Discipline: Sociology

Answering following questions about Functionalist Theory and Conflict Theory using the class reading by Kathleen Wilcox that discusses research on Smith Elementary and Huntington Elementary.Answering following questions about Functionalist Theory and Conflict Theory using the class reading by Kathleen Wilcox that discusses research on Smith Elementary and Huntington Elementary.

You Must  • Include the question with each answer. • Write your answers in complete sentences and paragraphs.  • Use materials and information only from the course! • Submit your answers in a Word doc or PDF.  • Include quotes from class readings; if you do, proper citation rules apply, for example, (author’s last name, […]

Apply Theories of Minority Groups or Institutions and Theories of Social Change to a Social MovementApply Theories of Minority Groups or Institutions and Theories of Social Change to a Social Movement

My discussion board is on the topic I chose to write about. Instructions and Rubric will be attached. Conflict Theory and Symbolic Interactionism explain how Black Lives Matter functions at macro and micro levels. Conflict Theory focuses on the status and analysis of power. In contrast, the power to bring about change, as depicted by […]

Enhancing Veteran Access to Healthcare: A Transportation Initiative through the Council on Aging in Melrose, MassachusettsEnhancing Veteran Access to Healthcare: A Transportation Initiative through the Council on Aging in Melrose, Massachusetts

Assignment Part 1: Power Point Outline (See completed outline below) I. Target Problem II. Relevant Literature a. Find out what’s known factual about this problem b. Identify a few articles that are from professional literature c. Why is this issue significant? III. Methods a. If you were to design an intervention or a change strategy, […]

Explain why we need both macrosociology and microsociology to understand social life.Explain why we need both macrosociology and microsociology to understand social life.

Case Study Summary:    Explain why we need both macrosociology and microsociology to understand social life. 3 pages (excluding title & reference pages) Include the following sections in the paper: Introduction Aims Methods Results Discussion Recommendations/conclusions APA or MLA Formatting 12 point font Times New Roman Double space References/Citations required (3 minimum)

Environmental Sociology – Drawing on environmental sociological perspectives on risk, critically discuss debates about nuclear energy with reference to empirical examplesEnvironmental Sociology – Drawing on environmental sociological perspectives on risk, critically discuss debates about nuclear energy with reference to empirical examples

ESSAY QUESTION The essay question is: Drawing on environmental sociological perspectives on risk, critically discuss debates about nuclear energy with reference to empirical examples. – This is for an environmental Sociology class – I have provided an outline, however, if something does not fit or needs to be added then please do so. I apologize for […]

Gender and Social Movements: A Global Comparative Exploration through an Intersectional Feminist LensGender and Social Movements: A Global Comparative Exploration through an Intersectional Feminist Lens

In a 500-750 words essay (Times New Roman 12, double-spaced, 1-inch margins), students need to critically examine gender and social movements from a transnational/global perspective, focusing on the intersectional feminist framework. You will explore how gender identities intersect with other forms of identity, such as race, class, sexuality, and ability, within social movements across different […]

The Sociological Impact of Systemic Racism on Housing and Economic Opportunities in Urban AmericaThe Sociological Impact of Systemic Racism on Housing and Economic Opportunities in Urban America

Social Problem Report Format and Content The paper should contain a careful statement of the problem. Then, through Internet and library research as well as interviews with at least three people who deal with the problem regularly in the work/life you will develop a report that discusses the scope of the problem, its likely causes, […]

Creating a session plan for divorce processing group for members of the LGBTQ+ communityCreating a session plan for divorce processing group for members of the LGBTQ+ community

General divorce related issues  LGBTQ+ specific issues Additional emotional weight due to the struggle for marriage equality. “Failure” at marriage after gaining legal access to be married. Meaning of marriage for queer folks. Legal and parental challenges  Existing support: limited to online peer support groups, individual LGBTQ+ affirming therapy if accessible (a few sentences) AND/OR […]

What have the readings revealed that contradict popular beliefs about deportations?What have the readings revealed that contradict popular beliefs about deportations?

Write prompt question that you’re responding to as your title Papers that don’t follow this rule automatically lose 10% of points Your thesis is your response to the question Cite facts and figures whenever you enter them in the text Citation Format: (author last name year: page number(s)) Write in your own words Quotes should be […]

Explain the relevance of The Sociological Imagination to the discipline of sociology.Explain the relevance of The Sociological Imagination to the discipline of sociology.

Presentation Topic: Explain the relevance of The Sociological Imagination to the discipline of sociology.  Make the presentation based on this reading. [II: 118-154]: Charles Wright Mills, White Collar [1951] (excerpts). https://archive.org/details/whitecollarameri00mill/page/118/mode/2up The presentation has to be 15mins long and it must include the following: – expose some of the main arguments of the sociologist(s) of the […]