Discipline: Research methods

The paper should discuss the struggle ex-prisoners have with finding employment that will allow them to take care of their families.The paper should discuss the struggle ex-prisoners have with finding employment that will allow them to take care of their families.

The paper should discuss the struggle ex-prisoners have with finding employment that will allow them to take care of their families.     The goal of a White Paper is to inform and persuade based on facts and evidence. A white paper addresses a specific issue or problem facing an organization or organizations or society as a whole. White Papers […]

A Social Identity perspective of social media’s impact on satisfaction with life.A Social Identity perspective of social media’s impact on satisfaction with life.

In today’s data-driven world, statistics can be found almost everywhere. Regardless of your major, you can use the lens of statistical thinking to better understand the world and put things into appropriate perspective. In particular, knowledge of statistics allows you to be a more critical consumer of information, including the credibility and significance of research […]

Does the presence of tribal casinos increase drug related crime and deaths within surrounding communities?Does the presence of tribal casinos increase drug related crime and deaths within surrounding communities?

This paper should be grounded in EXISTING SCHOLARLY LITERATURE. There are varying viewpoints on the impacts of a tribal casino among researchers as many praise the casino’s presence with economic success like low unemployment and the overall betterment of the community. However, other research questions the social impacts to tribal members. It is also interesting […]

Pico question: Will exposure to Virtual Reality decrease the level of fear in adults with phobias?Pico question: Will exposure to Virtual Reality decrease the level of fear in adults with phobias?

In the introduction, you will discuss prevalence (how many people have this problem), adverse outcomes (what happens if we don’t do anything about it), current treatments (what do we currently do about it) and gaps in knowledge (why is current treatment not ideal and why might your intervention be better). Be sure to make a […]

Evaluate the Reliability and Validity of a Newly Developed Quantitative Measure, Part 1 and Part 2Evaluate the Reliability and Validity of a Newly Developed Quantitative Measure, Part 1 and Part 2

This assignment is divided into two parts. The first part involves evaluating the reliability and validity of the Teacher Evaluation Experience Scale-Teacher Form (TEES-T). The second part involves evaluating the reliability and validity of a qualitative study.  Part 1: Instructions As a critical consumer of science, it is a good idea to examine and critically […]

Quality Improvement Proposal Paper on Delayed Diagnosis/Treatment of Melanoma in People of ColorQuality Improvement Proposal Paper on Delayed Diagnosis/Treatment of Melanoma in People of Color

Instructions are for the topic of delayed diagnosis and treatment of melanoma in people of color: Describe QI proposal measures/outcomes Describe QI proposal analysis Describe QI proposal ethical considerations, including health equity considerations Each prompt can be one section and can include 1-2 paragraphs each for the answer. An example of another student’s assignment with […]

Exploring The Dynamics of Gang Violence and Proliferation in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti: A Concomitant Study Across Urban Areas from The 2004 Coup D’état up to the crisis in 2022-2024Exploring The Dynamics of Gang Violence and Proliferation in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti: A Concomitant Study Across Urban Areas from The 2004 Coup D’état up to the crisis in 2022-2024

Write the research proposal following the guidelines. A title An abstract An introduction Research question and hypothesis A purpose statement A literature review A discussion of the methodology A discussion of the type of data and how you will collect them An outline of the thesis A working plan A bibliography IMPORTANT 1: The proposal […]

The Impact of Digital Learning Tools on Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills in University StudentsThe Impact of Digital Learning Tools on Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills in University Students

Instructions: Select a topic that you would like to study within the context of the SSDEC domain and write a 500-word research proposal. The research proposal should include: 1.    Title of Proposed Research: Provide a brief and informative title for your proposed research. 2.    Problem statement: Identify a problem that needs to be addressed. 3.    […]

Article Analysis 1: Social Scientific Paradigm: Polls—Federal Government PowerArticle Analysis 1: Social Scientific Paradigm: Polls—Federal Government Power

ANALYZE A SOCIAL SCIENCE PARADIGM STUDY Your task is to discuss the article as if you were evaluating it for use in your research project. Each paper will include at least two sources: your textbook/class notes related to the paradigm and the scholarly article you are examining. Your task is to discuss your topic as if […]

Literature Review On How does education, income, and access to health care affect teenage pregnancy rates in low income and minority communities and what can be done to decrease the rates?Literature Review On How does education, income, and access to health care affect teenage pregnancy rates in low income and minority communities and what can be done to decrease the rates?

Review a minimum of 8-10 articles from peer-reviewed social work journals – (this may include both qualitative and quantitative articles) Use the most current literature and research articles.  If possible, use articles published during the last ten years. However, if an article is significantly important in your topic area, you can cite it regardless of […]