Discipline: Research methods

literature review on how social and cultural perceptions influence diagnosis and treatment of depression in African American womenliterature review on how social and cultural perceptions influence diagnosis and treatment of depression in African American women

Evidence based topic literature review. This lit review focuses on research in the counseling profession using a minimum of of 8 peer reviewed journal articles to explaion how a specific topic/issue is defined in the literature and summarize previous reseaarch findings. Specifically my topic is on how depression may be overlooked in black women becaus […]

(SURVEY) topic: To understand the impact of Meta (Facebook) on society and its challenges in the digital era.(SURVEY) topic: To understand the impact of Meta (Facebook) on society and its challenges in the digital era.

Research Project Survey Background: Quantitative communication research is another important tool for a professional communication researcher, with surveys being the most common and versatile example of this type of research. Research Question: The specific research question to be addressed by the survey will develop from the semester topic and previous research conducted in your literature review […]

Implementation of standardized nutritional label literacy education program to Improve label literacy ofPatients with type 2 Diabetes at a Primary Care OfficeImplementation of standardized nutritional label literacy education program to Improve label literacy ofPatients with type 2 Diabetes at a Primary Care Office

In adults (18 years and older) with T2DM (P), does implementation of standardized, evidence-based nutritional label education program) (I) added to the standard of care, compared to current practice alone of diabetic education that was non-standardized and dependent on individual clinicians’ time and skills (C) more effective in improving T2DM outcomes diabetes self-management and diet […]

TEST_ORDER Пробувати житель інший заплакати сміятися пропаганда ефект мотоцикл закласти голубчик.TEST_ORDER Пробувати житель інший заплакати сміятися пропаганда ефект мотоцикл закласти голубчик.

TEST_ORDER Командування шкіра дівка трубка процес виражений салон похмуро заплакати наштовхнутися лівий нестерпний пити наполегливо казна-хто білизна поїзд демократія від’їзд хлопчисько щур пастух соціалістичний лягати образа кут близько палата зміна ставити незвичний сміття викинути сміятися о кордон встати команда затягнутися забирати палата близько камінчик падаль п’ятеро яблуко пристрій нервово дрібниця зображати.

Do curl-up exercises affect IRD distance in abdominal rectus diastasis for low income postnatal women?Do curl-up exercises affect IRD distance in abdominal rectus diastasis for low income postnatal women?

in one page talk of the Background of  ( DRA, Definitions DRA and IRD, bring up information from the articles listed below and what they have found, lead us to knowledge gap, hypothesis, research goals and questions Articles to cite information from  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9498119/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5013086/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1836955323000528?via%3Dihub https://www.jospt.org/doi/epdf/10.2519/jospt.2016.6536 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Deepali-Hande/publication/371607870_Effects_of_Abdominal_Exercises_on_Reduction_of_Diastasis_Recti_in_Postnatal_Women/links/648bf8e48de7ed28ba2ec598/Effects-of-Abdominal-Exercises-on-Reduction-of-Diastasis-Recti-in-Postnatal-Women.pdf  https://journals.lww.com/jwphpt/fulltext/2021/10000/Efficacy_of_a_Core_Strengthening_Program_for.3.aspx  https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s42399-022-01353-4  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8136546/  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lori-Maria-Walton-2/publication/301270728_The_effects_of_a_6_week_dynamic_core_stability_plank_exercise_program_compared_to_a_traditional_supine_core_stability_strengthening_program_on_diastasis_recti_abdominis_closure_pain_oswestry_disabilit/links/588c6c1d45851567c93de658/The-effects-of-a-6-week-dynamic-core-stability-plank-exercise-program-compared-to-a-traditional-supine-core-stability-strengthening-program-on-diastasis-recti-abdominis-closure-pain-oswestry-disabil.pdf?origin=journalDetail&_tp=eyJwYWdlIjoiam91cm5hbERldGFpbCJ9 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0031940618301329?via%3Dihub

Sample Literary Research Paper Outline-Specific to Anthem *Remember not to over rely on outside information to make/support your points. Use the outside information to support what YOU are saying.Sample Literary Research Paper Outline-Specific to Anthem *Remember not to over rely on outside information to make/support your points. Use the outside information to support what YOU are saying.

1 paragraph-Introduction • Quote on Dystopian Societies in novels/films • Focus on dystopia • Strong, specific thesis statement ” The novel Anthem, penned by Ayn Rand, strongly adheres to the definition of a dystopian work through the integration of multiple characteristics throughout the work. 1 paragraph-Background • Biography of author (strong emphasis on childhood/young adulthood […]

The Transformation of a Daughter’s Positionality in a Pakistani Society Post the Death of Her FatherThe Transformation of a Daughter’s Positionality in a Pakistani Society Post the Death of Her Father

The assignment is ‘write a research paper on the topic thats been approved, the paper must be 15-20 pages long and double spaced with headings, index, biibliography. Citation style should be chicago manual of style’  The topic that has been approved for me is ‘The Transformation of a Daughter’s Positionality in a Pakistani Society Post […]

CRIMINAL JUSTICE RESEARCH METHODS- STUDY ANALYSIS (Article and book provided for references)CRIMINAL JUSTICE RESEARCH METHODS- STUDY ANALYSIS (Article and book provided for references)

  For your individual study analysis, you will be reading, analyzing, and critiquing a criminal justice article that has been provided to you. The grading rubric below will identify the five subsections that will be used in the grading process. Moreover, it will also identify the major topics that your paper should address when looking […]

Create tables, charts, graphs or other visual representations of your survey findingsCreate tables, charts, graphs or other visual representations of your survey findings

Using the topic you have been researching this term, and the Unit 7 gathered survey that is attached in files.  In a microsoft document, create tables, charts, graphs or other visual representations of your findings. You will need one visual representation for each question or group of questions; if you have a group of questions, […]

Interdisciplinary research road map using the Broad Model and how you can apply it to an interdisciplinary problem.Interdisciplinary research road map using the Broad Model and how you can apply it to an interdisciplinary problem.

In 7-10 pages (including title and reference page), explain the interdisciplinary research “road map” using the Broad Model and how you can apply it to an interdisciplinary problem.  Use APA format for the final paper with 12-point Arial or Times New Roman font the the paper text is double-spaced.