Discipline: Special education

Module 1 Analytic Paper: Exclusion, Inclusion and Restorative Responses to Student BehaviorsModule 1 Analytic Paper: Exclusion, Inclusion and Restorative Responses to Student Behaviors

Read Chapters 1 and 2 of From Exclusion to Excellence (Razer and Friedman, 2017) and then Chapters 1 and 2 of Teaching the Children We Fear (Smith, 2007).  Use the descriptions and theories related to cycles of exclusion and building restorative relationships in From Exclusion to Excellence as frameworks to analyze the stories of classroom experiences described in the first two […]

Reflection after reading article on potential biases in assessments for intellectual DisabilitiesReflection after reading article on potential biases in assessments for intellectual Disabilities

In previous modules, we have discussed IQ/Cognitive assessments and their relationship to qualifying for special education and other services. We will continue to discuss this topic as we move forward. I will at times review the definition of IQ and how it is applied along with cautions in the testing process itself.  In preparation, read […]

The role of workability programs in supporting high school students with disabilities for life after high school in CaliforniaThe role of workability programs in supporting high school students with disabilities for life after high school in California

Writing Prompt:   **==Title: The Role of Workability Programs in Supporting High School Students with Disabilities for Post-School Life  Instructions: Write a 1500-word research-based essay that examines how Workability programs assist high school students with disabilities in preparing for post-school life, including employment, higher education, and independent living. The essay should explore various aspects of these […]

Special Education – Human Rights and principles of social justice/ student case studySpecial Education – Human Rights and principles of social justice/ student case study

This assessment requires you to critically reflect on teaching students with disability with afocus on effective ways to support their learning through inclusive practice. You must support your reflection with recent academic research (i.e., peer reviewed journal articles or book chapters no more than 10 years old) and address barriers concerning access to, and participation in learning. This […]

Clinical Field Experience A: Multidisciplinary Psychoeducational Report InterviewClinical Field Experience A: Multidisciplinary Psychoeducational Report Interview

Gaining first-hand experience with the completion and application of multidisciplinary psychoeducational reports is key to being prepared for a future in special education. In collaborating with a mentor on this process, you will be better prepared to complete these tasks on your own in the future. Allocate at least 2 hours in a special education/inclusive […]

How can special educators and classroom teachers provide effective classroom teaching aligned with small group or individual intervention (layered learning intervention) for students with disabilities?How can special educators and classroom teachers provide effective classroom teaching aligned with small group or individual intervention (layered learning intervention) for students with disabilities?

Write 3500 words in response to the question: How can special educators and classroom teachers provide effective classroom teaching aligned with small group or individual intervention (layered learning intervention) for students with disabilities? You will consider: Responsive teaching and educational casework processes Professional skills and expertise of responsive classroom teachers and learning support teachers (special […]

Clinical Field Experience: Research Based Intervention and Remediation TemplateClinical Field Experience: Research Based Intervention and Remediation Template

English language arts can be challenging for many students, often due to difficulties with reading comprehension and written expression as well as speaking and listening skills. It is important to identify the specific areas in need of improvement so the appropriate intervention can be implemented to thoughtfully differentiate instruction for students to develop necessary skills. […]

teacher professional development on how contextual factors affect student learning.teacher professional development on how contextual factors affect student learning.

Contextual factors play an integral role in the learning process. Teachers who recognize these factors equip themselves to meet the learning needs of diverse student populations. Additionally, by modifying instruction or procedures to address all of the students’ contextual factors, they will have an increased likelihood of academic success. Create an 8-10 slide digital presentation […]

Write up to 2 pages with a font of 12, single spaced, citing points made in the videos to explain.Write up to 2 pages with a font of 12, single spaced, citing points made in the videos to explain.

Article and Series of Videos (approximately 35 minutes) a) The school-to-prison pipeline, explained (there are 2 videos; one after the other)_https://www.bing.com/videos/riverview/relatedvideo?q=videoWhat+Educators+Can+Do+to+Help+Dismantle+the+School-to-Prison+Pipeline&mid=50756D18A2D9878A8CE350756D18A2D9878A8CE3&FORM=VIRE(approximately 9 minutes) b) Álvarez, B. (n.d.). What educators can do to help dismantle the School-to-Prison Pipeline | NEA.https://www.nea.org/nea-today/all-news-articles/what-educators-can-do-help-dismantle-school-prison-pipeline (approximately 15 minutes) c) Click the link in the What educators can do to help dismantle […]

Write up to a page with a font of 12, single spaced, citing points made in the videos and reflecting on the impact of trauma on brain development.Write up to a page with a font of 12, single spaced, citing points made in the videos and reflecting on the impact of trauma on brain development.

Part 1: CBS Mornings. (2021b, April 27). Oprah Winfrey examines how old traumas affect people laterin life and what can be done about it [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_3HjXNjgbQ (approximately 6 minutes) Write up to a page with a font of 12, single spaced, citing points made in the videos andreflecting on the impact of trauma on […]