Discipline: Social science

Produce a detailed conversation analysis transcript based on the example provided, and write an analytical essay comparing both extracts.Produce a detailed conversation analysis transcript based on the example provided, and write an analytical essay comparing both extracts.

I’ve attached four files: one – instructions (Follow the instructions carefully!), two – transcripts which you have to alter, three – video 1, four – video 2. Below are 2 videos which already have a transcript, yet lack ‘modes’ to any face-to-face interaction – not just spoken words. These include a variety of non-vocal elements, […]

In an essay of 1500-2000 words analyze the following passages in light of your understanding of the texts from which they come and of issues raised in the course’s tutorials and colloquia:In an essay of 1500-2000 words analyze the following passages in light of your understanding of the texts from which they come and of issues raised in the course’s tutorials and colloquia:

In an essay of 1500-2000 words analyze the following passages in light of your understanding of the texts from which they come and of issues raised in the course’s tutorials and colloquia: …I may indeed contradict myself now and then; but truth… I do not contradict.… There is no one who, if he listens to […]

In this group quiz, you and your team will explore the topics of dependence and addiction. You’ll look at how they happen and ways to treat and prevent them.In this group quiz, you and your team will explore the topics of dependence and addiction. You’ll look at how they happen and ways to treat and prevent them.

Project Objectives: Understand how dependence and addiction work for different substances and actions. See what causes people to become dependent or addicted. Learn about ways to help people who have dependence or addiction. Find out how to stop or lessen the chances of dependence and addiction from happening. Instructions: Research and Analysis: As a team, […]