Discipline: Software and Applications

Quantitative Analysis: Variables, Descriptive, and Data Management (Must have Software: IBM SPSS Grad Pack Premium V29)Quantitative Analysis: Variables, Descriptive, and Data Management (Must have Software: IBM SPSS Grad Pack Premium V29)

This is a Doctoral-level assignment for Quantitative Research Methods. Please do not bid unless you are able to provide quality-work at the doctoral-level. You must have Software: IBM SPSS Grad Pack Premium V29  in order to complete this Homework. Free 30-day SPSS Statistics Trial Link: https://www.ibm.com/products/spss-statistics/gradpack If successful, additional order using the same IBM software to complete […]

how simulation is beneficial along with example of simulation software used to solve the problem.how simulation is beneficial along with example of simulation software used to solve the problem.

Perform case study on the application areas of simulation in any domain. You may choose any one area and elaborate on how simulation is beneficial along with example of simulation software used to solve the problem. Prepare a detailed report (4-6 pages) on chosen topic and explaining the software simulator in chosen area of application. […]

IS130 Tableau for Business Analytics: Creating insightful dashboards with TableauIS130 Tableau for Business Analytics: Creating insightful dashboards with Tableau

(Individual) Project Objective: Gain hands-on experience with Tableau and become familiar with the interface and tools, practicing various drill-down and filtering techniques to generate insight into data. Use the “EU Superstore” Data Set in Tableau. For each question, use the hints/listed components to create a visualization which will provide the information needed to answer the […]

Data Mining Best Practices and Efficiency in Large Scale Data Mining: A Comprehensive StudyData Mining Best Practices and Efficiency in Large Scale Data Mining: A Comprehensive Study

Abstract This research aims to explore and establish best practices in data mining and analyze the efficiency of these practices when applied to large scale datasets. The study will focus on comparing various data mining techniques, tools, and frameworks to identify the most effective strategies for handling big data, improving processing time, and enhancing decision-making […]

Enhancing Scalability and Deployment Efficiency of SaaS-Based Web Applications through Docker ContainerizationEnhancing Scalability and Deployment Efficiency of SaaS-Based Web Applications through Docker Containerization

I need an Idea for research paper to be accepted in the field of software engineering. I found a subject in using Docker in cloud and SaaS application lile Oracle Apex and I may use AI to enhance application performance specially in search. But I need a title and abstract or introduction and problem difintion. […]

The doc named Extra credit Characteristics of a Successful programming Culture needs editing.The doc named Extra credit Characteristics of a Successful programming Culture needs editing.

The doc named Extra credit Characteristics of a Successful programming Culture needs editing.   Go to The Managing the Unmanageable tools page and download the spreadsheet under chapter 8 – Characteristics of a Successful Programming Culture. Using APA format and referencing write a short paragraph for each characteristic and what it means  to you

Research 2 computer sotware programs and discuss how each impacts the field of veternary practice.Research 2 computer sotware programs and discuss how each impacts the field of veternary practice.

Research each software brand, paying attention to the items in the following list, and then write a research paper that compares and contrast the two software brands, including ( but not limiting your writing to) the following information:  1. Name the 2 brands of software that you’ve chosen, and give a brief description of each. […]

Of the five primary components of an information system (hardware, software, data, people, process), which do you think is the most important to the success of a business organization?Of the five primary components of an information system (hardware, software, data, people, process), which do you think is the most important to the success of a business organization?

Question Of the five primary components of an information system (hardware, software, data, people, process), which do you think is the most important to the success of a business organization? Part A – Define each primary component of the information system. Part B – Include your perspective on why your selection is most important. Part C – Provide […]