Discipline: Sociology

Analysis of how our settler idenity has been shaped by knowledge on indigenous issuesAnalysis of how our settler idenity has been shaped by knowledge on indigenous issues

How our settler (non-Indigenous) idenity has been shaped by knowledge on indigenous issues reviewed in class?  Topics reviewed include treaties, education, child welfare, health and social services, environment, Indian status and identity, criminal justice, gender and language reclamation, self-determination and decolonization, and reconciliation. 

Book Review of Sierra Crane Murdoch’s Yellow Bird: Oil, Murder, and a Woman’s Search for Justice in Indian CountryBook Review of Sierra Crane Murdoch’s Yellow Bird: Oil, Murder, and a Woman’s Search for Justice in Indian Country

A book review of  Sierra Crane Murdoch’s Yellow Bird: Oil, Murder, and a Woman’s Search for Justice in Indian Country following the proposal provided. Touch on indigenous issues and important topics of the book. Also, draw on news articles about how this affected indigenous communities. 

Does a student’s family background such as economic status, impact their performance in school?Does a student’s family background such as economic status, impact their performance in school?

Overview and statement of topic question:• What topic/social issue is to be interrogated/addressed?• What is the research question? (Does a student’s family background such as economic status, impact their performance in school?)• What is the purpose of the research? What do the goals of your research involve?• Why should anyone care?• Why are you personally […]

“Interrogating the Nuclear Age: The Ethics, Justifications, and Perils of Atomic Weapons”“Interrogating the Nuclear Age: The Ethics, Justifications, and Perils of Atomic Weapons”

Answer this question in a unified essay of 2 pages:  Why were the atomic bombs dropped on Japan? Whom, if anyone, can be trusted with nuclear weapons?  How does the military establishment justify maintaining nuclear arsenals?  Is there any rational reason for nuclear weapons to exist and be used? Please use this link to read […]

criminal disenfranchisement policy in the State of Florida, discuss on the strengths and weaknesses of both sides of the debate on felony disenfranchisement, and include your own opinion.criminal disenfranchisement policy in the State of Florida, discuss on the strengths and weaknesses of both sides of the debate on felony disenfranchisement, and include your own opinion.

The Right to Vote Before she lost her job as an administrative assistant, Leola Strickland postdated and mailed a handful of checks for amounts ranging from $90 to $500. By the time she was able to find a new job, the checks had bounced, and she was convicted of fraud under Mississippi law. Strickland pleaded […]

Any sociology topic: writing a qualitatively focused research paper or theoretical paperAny sociology topic: writing a qualitatively focused research paper or theoretical paper

There are 4 options regarding your final paper:  1) you may pursue a qualitatively focused research paper;  2) you may write a theoretical paper, using class material and other academic sources; 3) you may write an autoethnography. This course paper must be a minimum of 10 pages double-spaced. Consistent citation and format must be academic […]

My topic that I chose would have to be Gender inequality in men and women’s sportsMy topic that I chose would have to be Gender inequality in men and women’s sports

Introduction (1 page) In the current paper I review the literature on topic….. (then go on to introduce and define the topic). There are several components to this social phenomenon… (introduce the components associated with it). Scholars of (Topic) argue that…..  BLAH BLAH…………………………………Give a very brief summary of the extant literature………………………………………………………………………. . However, little is known […]

Critical Essay#1: Nurturing Roots: A Critical Analysis of Black Families in the Global ContextCritical Essay#1: Nurturing Roots: A Critical Analysis of Black Families in the Global Context

The exploration of Black families in the global context reveals rich historical narratives, cultural nuances, and diverse familial structures. This critical essay aims to delve into key themes within the course The Black Family in The Global Context, including the Black family in Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Additionally, it will scrutinize marital […]