Discipline: Sociology

How Does Ones Socioeconomic Status and Level of Maternal Health Affect Fetal Outcome?How Does Ones Socioeconomic Status and Level of Maternal Health Affect Fetal Outcome?

 12 point font, single spaced, with one inch margins. Add 5 more sources. One of the added sources should be The Sociology of Health, Healing, and Illness by Gregory Weiss and Denise Copelton. Between the Introduction & Conclusion headings you should have a number of  labeled substantive headings that describe the particular section of the paper

Watch the film Far from the Tree, based on the NY Times bestselling book by Andrew SolomonWatch the film Far from the Tree, based on the NY Times bestselling book by Andrew Solomon

Watch the film Far from the Tree, based on the NY Times bestselling book by Andrew Solomon. “Far From the Tree examines the experiences of families in which parents and children are profoundly different from one another in a variety of ways (IMDb 2017).” Jack Allnutt is featured in the film,  Answer the following questions based on […]

The impact of first generation college student in single parent households on adolescentsThe impact of first generation college student in single parent households on adolescents

using 8 scholarly sources write annotated bibliography 8 sentences foreach   here are some articles you can use to write. https://ccsu.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=sih&AN=85658747&site=ehost-live&scope=site Working Title: Understanding College Undermatching of Students from Low-Income Families: A Qualitative Analysis of the Full Context https://ccsu.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=sih&AN=141311111&site=ehost-live&scope=site Seeing Success: Biographies of Low-Income Students https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=&httpsredir=1&article=8150&context=etd_theses “Making Do with Lost Time: The Discordant Lives of Low-income […]

How do social media platforms, such as Meta, X, Tik Tok, etc. control the information its subscribers receive and how it shapes their political views and voting patterns?How do social media platforms, such as Meta, X, Tik Tok, etc. control the information its subscribers receive and how it shapes their political views and voting patterns?

how social media platforms, such as Meta, X, Tik Tok, etc. controls the information its subscribers receive and how it shapes their political views and voting patterns. That way you address all the issues you raised as well as the misinformation aspect of social media.  Most Americans get their news from social media; they don’t read legitimate newspapers, […]

After reading pages 566-572 in the textbook, career development, work, and retirement. What is involved in developing a career? What are some key aspects of work?After reading pages 566-572 in the textbook, career development, work, and retirement. What is involved in developing a career? What are some key aspects of work?

Welcome to the Connect the Dots Forum: This forum is used to grade your participation in the course. PROMPT: After reading pages 566-572 in the textbook, career development, work, and retirement. What is involved in developing a career?  What are some key aspects of work?  What characterizes retirement?   Find an external resource that supports your […]

Watch one of the movies listed below, or choose a movie that portrays the development of adolescents.Watch one of the movies listed below, or choose a movie that portrays the development of adolescents.

Prompt: Watch one of the movies listed below, or choose a movie that portrays the development of adolescents. Provide a brief reaction to the movie. Evaluate the sociocultural influences on the characters in the movie.  How is peer influence depicted?  Explore the themes of the film compared to the themes in Chapter 15.  Find one additional […]

After reading pages 504-516 in the textbook, consider peer relationships and friendships by answering one or more these reflective questionsAfter reading pages 504-516 in the textbook, consider peer relationships and friendships by answering one or more these reflective questions

After reading pages 504-516 in the textbook, consider peer relationships and friendships by answering one or more these reflective questions.  Which peer status would you use to describe yourself as an adolescent?  How influential do you think your peer status was on your development?  What characterizes your relationships with friends at this point in your […]

An examination of taxi infrastructure and rural economy in South Africa, Eastern Cape, Buffalo City.An examination of taxi infrastructure and rural economy in South Africa, Eastern Cape, Buffalo City.

Write a literature review on topic An examination of taxi infrastructure and rural economy in south africa eastern cape in a critical and argumentative tone using sociological perspective and theories. References must be in years between 2010 to 2024 in Harvard style. Compare and contrast issues between South Africa and other developing countries and between […]

Students will create a Power Point evaluating how definitions of deviance and social control are socially constructed and the impact these definitions have on various groups in society.Students will create a Power Point evaluating how definitions of deviance and social control are socially constructed and the impact these definitions have on various groups in society.

You will identify a social problem pertaining to deviance (substance dependency, racism, sexism, ageism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, bullying, crime, etc.) and describe why the problem is defined as deviant and the differential impact the definition has on various groups. Hint: The deviance is not always what causes harm, sometimes the stigma attached to deviance or […]

Annotated Bibliography – Environmental Sociology – Water Depletion due to Urban planning and developmentAnnotated Bibliography – Environmental Sociology – Water Depletion due to Urban planning and development

For this assignment, you are to find five academic sources from one or a combination of the following sources: published scientific articles from climate scientists or sociological literature in environmental sociology to examine how scientists are discussing or researching the chosen environmental topic you have been looking at this entire semester. You will then need […]