Discipline: Sociology

The United States Supreme Court has decided that same-sex couples have the “fundamental” right to marry.The United States Supreme Court has decided that same-sex couples have the “fundamental” right to marry.

Obergefell v. Hodges, 2015).  https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/14pdf/14-556_3204.pdf Same-sex marriage is a complex and complicated issue that causes polarization of society like no other social concern.  Assignment:  1. Using your own cultural knowledge and social awareness, make an argument either supporting, or opposing same-sex marriage. (Your cultural knowledge is made up of your beliefs, values, norms, religious philosophy, traditions, customs, […]

Proposal research: How does the American Latinx identity impact success in educational settings, specifically in post secondary.Proposal research: How does the American Latinx identity impact success in educational settings, specifically in post secondary.

the research propsal will bese on the following question however you can make chages to  this question if you need to as long as its similar this question it will be fine.  resaech propasal question: How does the American Latinx identity impact success in  educational settings, specifically in post secondary. the instruction for this reseach proposal […]

How could a border wall protect Americans, or would it be detrimental to civil rights? Why or why not?How could a border wall protect Americans, or would it be detrimental to civil rights? Why or why not?

In page paper that is at least four pages in content, written in APA format, (see APA formatting resources listed below), please address the following: Why is this a social issue, and how are individuals affected by this at the group level? What information gathered from other research that has been done on the particular subject? […]

a critical essay that examines the sociology of youth and society of youth, gender, sex, and sexualitya critical essay that examines the sociology of youth and society of youth, gender, sex, and sexuality

 Topic:  Youth, Gender, Sex and Sexuality: Keywords: Social conflict theories, intersectionality, feminism, queer movements, language and linguistic politics, Stonewall, safe spaces, allies, counter-hegemonic, sex-positive, trans activism and youth  Requirements: Format: 5 pages (double spaced, 12-point font, standard margins) minimum and 7 pages maximum. Do not deviate from your spacing. That is, once you begin your […]

Social Determinants of Health: Understanding how socioeconomic status, education, neighborhood, and physical environment, employment, and social support networks affect health outcomes.Social Determinants of Health: Understanding how socioeconomic status, education, neighborhood, and physical environment, employment, and social support networks affect health outcomes.

Assignment: Intersection of Nursing and Sociological Perspectives Chosen Topic: Social Determinants of Health: Understanding how socioeconomic status, education, neighborhood, and physical environment, employment, and social support networks affect health outcomes. Objective: Compose a paper that explores the connection between a specific topic covered in class and the field of Nursing. This assignment aims to demonstrate how nursing […]

In what ways is conduct shaped by the material equipment and architecture used in urban and/or market settings?In what ways is conduct shaped by the material equipment and architecture used in urban and/or market settings?

Requirements: 1,800-2,000 words Harvard Style Citation, with in text reference and bibliography in alphabetical order At least 15 sources including the 8 sources provides, with the rest of your own choices. Require final draft before the deadline.   Essay guidance: To answer this question, you will probably want to start by explaining what conduct is. The readings […]

Social Conditions as Fundamental Causes of Health Inequalities: Theory, Evidence, and Policy ImplicationsSocial Conditions as Fundamental Causes of Health Inequalities: Theory, Evidence, and Policy Implications

What is the title of the article?  Who is (are) the author(s) of the article?  What is the name of the professional journal the article was published in?  What was the date of publication?   1. Statement of the Problem What is the research problem?  What is the author investigating?  2. Literature Review What reference does […]

tudents will write a paper in which they will be explaining the sociological imagination and illustrating its advantages by discussing important sociological concepts they have learned from the course and how they apply them to their own livestudents will write a paper in which they will be explaining the sociological imagination and illustrating its advantages by discussing important sociological concepts they have learned from the course and how they apply them to their own lives

https://openstax.org/details/books/introduction-sociology-3e For this you can use being a student athlete of the sort  The paper must adhere to appropriate standards of ·         Grammar ·         Spelling ·         Organization ·         Completed sentences and paragraphs ·         Introduction ·         Body ·         Conclusion ·         Accuracy of how you explain and illustrate the sociological imagination ·         Explanation of the benefits of viewing the world while using the sociological imagination Clarity […]

Artist activists play a variety of artist activist roles to envision, build, and transform community.Artist activists play a variety of artist activist roles to envision, build, and transform community.

!!All in depth instructions will be attachged in a seperate document below!! Please be sure to follow them!! Please choose any 2 out of the 4 activits as you like!!!!  Major Jackson :  https://www.majorjackson.com/bio/ https://www.theparisreview.org/blog/2019/09/06/does-poetry-have-street-cred/ https://poets.org/poem/let-me-begin-again Democracy and Education — John Dewey  Black Reconstruction in America : toward a history of the part of which […]

Microaggressions in the Workplace: An Exploration of Racial Bias and Its Impact on Employee Well-being and PerformanceMicroaggressions in the Workplace: An Exploration of Racial Bias and Its Impact on Employee Well-being and Performance

Chose a topic from the Racism. You need to make it a much smaller focus Develop a hypothesis for your topic Go to MXC Library Data base and look up at least 4 scientific articles that would support and/or reinforce your hypothesis or ideas. This is a literature review. A lit review is utilizing other’s […]