Discipline: Sociology

Research Proposal / Convoulted relationship between the use of social media and the resultant mental healthResearch Proposal / Convoulted relationship between the use of social media and the resultant mental health

Topic question: The study focused on the convoluted relationship between the use of social media and the resultant mental health conditions among young adults within the age bracket of 18-29 years For this assignment you will write a 6-7 pages research proposal on a topic of your choice. Your paper will need to be double […]

stion is: Can participation in mentorship, extracurricular activities, and after-school programs reduce youth involvement in crime in underprivileged neighborhoods?stion is: Can participation in mentorship, extracurricular activities, and after-school programs reduce youth involvement in crime in underprivileged neighborhoods?

Guidelines and Rubric for Final Paper Research Methods The primary point of sociology is to augment the findings of others, which is also the point of your final paper. Your final paper is a way for you to demonstrate how the ideas from the course have launched you on a research agenda. Review the ideas […]


Students will write an 8-page essay on a topic related to the subject matter.. Students will choose no less than 5 sources- 4 peer reviewed academic articles and one from a reliable source (no magazines, blog, newspapers, etc.). I strongly recommend the use of one of the government sources, which include but are not limited […]

Sociology: How has this course helped you understand social systems, particularly systems of inequality in U.S. society?Sociology: How has this course helped you understand social systems, particularly systems of inequality in U.S. society?

Write an essay addressing the following question: How has this course helped you understand social systems, particularly the systems of inequality in U.S. society? Utilize lecture notes and readings linked below.Must include all three readings listed below in the essay that show systems ofinequality in U.S. society.1) Aries & Seider. “Lower Income College Students at […]

Please combine the information attached and create the methodology & sampling schemePlease combine the information attached and create the methodology & sampling scheme

THIS IS THE BRIEF BELOW: ALL THE INFORMATION HAS BEEN GATHERED IT JUST NEEDS TO BE PUT INTO THE METHODOLOGY AND SAMPLING SCHEME TO ADD TO THE FINAL PAPER. Methodology: • Methodology entails, a discussion about how you research established a relationship with the empirical world in a way that makes sense, is justifiable, and […]

Please apply the concept of Socialization to analyze the issue of environmental awareness among students at the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam today.Please apply the concept of Socialization to analyze the issue of environmental awareness among students at the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam today.

This is a first-year student essay from the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam for the General Sociology course. The essay must include the following: Structure Requirements: Introduction to the research topic Set the context and purpose of the study. Main Content Present the key findings and discussion points. Discussion – Conclusion Provide personal viewpoints and summarize […]

Turn in Reaction to the Film Clark Kerr and the Californian Model of Higher EducationTurn in Reaction to the Film Clark Kerr and the Californian Model of Higher Education

As for the format, all film reaction papers must be typed, double spaced with a 12-point Times New Roman font and each page must be numbered. Film reaction papers should be at least one full, double-spaced page in length. As for the content of the text, 50 percent of your reaction paper should indicate the […]

Reaction to the Film Symposium on Cedric J. Robinson’s Radical Thought: Cedric Robinson’s Keynote AddressReaction to the Film Symposium on Cedric J. Robinson’s Radical Thought: Cedric Robinson’s Keynote Address

As for the format, all film reaction papers must be typed, double spaced with a 12-point Times New Roman font and each page must be numbered. Film reaction papers should be at least one full, double-spaced page in length. As for the content of the text, 50 percent of your reaction paper should indicate the […]

Reaction to the Film Taylor Branch–At Canaan’s Edge: America in the King Years, 1965-68Reaction to the Film Taylor Branch–At Canaan’s Edge: America in the King Years, 1965-68

As for the format, all film reaction papers must be typed, double spaced with a 12-point Times New Roman font and each page must be numbered. Film reaction papers should be at least one full, double-spaced page in length. As for the content of the text, 50 percent of your reaction paper should indicate the […]

Reaction to the Film Legislating for the People, with Ronald V. Dellums (Conversations with History)Reaction to the Film Legislating for the People, with Ronald V. Dellums (Conversations with History)

As for the format, all film reaction papers must be typed, double spaced with a 12-point Times New Roman font and each page must be numbered. Film reaction papers should be at least one full, double-spaced page in length. As for the content of the text, 50 percent of your reaction paper should indicate the […]