Discipline: Sociology

Book report on The Treadmill of Crime: Political Economy and Green Criminology by Paul B. Stretesky, Michael A. Long and Michael J. LynchBook report on The Treadmill of Crime: Political Economy and Green Criminology by Paul B. Stretesky, Michael A. Long and Michael J. Lynch

Write a 3 to 5-page essay on the The Treadmill of Crime: Political Economy and Green Criminology. First, provide a detailed SUMMARY of the book. Make sure you describe the major themes, issues, and findings coveredin the book. Second, what were the three MOST IMPORTANT things you learned from the book, and why were they important?

3-1 Final Project Milestone Two: Draft of Application of Sociological Theories and Concepts: TOPIC: GENDER WAGE GAP3-1 Final Project Milestone Two: Draft of Application of Sociological Theories and Concepts: TOPIC: GENDER WAGE GAP

TOPIC : GENDER WAGE GAP For this milestone, you will submit a draft of your Application of Sociological Theories and Concepts, addressing critical element II of capstone component 1 (white paper) in the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document. You will use the workplace scenario selected in Milestone One and address the following: Use a […]

After reading pages 299-304 in the textbook, discuss how the nature-nurture debate relates to the biological and environmental influences on the development of language skills.After reading pages 299-304 in the textbook, discuss how the nature-nurture debate relates to the biological and environmental influences on the development of language skills.

 After reading pages 299-304 in the textbook, discuss how the nature-nurture debate relates to the biological and environmental influences on the development of language skills. Which do you see having more impact on language development? Why? Give an example.  Find an external resource that supports your views. The external resources can be video links, journal […]

After reading pages 264-270 in the textbook, discuss the development of intelligence across the life span.After reading pages 264-270 in the textbook, discuss the development of intelligence across the life span.

After reading pages 264-270 in the textbook, discuss the development of intelligence across the life span.   What information stands out to you about the development of intelligence across the life span? How is this information helpful to you?   Apply course concepts to your response.  Your initial post must include the following: 150+ original words concrete […]

Describe and analyze the process of socialization. Next, analyze at least 4 agents of socialization that have affected your development as an individual, focusing on childhood socialization into adulthood.Describe and analyze the process of socialization. Next, analyze at least 4 agents of socialization that have affected your development as an individual, focusing on childhood socialization into adulthood.

Option 1:  Describe and analyze the process of socialization. Begin with responding to the question “Who Am I?” In your description, make sure to incorporate the concepts we have addressed in the course, such as roles, statuses, group membership, etc. Your response to this question should be at least 1+ page in length.  Next, analyze at least 4 agents […]

Aside from family, which agent of socialization do you believe had the greatest impact on you personally? Explain why.Aside from family, which agent of socialization do you believe had the greatest impact on you personally? Explain why.

You are required to write a minimum of 250 words in your journal entry. These journal entries are a way for me to gauge your understanding of certain topics within this course, as well as allow you to reflect in a more confidential manner. Please see the Journal Entries Rubric for grading details.

Writing a Proposal for Sociology of Education: How do middle schools control cyber bullying?Writing a Proposal for Sociology of Education: How do middle schools control cyber bullying?

Topic: How do Middle Schools deal with cyber bullying, control it? You must submit a one paragraph topic proposal so that I can provide feedback and approve.  Your topic should address issues/questions central to SoE: How do statuses [race, class, gender expression, citizenship, dis/ability, English Language Learners, etc] impact learning, schooling, academic achievement, etc. How do […]

“The dispute in Palestine raises serious concerns about the committing of genocide, as evidenced by organized human rights displacement, and violence, demanding worldwide attention to address the urgent need for the protection of Palestinian lives.”“The dispute in Palestine raises serious concerns about the committing of genocide, as evidenced by organized human rights displacement, and violence, demanding worldwide attention to address the urgent need for the protection of Palestinian lives.”

Final Paper Assignment Due date: MARCH 27th  The purpose of the final paper is for you to conduct research and prepare a paper on one particular aspect of Peace & Conflict Studies that you find most interesting or compelling. You are welcome to choose any topic. One good way of choosing a topic is to […]

On the extent to which such a social and international order, based on human rights, has been accomplished–or not–in the second half of the 20th century and first two decades of the 21st centurOn the extent to which such a social and international order, based on human rights, has been accomplished–or not–in the second half of the 20th century and first two decades of the 21st centur

Article 28 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) states: “Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.” For this assignment, reflect on the extent to which such a social and international order, based on human rights, has […]

Sociology Essay: The Evolution of ‘Mid-90s’ (2018) Youth Subcultures: From Folk Devils to Cultural Icons – A Social Conflict Theory Perspective.Sociology Essay: The Evolution of ‘Mid-90s’ (2018) Youth Subcultures: From Folk Devils to Cultural Icons – A Social Conflict Theory Perspective.

The essay assignment requires students to choose a topic, conduct academic research and produce a research essay satisfying the requirements listed below. Requirements: Format: 5 pages (double-spaced, 12-point font, standard margins) minimum and 6 pages maximum. Do not deviate from your spacing. That is, once you begin your essay the entirety of the essay will be in double-spaced formatting […]