Discipline: Research methods

How does Biomechamnicd and Kinesiology Pro Basketball trainign and injury preventionHow does Biomechamnicd and Kinesiology Pro Basketball trainign and injury prevention

*Use academic databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, or PVAMU library resources* In this assignment, you will build an annotated bibliography using 8 peer-reviewed sources related to your chosen research topic. This assignment will help you identify, evaluate, and connect these sources to your research project. Step 1: Locate Peer-Reviewed Sources Use academic databases such […]

The pervasive use of social media has significantly changed interpersonal communication dynamics, altering how people interact with each other in person and leading to positive and negative consequences.The pervasive use of social media has significantly changed interpersonal communication dynamics, altering how people interact with each other in person and leading to positive and negative consequences.

compose a 2-3 page literature review in which you review historical and current perspectives on “The pervasive use of social media has significantly changed interpersonal communication dynamics, altering how people interact with each other in person and leading to positive and negative consequences.”  ·       Summarize the major trends and/or ideas related to your chosen topic. […]

Consider the problem of poverty to answer the discussion question provided in the instructionsConsider the problem of poverty to answer the discussion question provided in the instructions

Using the following materials answer the discussion question. Must site a minimum of one source from the required learning materials. Can use more if needed Week 3: Research Paradigms  Required Learning Materials Lewis-Beck, M. S., Bryman, A., & Futing Liao, T. (2004). The SAGE encyclopedia of social science research methods. SAGE. Saybrook University Library: https://go.openathens.net/redirector/tcsedsystem.edu?url=https://methods-sagepub-com.tcsedsystem.idm.oclc.org/reference/the-sage-encyclopedia-of-social-science-research-methods/n403.xml?term=humanisticLinks to an external […]

Develop a 20-question survey instrument for KEY INFORMANTS or for the TARGET POPULATIONDevelop a 20-question survey instrument for KEY INFORMANTS or for the TARGET POPULATION

Develop a 20-question survey instrument for KEY INFORMANTS or for the TARGET POPULATION. Make sure that you have access to at least 25 people from the selected category to complete your questionnaire. Format all CLOSED-ENDED questions with the answer choices that respondents will have. You should have all closed-ended questions, with the exception of two, which should be OPEN-ENDED.  The two […]

Policy Problem Assignment (Setting a minimum age for juvenile justice jurisdiction in California)Policy Problem Assignment (Setting a minimum age for juvenile justice jurisdiction in California)

Instructions Use Explore: CQ Researcher to find a published problem description (Located in the Learn Items for Module 3: Week 3). Access to the CQ Research is housed in the Jerry Falwell Library. A Liberty University log-in is required. Select a published problem description available in the CQ Researcher that was published in the past […]

After reviewing the learning materials assigned for this week, write a short post addressing the following items. What is an abstract in a scholarly article, and what kind of information does it contain? What content goes into an introduction?After reviewing the learning materials assigned for this week, write a short post addressing the following items. What is an abstract in a scholarly article, and what kind of information does it contain? What content goes into an introduction?

Source can come from the learning material. Must be 250 words.  Required Learning Materials George, T. (2023, May 31) Applying the CRAAP test and evaluating sources. Scribbr. https://www.scribbr.com/working-with-sources/craap-test/Links to an external site. LaRue, E. M. (2014, January 7). SPAT. University of Pittsburgh. Retrieved June 12 from http://www.spat.pitt.edu/Links to an external site. Mathews, S. (2021, July 5). How to access and locate […]

Summary about the article “Testing the direct and indirect relationship between organizational justice and work outcomes in a non-Western context of the UAE”Summary about the article “Testing the direct and indirect relationship between organizational justice and work outcomes in a non-Western context of the UAE”

Your paper should then include the following information: Summary of article: What theoretical idea(s) or research questions inspired the study? What methods were used to investigate the topic? What were the most notable results? What implications do the results have? 25%. Please refer to the coursework rubric for more details. Critical analysis & interpretation: What […]

This study endeavors to explore the ramifications of the work from home phenomenon specifically on the retail industryThis study endeavors to explore the ramifications of the work from home phenomenon specifically on the retail industry

Research Topic The advent of the work from home paradigm marks a profound shift in the labor landscape, exerting substantial influence across various sectors. Among these, the retail industry stands as a prominent arena undergoing transformative change. Notably, industry behemoths such as Amazon and Walmart have been compelled to navigate this emergent reality. This study […]

Climate Change: Defining Adaptation and Resilience, with Implications for PolicyClimate Change: Defining Adaptation and Resilience, with Implications for Policy

Read through the professional writing sample provided in the Smith text (2022, pp. 36-38) titled “Climate Change: Defining Adaptation and Resilience, with Implications for Policy.” Prepare an analysis of this report in the following manner: In Section One of your assignment, analyze “Climate Change: Defining Adaptation and Resilience, with Implications for Policy” report using the […]

What are the connections between students’ pre-college expectations about academic challenges and their academic performance in college?”What are the connections between students’ pre-college expectations about academic challenges and their academic performance in college?”

Research Question to write the Significance section: What are the connections between students’ pre-college expectations about academic challenges and academic performance in college? Please write 2-3 paragraphs of the significance of the research question and explain why it is significant, that includes the following: 1. State how the research will contribute to the existing literature […]