Discipline: Sociology

Create a fictitious but realistic workplace scenario: “Workplace Personality Clashes”Create a fictitious but realistic workplace scenario: “Workplace Personality Clashes”

For this milestone, you will submit a 2–3-page draft of your Statement of Problem, which is a detailed summary of the selected workplace situation. All the employees involved directly in it, along with stakeholders in the organization who are not directly involved, need to be described, including their individual viewpoints on the situation. Also, the […]

Project 2: “Do we have Free Will?” The Impact of Social Institutions in Our Daily LivesProject 2: “Do we have Free Will?” The Impact of Social Institutions in Our Daily Lives

In this project, you will reflect on the role that institutions play in everyday life.   Instructions Select one social institution: either family or education to examine how it shapes human behavior. You can either reflect on your own experiences or behavior, or you can interview a friend or family member.    The worksheet below […]

How has new media affected literacy and information consumption? How is this different from older forms of media? In your discussion, use any THREE media theories that you have been introduced to during this course.How has new media affected literacy and information consumption? How is this different from older forms of media? In your discussion, use any THREE media theories that you have been introduced to during this course.

How has new media affected literacy and information consumption? How is this different from older forms of media? In your discussion, use any THREE media theories that you have been introduced to during this course. You are free to choose any three theories; some examples are the various media effects theories such as the magic […]

Research Question: How Does the experience of academic advising at Brooklyn College for first generation students  influenced their choice of major and perceptions of the usefulness of their degree in transitioning to their careers after graduation?Research Question: How Does the experience of academic advising at Brooklyn College for first generation students  influenced their choice of major and perceptions of the usefulness of their degree in transitioning to their careers after graduation?

Here Is my complete Senior seminar paper, the sections that require the most revisions are the abstract, analysis, conclusion. Here are comments from my professor,  Abstract – needs work. You have stated your research question + method + sample. However, you simply need to state your findings as in the analyiss and then answer your […]

Homework 3 – Applying Control Theories & Learning Theories to Practical ExamplesHomework 3 – Applying Control Theories & Learning Theories to Practical Examples

Instructions Read these detailed instructions, paying close attention to assignment goals, due dates, and other submission guidelines. Jesse Pomeroy was born in 1859 in Charleston, Massachusetts and went on to murder multiple victims as a 14-year-old boy. Read his story here: “Jesse Pomeroy – ‘Boston Boy Fiend’” (https://www.murderbygaslight.com/2010/08/jesse-pomeroy-boston-boy-fiend.html#comment-form). Content Warning: This story contains violent imagery of animal abuse and […]

Adam Smith and the “division of labor” theory While the “division of labor” theory translates to today’s economy, how can we solve the socioeconomic discrepancies caused by this theory today?Adam Smith and the “division of labor” theory While the “division of labor” theory translates to today’s economy, how can we solve the socioeconomic discrepancies caused by this theory today?

For the paper in this class, you will apply classical social theory to frame a  contmporary socialissue. This means that you should be confident that you can write an 8-10 page paper that willmostly focus on theory and its application rather than mostly discuss the social  issue itself. Youmay choose to look at two social […]

The increase of wage inequality amongst genders and specifically for women of color in NYCThe increase of wage inequality amongst genders and specifically for women of color in NYC

Use your PEEEL outline to craft your work. (Attached for reference)  **The (LINK) in PEEL method must include a suggestion for future research on this topic.**   Your Paper should be at least seven pages, and no more than 10 pages  (not including your reference list)   Your work must be formatted in APA style – […]

A position paper on capital punishment/death penalty that answers, Is law an effective mechanism for social change? by exploring the interplay between legal frameworks and societal transformation through a substance focus, problem, issue, or constituency.A position paper on capital punishment/death penalty that answers, Is law an effective mechanism for social change? by exploring the interplay between legal frameworks and societal transformation through a substance focus, problem, issue, or constituency.

Topic Chosen – Capital Punishment/Death Penalty  Is law an effective mechanism for social change? Write a position paper that answers this question by exploring the interplay between legal frameworks and societal transformation through a substance focus, problem, issue, or constituency.  Topic Chosen – Capital Punishment/Death Penalty ( to examine the effectiveness of law as a mechanism for […]