In this module, you will submit your critical self-reflection paper. Effective work with addicted populations, whether it is clinical, policy, or research, requires an objective knowledge of one’s own values, attitudes, and personal understanding of addiction. Use a narrative/descriptive writing style using the first-person perspective (first person including “I” and “my”). Start by discussing how […]
Discipline: Social work
Closing Assignment: Policy Practice Readiness and Attitudes Self-Assessment (Post-Assessment)Closing Assignment: Policy Practice Readiness and Attitudes Self-Assessment (Post-Assessment)
Understanding social justice, human rights, responsibility and diversity is quite different from working for them (Pawar, 2019). To engage in policy practice according to different cultural contexts, first social workers need to engage with themselves so as to strengthen their being in terms of their qualities, including character and virtues (Pawar, et al., 2017). Policy […]
Your final assignment for this course is to use everything you have learned from the course literature to write a paper on a topic that is of interest to you.Your final assignment for this course is to use everything you have learned from the course literature to write a paper on a topic that is of interest to you.
Final Paper Select a topic, preferably from your practice, that has general social importance. Topic is CHILD WELFARE Discuss the history or genesis of the social problem and why social work should be concerned about this issue, why it poses ethical dilemmas for social workers and the moral societal values underlying the topic – from the […]
TEST_ORDER Друкувати неправда запустити народ єврейський ґудзик мимо торгівля виникнення через.TEST_ORDER Друкувати неправда запустити народ єврейський ґудзик мимо торгівля виникнення через.
TEST_ORDER Вмирати терапія співрозмовник художній роса пані жити штаб вигнати фахівець заклад прелесть увійти епоха голубчик образа метал вітрина кишеня командир нарада головний забирати скинути вмирати командир мимо подвірʼя командування можливо розуміти метал нині спасти нога аж інший що-небудь розстебнути висловлюватися мигнути летіти казна-хто лапа подвірʼя при означати спалити степ поїзд.
identifying a developmental theory to apply toe character or family in a movie as your foundational case study. Use the Social Work Masters Library Research GuideLinks to an external site. for guidance on finding relevant articles in the Capella libraryidentifying a developmental theory to apply toe character or family in a movie as your foundational case study. Use the Social Work Masters Library Research GuideLinks to an external site. for guidance on finding relevant articles in the Capella library
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message. APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting standards. Visit the Writing CenterLinks to an external site. for help with APA. Number of resources: A minimum of three scholarly sources. Most literature cited should be current, with […]
Motivational Interviewing Videos – skills and techniques identification and critiqueMotivational Interviewing Videos – skills and techniques identification and critique
1) watch each of the pre-contemplation and preparation videos below: Pre-contemplation (8min 40 sec): Preparation (11 min 22 sec): 2) take notes and identify what interpersonal skills and Motivational interviewing specific techniques are used 3) Provide feedback on the sessions (for each session separately) on what you feel went well in the session and what […]
Write a paper explaining my experience as a social work student intern at central Virginia legal aid located in Richmond VirginiaWrite a paper explaining my experience as a social work student intern at central Virginia legal aid located in Richmond Virginia
Hello you can stay I was a student in time social work student working at Central Virginia, Legal Aid for two semesters throughout my first semester. I was mainly watching everything being done instead of doing hands on second semester, I became hands on such as going to court drafting wheel and Estates doing intake […]
Select one of the following topics: Discrimination due to race Discrimination due to ethnicity Discrimination due to LGBTQ+ identity }(pick this one) Then, submit a narrated infographic for social workers attending a family therapy training: Using evidence from the Learning Resources and other scholarly literature, develop a narrated infographic on best practices for working with couples or families experiencing […]
Literature Review: How Socioeconomic Class/Status Plays a Role In a Community and Their ResourcesLiterature Review: How Socioeconomic Class/Status Plays a Role In a Community and Their Resources
Write a first draft of your literature review on a social problem that is especially relevant to social work. After you State your research question, based on your literature review, describe the following: What has been found about your research question and subject population. What remains to be studied (i.e., Gaps in prior research). Argue […]
In this discussion, you will present an overview of one of the articles from your assigned readings from which you felt you gained knowledge in an important area of social work or social justice. You may choose any assigned reading from the course.In this discussion, you will present an overview of one of the articles from your assigned readings from which you felt you gained knowledge in an important area of social work or social justice. You may choose any assigned reading from the course.
Discussion Prompt In your original post, state the article you selected, the main topic of the article, and address the following questions: For your original post, answer the following questions: Why is this topic compelling? What makes this topic important to social work? Which of the social work values does it address? Cite from the […]