Discipline: Sociology

Discuss how racial difference is socially constructed through economic, political and cultural processes.Discuss how racial difference is socially constructed through economic, political and cultural processes.

Requires in text citations, references are also allowed, however no website references, only from scholarly articles or academic books/readings. Quotes should be placed in quotations marks with the source of author name, year and page at which quote appears, or the case name, year and page or paragraph at which the quote appears in. Please […]

Analyze Schoolgirls by Peggy Oreinstein from a women and gender studies perspectiveAnalyze Schoolgirls by Peggy Oreinstein from a women and gender studies perspective

In writing your essay, please consider and address all of the following issues. (Please be as precise as possible, use brief quotations and/or citations to support your points, and provide information about the exact page numbers from Orenstein’s text—unless you are using an ebook edition that lacks page numbers.)  1) ANALYZE YOUR CHAPTER What roles […]

10 PACIFIC CROSSINGS From Japan to the Land of “Money Trees” Takaki, Ronald. A Different Mirror10 PACIFIC CROSSINGS From Japan to the Land of “Money Trees” Takaki, Ronald. A Different Mirror

This is on chapter 10 of the book A DIFFERENT MIRROR The Making of Multicultural America by Takaki, Ronald. I could not find a downloadable pdf of the book sorry. Prompt:  Scholars are expected to produce a typed essay complete with bibliography (6-10 page) of their proposed chapter. Student’s full name should be typed on the […]

Sociology: The purpose of this assignment is to examine the use of Triangulation.Sociology: The purpose of this assignment is to examine the use of Triangulation.

The purpose of this assignment is to examine the use of Triangulation (This term is defined in the Reading Module for Chapter 2.) in research methods, and just how useful it can be to incorporate different methods of data collection into the same study. To complete this assignment, you will want to first make sure […]

Changes, Benefits, and Challenges of Gender Inclusion and Personal Identity from a Global PerspectiveChanges, Benefits, and Challenges of Gender Inclusion and Personal Identity from a Global Perspective

Write a 2-3 page (750-1,000 words) paper in which you: Describe 2-3 changes (economic, social, political, legal, et cetera) that could possibly improve the situation. Describe the interventions in those examples that have been attempted to rectify the issue. Analyze 2-3 benefits (economic, social, political, legal, et cetera) that could be realized following the changes. […]

Week 6 Assignment – The Impact of Climate Change on Food Security Due: Mon May 13, 2024 9:00amWeek 6 Assignment – The Impact of Climate Change on Food Security Due: Mon May 13, 2024 9:00am

Case Assessment As the world’s population nears 10 billion by 2050, the effects of global warming are stripping some natural resources from the environment. As they diminish in number, developing countries will face mounting obstacles to improving the livelihoods of their citizens and stabilizing their access to enough food. The reason these governments are struggling […]

SOC100 Week two discussion 4, The book is authored by Dalton Conley (2021), and is titled You May Ask Yourself. It’s the 7th edition, published by W.W. Norton.SOC100 Week two discussion 4, The book is authored by Dalton Conley (2021), and is titled You May Ask Yourself. It’s the 7th edition, published by W.W. Norton.

Annette Lareau discusses her book Unequal Childhoods. She explains that parenting strategies vary by social class and points out that it is unclear whether these differences affect the long-term outcomes of children. Long Interview – https://util.wwnorton.com/jwplayer?type=video&msrc=/wwnorton.college.public/sociology/youmay_interviews/Lareau-full.mp4&isrc=/wwnorton.college.public/sociology/youmay_interviews/Lareau-full.jpg&csrc=/wwnorton.college.public/sociology/youmay_interviews/Lareau-full.vtt After watching the interview with Annette Lareau, answer the following discussion question, in detail. Parents of different socioeconomic statuses socialize their […]

SOC100 Chapter 6 journal (Dalton Conley (2021), You May Ask Yourself. It’s the 7th edition, published by W.W. Norton)SOC100 Chapter 6 journal (Dalton Conley (2021), You May Ask Yourself. It’s the 7th edition, published by W.W. Norton)

Instructions 1) After reading Chapter 6, think of an act or instance of deviance in current events. First, define deviance using our book. 2) Then, briefly describe a deviant act covered in the news– current or historic (such as an odd disturbance, a crime, protest, etc.). 3) Which social norm(s) did the act break? Was […]