Discipline: Sociology

The New Urban Sociology: Gottdiener, Mark, Randolph Hohle, and Colby King. 2019. The New Urban Sociology, Sixth Edition. New York: Routledge.-The New Urban Sociology: Gottdiener, Mark, Randolph Hohle, and Colby King. 2019. The New Urban Sociology, Sixth Edition. New York: Routledge.-

need help finishing paper bullet-point list of 3 – 6 major points presented in your report. this assists stakeholders who may be short on time this assists you for your visual presentation following Fall Recess (one slide that highlights your points, plus images that are part of your report) III. Statement of the Problem Introduce […]

Deep Dive #6 – Linking, Theory, Evidence and Practice to Substance Use PreventionDeep Dive #6 – Linking, Theory, Evidence and Practice to Substance Use Prevention

Begin by examining the societal forces that have propelled evidence-based practice        (EBP) into prominence within the fields of health and human services. Then, explore the definitions of EBP as outlined in psychology and public health disciplines. Compare and contrast the components of EBP integration in both fields. Finally, analyze the conditions that […]

Deep Dive #5 – The Role of Society and Culture in Preventing and Treating Substance Use DisordersDeep Dive #5 – The Role of Society and Culture in Preventing and Treating Substance Use Disorders

Begin by providing a detailed explanation of each of the five basic sociological functions of substance use, including how they contribute to understanding both the use and misuse of substances. Utilize examples or case studies to illustrate each sociological function and its implications for substance use behavior. Then, analyze the strengths and weaknesses of applying […]

Deep Dive #4 The Role of the Family in Preventing and Treating Substance Use DisordersDeep Dive #4 The Role of the Family in Preventing and Treating Substance Use Disorders

I will Attach images of Chapter 8 for reference.  Begin by defining the role of the family in the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders. Discuss how family dynamics, communication patterns, and relationships can influence an individual’s susceptibility to addiction and their ability to recover from it. Then, describe the three family models of […]

Research Topic: The Intersection of Science and Religion: Galileo and the ChurchResearch Topic: The Intersection of Science and Religion: Galileo and the Church

Description: To analyze Galileo’s conflict with the Catholic Church and how this case symbolizes broader tensions between scientific inquiry and religious authority during the Scientific Revolution. You have to provide a bibliographic list of consisting of ten academic (!) publications, APA. You have to prove here that they understand how to research literature, how differentiate […]

Society in a Song: An Exercise of the Sociological Imagination Presentation and PaperSociety in a Song: An Exercise of the Sociological Imagination Presentation and Paper

Pick a song that you feel describes or encompasses a challenge, problem, or concern of your everyday life. Once you have chosen a song and a direction for your research, you need to think about how others in society may struggle with this same issue. In other words, you are to connect your personal trouble […]

the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami and its impact on human rights during disaster response and recoverythe 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami and its impact on human rights during disaster response and recovery

This paper is about describing everything that happened during the disaster and then going into human rights. Here are some points that can be used:  Right to Shelter: Challenges faced by displaced populations in accessing adequate and equitable housing during post-disaster reconstruction. Right to Health: The struggle to provide medical care, clean water, and sanitation […]

5-2 Student Discussion: Final Project Milestone Three: Helping Process Discussio5-2 Student Discussion: Final Project Milestone Three: Helping Process Discussio

For this assignment, you will post in the Helping Process Discussion. Select one client-facing role that is used by human services professionals within the organization you selected for your final project. Then, create a post that names the role, explains the different responsibilities of the profession, and provides examples of how this role relates to […]

Intersectionality and the Struggle for Equality: Latina Women Breaking Glass Ceilings in the United StatesIntersectionality and the Struggle for Equality: Latina Women Breaking Glass Ceilings in the United States

Write about the inequality Latina women experience in the United States. Discuss intersectional wage gaps at work, the impact of education and immigration status, barriers in the workplace, political representation and challenges. What are their role of cultural expectations and family responsibilites, and some strategies for change and empowerment.   Write a 4-5 page paper on […]

How do mandatory arrest laws impact exceptional clearance rates of intimate partner violence cases within municipal law enforcement agencies?How do mandatory arrest laws impact exceptional clearance rates of intimate partner violence cases within municipal law enforcement agencies?

Introduction (1/2 page) – Your introduction should introduce your reader to the topic of study without going into any substantial detail (e.g., referencing should be minimal in an introduction). o Make sure to clearly explain the research problem and your research objectives – Your introduction should present your research question which must include an independent […]