Discipline: Sociology

Summary of “The Growing Tensions of Globalization and the Future of Human Rights”Summary of “The Growing Tensions of Globalization and the Future of Human Rights”

You must read this article and summarize/reflect on the passage. Please make sure to note; 1) You are to re-present the ideas in the readings back by explaining them in your own words or by citing the author directly. A combination of both is the best technique.2) In addition to repeating the main ideas you are […]

research paper of approximately 3000 words on a topic that explores a key issue in business and society in a changing world.research paper of approximately 3000 words on a topic that explores a key issue in business and society in a changing world.

This assignment requires you to write a research paper of approximately 3000 words on a topic that explores a key issue in business and society in a changing world. Your paper should examine a problem or controversy that raises policy or governance questions related to one of the two topic areas described in section II […]

The representation and sexualization of Brazilian women through social media and other foreign mediaThe representation and sexualization of Brazilian women through social media and other foreign media

Format of Research PaperThe paper should be at least eight (8) and no more than ten (10) pages in length (thebibliography is not counted), typed, 1.5-spaced, in 12 pt. regular font with at least one-inchmargins on all sides. Please include page numbers.Sources of Research PaperUse any course readings and at least eight (8) outside sources […]

Literature Review: Influence of National, Ethnic and Other Social Factors in Social Groupings on Campus and Future SuccessLiterature Review: Influence of National, Ethnic and Other Social Factors in Social Groupings on Campus and Future Success

USE ONLY ASA Format!!! USE ONLY THESE SOURCES for the review: Antonio, A.L. (2001). Diversity and the Influence of Friendship Groups in College. The Review of Higher Education 25(1), 63-89. https://doi.org/10.1353/rhe.2001.0013. Glass, C. R., Gómez, E., & Urzua, A. (2014). Recreation, intercultural friendship, and international students’ adaptation to college by region of origin. International Journal […]

ASSIGNMENT You will complete THREE short essays based on the questions of your choosingASSIGNMENT You will complete THREE short essays based on the questions of your choosing

INSTRUCTIONS Reply to THREE of the questions below; Each essay should be approximately 400-600 words; Each essay must include at least one citation from outside the class, in addition to citations from the reading in question; Cite all sources using the citation style of your choice with a full bibliographic citation at the end of […]

ASSIGNMENT You will complete THREE short essays based on the questions of your choosing. You are welcome (but not required) to use your Case Studies in one or more of your replies.ASSIGNMENT You will complete THREE short essays based on the questions of your choosing. You are welcome (but not required) to use your Case Studies in one or more of your replies.

INSTRUCTIONS Reply to THREE of the questions below; Each essay should be approximately 400-600 words; Each essay must include at least one citation from outside the class, in addition to citations from the reading in question; Cite all sources using the citation style of your choice with a full bibliographic citation at the end of […]

Examining the Role of Unequal pay and Workplace discrimination in Perpetuating InequalityExamining the Role of Unequal pay and Workplace discrimination in Perpetuating Inequality

Introduction • Begin with a clear and concise introduction that outlines the purpose and scope of the assignment. • Clearly define the specific topic you have chosen and its overarching role in perpetuating inequality. • Conduct a comprehensive literature review, citing three or more reliable sources (apart from the textbook), to provide context and background […]

Students are asked to write a review of a movie/documentary (1000 words) dealing with digital technology.Students are asked to write a review of a movie/documentary (1000 words) dealing with digital technology.

  The movie review assignment is supposed to be a fairly gentle introduction to the course. It is only 1000 words and is primarily a ‘response‘ piece – i.e. this is your response to the film: The Social Network, directed by David Fincher. Please watch the film on your own time. Here is the link […]

You will complete THREE short essays based on the questions of your choosing. You are welcome (but not required) to use your Case Studies in one or more of your replies.You will complete THREE short essays based on the questions of your choosing. You are welcome (but not required) to use your Case Studies in one or more of your replies.

INSTRUCTIONS Reply to THREE of the questions below; Each essay should be approximately 400-600 words; Each essay must include at least one citation from outside the class, in addition to citations from the reading in question; Cite all sources using the citation style of your choice with a full bibliographic citation at the end of […]

Analysis Paper 1 – relationship between organizations and organizational structure and some aspect of white-collarAnalysis Paper 1 – relationship between organizations and organizational structure and some aspect of white-collar

you must locate two peer-reviewed articles that describe a relationship between organizations and organizational structure and some aspect of white-collar crime.  Some guiding questions for white collar crime are:  How do organizations facilitate crime? What features of organizations are more likely to facilitate crime? Who commits crime within organizations, and under what conditions? – these questions are suggestions only – if you have any additional questions that […]