Your ability to form suitable research questions and objectives hypotheses. (200 -300 words). This section is worth 10%.– In this section clearly state a list of research questions and objectives (consider 1-3 relevant questions and related objectives) as well as hypotheses (applicable to quantitative and mixed methods studies)– In this section justify your choice of […]
Discipline: Research methods
The effect of Tiktok on college student’s efficiency and performance on finishing homework assignment.The effect of Tiktok on college student’s efficiency and performance on finishing homework assignment.
Basic Template of the Final Project Paper Title of Paper (make it meaningful) Names of All Group Members (Alphabetically by last name) Intro Paragraph Hook introduces topic (why should people care about your research question?) Clearly states research question Outline of topics/concepts/themes that will be covered Brief outline of methods that can be found in […]
Qualitative Research Final Paper – Analytical Insight (from observation, interview, visual analysis exercises)Qualitative Research Final Paper – Analytical Insight (from observation, interview, visual analysis exercises)
This final paper is for “Qualitative Research Methods” course.This final paper has a word limit of 1500 words (min 1400 words and max. 1600 words)The aim of the paper is to provide analytical insights from the three exercises previously conducted (Observation, Interview, Visual Analysis; check attached)For the paper you have to integrate useful/valid results from […]
Ideology and education: analyzing youth support for the death penalty in the United StatesIdeology and education: analyzing youth support for the death penalty in the United States
TEMPLATE FOR THE POLI 301 PROJECT ON POLITICAL VALUES AND ATTITUDES See Chapter 11 of the text for detailed descriptions of each section. The entire paper should be double spaced. Your paper should contain: ABSTRACT: A 4- or 5-sentence abstract on the first page (include also your name and the title of your paper). (5) […]
Content analysis : How anxiety affects an adult’s life and what do they do to overcome it?Content analysis : How anxiety affects an adult’s life and what do they do to overcome it?
Prepare: Return to your research question Consider which variables/aspects of your research question could be explored using content analysis What data will you look at? How will you code it? Manifest, Latent, both? Collect Data Find at least ten-twenty examples (fewer if the sources are longer i.e. entire websites; more if the sources are shorter […]
Is it more beneficial to be self-employed, both in business and in life, rather than being an employee?Is it more beneficial to be self-employed, both in business and in life, rather than being an employee?
HAVE TO USE EXCEL FOR TABLES AND GRAPHS Instructions: – Qualitative analysis: create a table of organized individual results by following these steps: 1- Transcribe the data 2- Summarize the key points relevant to the topic 3-Arrange the information depending on their different categories 4- Create tables of the information 5- create hypothesis and make […]
‘Assessing Speech Sound Disorders in School-Age Children From Diverse Language Backgrounds: A Tutorial With Three Case Studies‘Assessing Speech Sound Disorders in School-Age Children From Diverse Language Backgrounds: A Tutorial With Three Case Studies
The article entitled ‘Assessing Speech Sound Disorders in School-Age Children From Diverse Language Backgrounds: A Tutorial With Three Case Studies’ (2020) by Jasso and Potratz, presents three case studies of school-age children with unique multilingual backgrounds. Read the article in its entirety and use the ASHA graphic organizer (attached) to summarize the most salient information – submit the summary.
meditations effect on students who suffer from anxiety here at Gavilan College only.meditations effect on students who suffer from anxiety here at Gavilan College only.
Assignment 1: Final Research Topic and Initial Literature Review 1. Final topic: Can a daily structured practice of meditation significantly reduce anxiety symptoms, in individuals diagnosed with a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) that attend Gavilan College? 2. The final topic that I have chosen is meditations effect on students who suffer from anxiety here at Gavilan College […]
The role of western ideologies when shaping national identity within educational systemsThe role of western ideologies when shaping national identity within educational systems
This is a research proposal. One of the main aspects is to explore my topic with a certain epistimilogical appraoch, I have chosen a critical theory approach. I have submitted you the assignment description. The “article review” assingment i have submitted is based on an article that should be used a bit more within my […]
variable and analysis section only: Literature Review and Secondary Analysis of CCHS Data: Assessing the Relationship Between Physical Activity & Self-Perceived Mental Health.variable and analysis section only: Literature Review and Secondary Analysis of CCHS Data: Assessing the Relationship Between Physical Activity & Self-Perceived Mental Health.
it is the analysis section of a literature review of secondary data analysis from CCHS. it is 1 pages already from the proposal and it is attached, just need some adjustment ( about total physical activity ) and adding more details about analysis. what test we have done? , why we chose these tests? why […]