Discipline: Sociology

Write in the personal register about any part of the course and how some of the ideas in it arise in your own life in embodied and relational waysWrite in the personal register about any part of the course and how some of the ideas in it arise in your own life in embodied and relational ways

Write a response in 1200 words or less, double-spaced, using 12-point font.  –       Write in the personal register about any part of the course and how some of the ideas in it arise in your own life in embodied and relational ways. –       This prompt is all about giving you permission to take up the […]

Critical Interpretation Essay Essay/Subject: Marx’s Critique of Capital in the 21st Century: Capitalism, Exploitation and Its AlternativesCritical Interpretation Essay Essay/Subject: Marx’s Critique of Capital in the 21st Century: Capitalism, Exploitation and Its Alternatives

Guidelines Essay Subject: Marx’s Critique of Capital in the 21st Century: Capitalism, Exploitation and Its Alternatives Formatting Instructions: Essay length: You should write between 5 to 7 pages (not including bibliography/reference list). Spacing/Font: Double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. Bibliography format: Use an academic referencing style consistently, I recommend the Chicago Manual of Style […]

How do the availability and quality of mental health services in correctional facilities impact rates of recidivism among inmates?How do the availability and quality of mental health services in correctional facilities impact rates of recidivism among inmates?

I will attach all of the directions and guidelines.  I need 20 sources total but 5 have to be academic. I already found the 5 academic for you so you just have to find 15 others. Here are the 5 academics.  Scott, C. L. (2009). Handbook of Correctional Mental Health (2nd edition). American Psychiatric Publishing, […]

America’s ‘spending of Military aid and contributions on the war on terrorism’ in the Middle East and Africa.America’s ‘spending of Military aid and contributions on the war on terrorism’ in the Middle East and Africa.

Outline of Paper: Intro: introduction History of the time period of when Military Aid being sent over in the Middle East and Africa. The history and time period of the cost of war. Part 1: Stating our Claim and why it is importand: How much Aid is Given to Africa and Middle East from America. […]

College behind bars https://ca.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/college-behind-bars-video-gallery/college-behind-bars/College behind bars https://ca.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/college-behind-bars-video-gallery/college-behind-bars/

The paper should be 5 – 7 pages long, not including the references and title page, incorporate at least TWO (2) examples from TWO (2) separate episodes of one of the media programs. In other words, you should choose one program, for instance, College Behind Bars, and incorporate at least two examples, one from two […]

Educational Theory in Practice: Sociology – The Effects of Individual Experiences on the Educational ProcessEducational Theory in Practice: Sociology – The Effects of Individual Experiences on the Educational Process

Our own experiences of education can have a significant bearing on the way we view education. Indeed, teacher training involves a process of reflecting critically on our own experiences as students; on how and what we were taught, especially the taken for granted ‘common sense’ meanings which ended up providing us with a very particular […]

Analytic Essay. You need to write an analytic essay on autocratic, democratic, or technocratic personality, institution, or culture.Analytic Essay. You need to write an analytic essay on autocratic, democratic, or technocratic personality, institution, or culture.

I have attached pdfs down below whivh are part VI and chatpers.        13-16 which must be read throughly to be able to write out this analytic essay. The attachments must be the   main sources.  You need to write an analytic essay on autocratic, democratic, or technocratic personality, institution, or culture.  Focus on […]

“Soldiering for Sovereignty: Exploring Sacrifice, National Identity, and Moral Codes in War and Peace”“Soldiering for Sovereignty: Exploring Sacrifice, National Identity, and Moral Codes in War and Peace”

Read:Marciano The American War in VietnamEmailed excerpts  Lembcke PTSD – This will require several emailsGlorious Causes 154-166,174-183See movie shown in class “Hearts and Minds” and other videos“Human Mind Not Made for War”“Pulling the Rug Under Vietnam Veterans”“Vietnam War and Dread of Humiliaion”Then, in a unified essay, answer the question below using all the sources uploaded […]

Describe the religious and educational institutions using the functionalist and conflict approaches.Describe the religious and educational institutions using the functionalist and conflict approaches.

Paper: The paper for the course is to be posted in a folder which is located at the very bottom of the page when you first enter the course.  A five- to ten-page paper ( a five page paper will usually contain about 2,000 words) is expected to be turned in by the due date (indicated above […]

Social diversity and access to healthcare in Europe: how does European Union’s legislation prevent from discrimination in healthcare?Social diversity and access to healthcare in Europe: how does European Union’s legislation prevent from discrimination in healthcare?

Hi. I am looking for a 2 page double spaces essay about resonse with an opinionated  summery with data supporting it about:  “Social diversity and access to healthcare in Europe: how does European Union’s legislation prevent from discrimination in healthcare?” the website to the artical is:  https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-020-09494-8#citeas  ****All infromation must come from only the artical**** […]