Discipline: Sociology

Assessing the Legal and Political Strategies of an Athlete Applied to Protest a Social IssueAssessing the Legal and Political Strategies of an Athlete Applied to Protest a Social Issue

The first section of this course sought to provide historical and theoretical grounding for continued study of the productive and complex intersections of athletes and their activism. We have looked at major cases and systems/institutions of inequity; discussed the legal and extra-legal framing of arguments about protest, free speech, and justice; and discussed the political […]

Apply C.W. Mills’s sociological imagination concept to explain a personal situationApply C.W. Mills’s sociological imagination concept to explain a personal situation

Intro- write a paragraph introducing C.W. Mills’s concept of sociology imagination and give a personal overview of how you will be applying it to the personal situation that you will discuss in your paper Personal explanation- in this 2nd content area, describe your personal situation. Based on whether the situation is current or present. Describe […]

The purpose of the second writing assignment is to explore the social significance of the topic you used for the first writing assignment.The purpose of the second writing assignment is to explore the social significance of the topic you used for the first writing assignment.

The purpose of the second writing assignment is to explore the social significance of the topic you used for the first writing assignment. This means you will be thinking about how your example matters in a broader sense, and how connects to bigger social issues and themes. In this paper, you must do the following:  […]

Unit Activity-Sociology Intimate Relations/Family. Book-KNOX M&F4 Marriage & Family Chapter 5Unit Activity-Sociology Intimate Relations/Family. Book-KNOX M&F4 Marriage & Family Chapter 5

Answer all of the questions in a brief essay format (100-words is the minimum).  Each research essay must be a minimum of 3-4 well-developed paragraphs & preferably 300 words in length (with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion).  Better essays will exceed those minimal requirements  Be sure to number your essays. ANSWER MY QUESTIONS NORMALLY […]

The Influence of Social Media on Cyberbullying and Its Role in Juvenile DelinquencyThe Influence of Social Media on Cyberbullying and Its Role in Juvenile Delinquency

Juvenile Delinquency Project Proposal: The Influence of Social Media on Cyberbullying and Its Role in Juvenile Delinquency   FINAL PAPER: This must be original work with appropriate citations including at least five scholarly articles and a total of at least ten references. The final paper will be 6-8 pages. It will include your problem statement, […]

Beyond the Divide: A Deep Dive into Gender Discrepancies in Educational AttainmentBeyond the Divide: A Deep Dive into Gender Discrepancies in Educational Attainment

PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY A one-page proposal (double-spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman font, one inch margins) with a cover page and References page (7th edition APA style), so three pages in total. Name, student number, course code plus section number, Prof’s name and an assignment title indicating your topic choice are required on the […]

Give an example of gender, racial or ethnic stereotyping that you see in everyday life. Explain how does stereotyping contribute to institutionalized discrimination and what would need to happen for this to be eliminated.Give an example of gender, racial or ethnic stereotyping that you see in everyday life. Explain how does stereotyping contribute to institutionalized discrimination and what would need to happen for this to be eliminated.

 Give an example of gender, racial or ethnic stereotyping that you see in everyday life. Explain how does stereotyping contribute to institutionalized discrimination and what would need to happen for this to be eliminated. Submit a paper that is well constructed using APA format. The paper should be a minimum of one typewritten page (approximately […]

Research on Three Major Cities we have Looked at. ( New York City, Detroit and New Orleans)Research on Three Major Cities we have Looked at. ( New York City, Detroit and New Orleans)

These are the websites to use for the data portion. Not every database below has data on all three of our cities of focus. Some databases may have state level data only. I indicate this below if that is the case. Some databases are visual; some are numerical. Some are useful to the assignments in […]

HC in Arts in Business, Enterprise and Community Development – 2023/24 Introduction to work psychologyHC in Arts in Business, Enterprise and Community Development – 2023/24 Introduction to work psychology

Ireland Essay: Examples of organisation should be choosen from Ireland. Part 1: Individual Assignment (Total 40% – 1,500 words) ‘Outline five potential stressors within organisations and describe how both individuals and organisations can reduce unhelpful levels of stress’. Examples can be taken from the module materials, research outside the module and/or your own organisation. Your […]