Discipline: Social work

Children and youth “Identification of Social Problem.” Topic: Aging out/transitioning out of child welfare/foster care systemChildren and youth “Identification of Social Problem.” Topic: Aging out/transitioning out of child welfare/foster care system

Note: This is a two part assignment this order is part one.  I have chosen the topic here. (Please include the following while reflecting on the Grading Rubric provided) Please reference the cource reading material provided but also include 4 to 5 outside resources.  Social Problem Topic: Aging out/transitioning out of child welfare/foster care system For […]

Create a Case Management Case Plan select a client that best fits the population you are presently working with or you think you may want to work with as an Individual Social Worker provide the following interventions:Create a Case Management Case Plan select a client that best fits the population you are presently working with or you think you may want to work with as an Individual Social Worker provide the following interventions:

In order to create the Case Management Case Plan (CMCP) select a client that best fits the  population you are presently working with or you think you may want to work with. If this is a real  person, please use a fictitious name. Create a Case Plan on how would as an Individual  Social Worker […]

Write a 3-5 page paper (cover & works cited page not included) describing the community surrounding the Historical Community Service Organization.Write a 3-5 page paper (cover & works cited page not included) describing the community surrounding the Historical Community Service Organization.

Write a 3-5 page paper (cover & works cited page not included) describing the community surrounding the Historical Community Service Organization. READ Community ToolBox Chapter 25: Changing Policies Section 2 Promoting Regular Community Assessment, Reporting and Accountability. LINKLinks to an external site.  Assess the community that surrounds the Human Service Organization and include the following:  Social […]

Arizona Department of Child Safety completes a Request for proposal (RFP) processArizona Department of Child Safety completes a Request for proposal (RFP) process

The Arizona Department of Child Safety completes a Request for proposal (RFP) process for securing contracts. Arizona First Things First completes a Request for Grant Application (RFGA) process for securing grants. Research the similarities and differences of securing services using an RFP process and a RFGA process. Compare and contrast some differences and similarities between […]

Assignment #1 – Developmental, Cultural, and Ethical Considerations for Corporal PunishmentAssignment #1 – Developmental, Cultural, and Ethical Considerations for Corporal Punishment

Continue by applying the information learned from chapters 2-4 to the topic of corporal punishment with children as it relates to the topics listed below and respond. Use proper APA format and make sure you cite/support your response [minimum 3 paragraphs] Developmental and/or Stages of Development Cultural Considerations Ethical & Legal Considerations Textbook: Henderson, D. A., […]

Research project – Charity Organization Society versus the Settlement House Movement ShortResearch project – Charity Organization Society versus the Settlement House Movement Short

Instructions: You are to write a research paper of no more than 6 pages (title page, abstract page, body (3-4 pages), and lastly the reference page) and submit your assignment on due date.  Utilize a combination of books, referred journals, and credible websites for your research. Utilize a minimum of 4 sources. Your paper will […]

On racialized foster children when aging out of the foster care system in Canada/Ontario, what tools and resources are available in supporting them for success in transition to independent living/adulthood. What are the barrier or gaps.On racialized foster children when aging out of the foster care system in Canada/Ontario, what tools and resources are available in supporting them for success in transition to independent living/adulthood. What are the barrier or gaps.

-This is a secondary research, not primary! It is for my Major Research Paper for the Masters of social work (MSW) program.  The MRP should not exceed 55 pages (excluding preliminary administrative pages, references & appendices). Introduction 2 pages; Literature Review 8-10 pages;Theoretical Framework 5 pages; Methodology 5 pages; Findings/Analysis 15-20 pages; Implications 5 pages; Conclusion […]

Policy Brief 2 part Breaking the Silence: Lack of recognition of red flags in the early stages of intimate partnerPolicy Brief 2 part Breaking the Silence: Lack of recognition of red flags in the early stages of intimate partner

Policy Brief 2 part Breaking the Silence: Lack of recognition of red flags in the early stages of intimate partner V.         Problem Description (~1.5-2pp.):  2nd part due on Week 8 This section identifies, defines and elaborates in some detail the social issue/problem at hand including the history of the problem, its causes, who is affected, […]

Treatment Group Proposal 6 sources Support Group for Parents with Substance Use DisorderTreatment Group Proposal 6 sources Support Group for Parents with Substance Use Disorder

   Treatment Group Proposal —-SEE BOTTOM FOR THE GROUP INFOMATION  The primary focus of this assignment is to provide students an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to assess and intervene with groups. Another focus is to attend to professional roles and boundaries. (EPAS 1a/1b, 6, 7)              Students will develop a group proposal that outlines a […]

After you have completed your assigned readings, respond to all of the discussion board questions. Take into consideration the requirements as you create your response.After you have completed your assigned readings, respond to all of the discussion board questions. Take into consideration the requirements as you create your response.

Discussion Questions The Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupation Outlook Handbook Link: https://www.bls.gov/ooh/community-and-social-service/substance-abuse-behavioral-disorder-and-mental-health-counselors.htm#tab-6 The Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupation Outlook Handbook predicts that “Employment of substance abuse, behavioral disorder, and mental health counselors is projected to grow … much faster than the average for all occupations. Employment growth is expected as people continue to seek addiction […]