodou and the catholic faith

Description:  This exercise aims to demonstrate a thesis-based research paper on a topic or issue raised within the class.  Topics should deal with some aspect of The Problem of God.  To reiterate from the syllabus, papers must present an original idea and cannot be recycled from another class. Requirements:  6-8 pages of content 12-point font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, […]

Understanding the Divine Wisdom: Exploring the Concept of God Allowing Adversity through an Islamic LensUnderstanding the Divine Wisdom: Exploring the Concept of God Allowing Adversity through an Islamic Lens

This exercise aims to demonstrate a thesis-based research paper on a topic or issue raised within the class.  Topics should deal with some aspect of The Problem of God.  My topic is why God (Allah) allows bad things to happen to good people through an islamic lens. we are required to used 5 academic sources. Please […]

Describe and Defend YOUR view of the relationship between Genesis 1-11 and the origin of the universe and life. Outline the hermeneutical principles that YOU find are critical for understanding Genesis 1-11.Describe and Defend YOUR view of the relationship between Genesis 1-11 and the origin of the universe and life. Outline the hermeneutical principles that YOU find are critical for understanding Genesis 1-11.

Describe and Defend YOUR view of the relationship between Genesis 1-11 and the origin of the universe and life. Outline the hermeneutical principles that YOU find are critical for understanding Genesis 1-11. State YOUR view of origins and in particular YOUR view of human origins. Close the paper with YOUR view on whether or not […]

8.1 Who does Matthew Say Jesus Is? First Draft Completion requirements Done: View8.1 Who does Matthew Say Jesus Is? First Draft Completion requirements Done: View

My paper will foucus on  MATTHEW CHAPTER 8 VESRSES 5-13 on healing  I have attached the thesis outline for the paper: Who Does Matthew Say Jesus is Tentative Thesis and Outline Completion Requirements (2).docx I HAVE ALSO ATTACHED A SAMPLE OF WHAT THE PAPER SHOULD LOOK LIKE: BIB-314 WDMSJI Final Paper Walkthrough.docx Overview At this […]

Book Application Assignment: Christian Intercultural Communication: Sharing God’s Love with People of Other Cultures by ChangBook Application Assignment: Christian Intercultural Communication: Sharing God’s Love with People of Other Cultures by Chang

You will be required to complete a Book Application in the current Turabian format. The purpose of these paper is for you to apply the content of the book to a current or future ministry context. Following the purpose of the course, the book application paper assignment will challenge and deepen your understanding of how […]

What is the church? A comparison between Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Lutheran understanding of the churchWhat is the church? A comparison between Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Lutheran understanding of the church

  What is ecclesiology? (20%) • Short discussion of Orthodox Ecclesiology (20%) • Short discussion of Roman Catholic Ecclesiology (20%) • Short discussion of Lutheran Ecclesiology (20%) • Introduction, conclusion, use of sources, correct referencing, structure, headings and similarity (20%) Use the source of    An Introduction to Ecclesiology : Historical, Global, and Interreligious Perspectives […]

Researcher persuasive speech on how spirituality promotes positive mental healthResearcher persuasive speech on how spirituality promotes positive mental health

For this capstone assignment, you will incorporate research from academic sources to create and deliver a well-supported persuasive speech 5-6 minutes in length.  This final speech should demonstrate audience analysis and adaptation, strong use of a variety of evidence (all 4 types) from at least 5 sources of varied type retrieved from the library databases, […]

Submit: A Reflection on the Incorporation of Spirituality into Holistic Healthcare – Scholarly Written AssignmentSubmit: A Reflection on the Incorporation of Spirituality into Holistic Healthcare – Scholarly Written Assignment

Tasks Write a letter about your experiences to a healthcare institution, either where you have been employed, or somewhere you received care. In the letter, state why the issue of spirituality in healthcare is important and whether or not spiritual needs are sufficiently addressed at the facility. Include your observations of employees providing specific examples […]