Discipline: Social work

SW POLICY – Undocumented Immigrant Access to Social Insurance Programs in the U.S.SW POLICY – Undocumented Immigrant Access to Social Insurance Programs in the U.S.

my topic is: “Today, undocumented immigrants pay billions in Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, and Unemployment Insurance taxes, but have limited or no access to the social welfare benefits these taxes help fund”.  the prompt for my paper is: Describe the current policy and practice in several other rich nations in your topical Is there significant variation […]

An Agrumentitve essay on why Gentle Parenting is superior to Authoritative parentingAn Agrumentitve essay on why Gentle Parenting is superior to Authoritative parenting

Write a 10 page argumentative research project paper on how gentle parenting is better than authoritarian parenting using this annotated bibliography  1. Parker, Claire. “The Whole-Brain Child: 12 proven strategies to nurture your child’s developing MindD.J.Siegel & T.P.BrysonLondon: Constable and Robinson, 2012. ISBN: 978‐1‐78033‐837‐8.” Child and Adolescent Mental Health, vol. 19, no. 1, 11 Jan. […]

Termination with families and group reaction/supporting families impacted by poverty reactionTermination with families and group reaction/supporting families impacted by poverty reaction

Post1:Respond to at least two colleague in the attachment titles post one both colleagues by name by explaining whether you agree or disagree that the techniques identified by your colleague will result in successful termination. Identify potential consequences of early termination for families and groups. Use the Learning Resources to support your posts. Make sure […]

The Disparities in Government Assistance: Analyzing the Impact of SNAP, Medicare, and TANF on the Middle ClassThe Disparities in Government Assistance: Analyzing the Impact of SNAP, Medicare, and TANF on the Middle Class

The final benchmark paper should be a noticeably revised update of the draft submitted in Topic 6, incorporating instructor comments, any peer-review feedback, and personal revisions. The final draft should be 3,000-3,750 words (approximately 12-15 pages if the template is used correctly), not including the required bibliography and cover page. Be sure the following research […]

Social Workers’ Perceptions of Life Skills Training for African American Adolescent MothersSocial Workers’ Perceptions of Life Skills Training for African American Adolescent Mothers

CAPSTONE TITLE, ALL CAPS, CENTERED, DOUBLE-SPACED; TOP LINE ABOUT 2 INCHES FROM TOP OF PAGE SO ALL REQUIRED TEXT FITS ON TITLE PAGE Note: Title should be succinct and closely reflect the content of the study   by Learner Name   MENTOR NAME IN ALL CAPS, Degree, Faculty Mentor and Chair FACULTY NAME, ALL CAPS, […]

Discussion Board: Pair Activity: Problem Statement, Root Problem, and Developing a New Program/Service IdeaDiscussion Board: Pair Activity: Problem Statement, Root Problem, and Developing a New Program/Service Idea

My population in a specific geographic community is unhoused individuals:  PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE READINGS FOR THIS MODULE AND USE YOUR TEXTBOOK EXAMPLES. Example from Textbook:   Selected Factors Affecting Adolescent First Offenders Who Commit Status Offenses:  Some single working mothers have limited ability to meet the many needs of their adolescent children for parental guidance. […]

1. Introduction (1 page) • What is the social problem? Describe it and its scope. • What data exists to contextualize the social problem?1. Introduction (1 page) • What is the social problem? Describe it and its scope. • What data exists to contextualize the social problem?

1. Introduction (1 page) • What is the social problem? Describe it and its scope. • What data exists to contextualize the social problem? Micro: Individuals Affected  • How does this social problem manifest in individuals’ lives? Consider biological and physical health issues; cognitive and emotional issues; social and interpersonal issues; and spiritual or religious […]

(Revised) Unequally Maternal Mortality Rate Amongst Black Women During Childbirth(Revised) Unequally Maternal Mortality Rate Amongst Black Women During Childbirth

Hello this is a rewrite of the assignment that is link.  The paper should only be 4pages.  Identying the topic with examples.  Please dont used bullets points.  I will give you instructions and the the paper that need to be rewritten.  Please address the social problem given.   This is redo from the original paper of […]

Evaluating the relationship between intersectionality, behavior, and development among children who experienced disruptions in the mother-child attachmentEvaluating the relationship between intersectionality, behavior, and development among children who experienced disruptions in the mother-child attachment

     I.         Objectives a.     Understand the Effects of Attachment Disruption  i.     Examine how incarceration disrupts the mother-child bond and affects       child development. 1.     Internalizing symptoms 2.     Externalizing symptoms 3.     Increased medical needs 4.     Problematic attachment behaviors – reintegration b.    Development Milestones i.     Normal developmental milestones for secure attachment ii.     Developmental milestones that […]

To define the meaning of the unconscious and to describe its relevance for social work interventions.To define the meaning of the unconscious and to describe its relevance for social work interventions.

Read carefully case study 8.2 Carly Anderson, Finding Peace at 53 Actions  (Hutchison, 2024). Then, select two of the following learning objectives and demonstrate how they can be used as a lens for identifying key problems and their causes in this case example. To define the meaning of the unconscious and to describe its relevance for […]