Discipline: Special education

Promoting Self-Advocacy and Independence for Students with Low-Incidence DisabilitiesPromoting Self-Advocacy and Independence for Students with Low-Incidence Disabilities

Using the two articles. Answers the following questions.  How can we promote self-advocacy and independence for students with low-incidence disabilities? Choice Making, Decision Making, Problem-Solving, Goal Setting, Self-Regulation, Self-Advocacy, Self-Awareness, and Self-Efficacy are terms associated with self-advocacy and independence.  Citations need to be throughtout the paper.

Nelson, G.I., & Cone, J.D. (1979). Multiple-baseline analysis of a token economy for psychiatric inpatients. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 12, 255-271. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1311367/pdf/jaba00105-0101.pdfNelson, G.I., & Cone, J.D. (1979). Multiple-baseline analysis of a token economy for psychiatric inpatients. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 12, 255-271. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1311367/pdf/jaba00105-0101.pdf

Nelson, G.I., & Cone, J.D.  (1979).  Multiple-baseline analysis of a token economy  for psychiatric inpatients.  Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 12, 255-271.

U.S. Department of Education Strengthens Guidance to Improve Equal Educational Opportunity for Children with DisabilitiesU.S. Department of Education Strengthens Guidance to Improve Equal Educational Opportunity for Children with Disabilities

Read article (link below): https://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases/us-department-education-strengthens-guidance-improve-equal-educational-opportunity-children-disabilities Students will obtain an article from professional journals, magazines or online resources. The topic will be regarding the educational experiences of exceptional children or the policies and procedures that govern special education. Your article must be dated within the past 12 months. Citation of sources must be provided and strict adherence to APA style […]

The use of task clarification and public posting on increasing IEP compliance within a residential direct care facilityThe use of task clarification and public posting on increasing IEP compliance within a residential direct care facility

Research Question: How can IEP task completion in a residential setting be increased? Participants and Setting The participants were X (lodge has 3 supervisors; 11 ABAC) direct care staff consisting of (# of men and women) within an off campus residential home for an organization serving children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. They […]

Chapter 3 of Knackendoffel, Dettmer, and Thurston (2017) and Cook and Friend’s (2004) Co-teaching,Chapter 3 of Knackendoffel, Dettmer, and Thurston (2017) and Cook and Friend’s (2004) Co-teaching,

After reading Chapter 3 of Knackendoffel, Dettmer, and Thurston (2017) and Cook and Friend’s (2004) Co-teaching, choose FOUR of the twelve situations listed on pages 104-106 of Ch 3 in the Knackendoffel.  For each, propose a method of addressing the need using the 6 facets (system, perspective, approach, prototype, mode, and model).  Also propose a solution using […]

Board of Education of the Hendrick Hudson School District v. Rowley, 458 U.S. 291 (1982).Board of Education of the Hendrick Hudson School District v. Rowley, 458 U.S. 291 (1982).

Board of Education of the Hendrick Hudson School District v. Rowley, 458 U.S. 291 (1982). URL: https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/458/176 Settlegood v. Portland Public Schools, 371 F.3d 503 (9th Cir. 2004). URL: http://caselaw.findlaw.com/us-9th-circuit/1054316.html Urban v. Jefferson County School District R-1, 870 F. Supp. 1558 (D. CO 1994). URL: http://caselaw.findlaw.com/us-10th-circuit/1278336.html Complete a short paper: APA Style: Paper is consistent […]

Reading Toolkit Part 4: Language Structure, Literacy Knowledge, and Verbal ReasoningReading Toolkit Part 4: Language Structure, Literacy Knowledge, and Verbal Reasoning

Reading Toolkit Part 1: Phonological Awareness Clinical Field Experience A: Observation and Interview Reading Toolkit Part 2: Word Recognition Reading Toolkit Part 3: Background Knowledge and Vocabulary Clinical Field Experience B: Small Group Instruction Reading Toolkit Part 4: Language Structure, Literacy Knowledge, and Verbal Reasoning Reading Toolkit Part 4: Language Structure, Literacy Knowledge, and Verbal […]

Module 5: Promoting Social Acceptance and Managing Student Behaviors Videos ActivityModule 5: Promoting Social Acceptance and Managing Student Behaviors Videos Activity

In your module, there are four videos.  For this assignment, you are to watch each of the four videos and do the following: On a Word document describe in a bulleted fashion in complete sentences at least 3 specific things that you learned in each video with one of the three bulleted statements per video stating something about how what you learned might […]

Discussion on Article and Ch 1 and 2 of the book Collaboration, Consultation, and Teamwork, 7e Dettmer, Knackendoffel & ThurstonDiscussion on Article and Ch 1 and 2 of the book Collaboration, Consultation, and Teamwork, 7e Dettmer, Knackendoffel & Thurston

Ch 1-2 No unread replies.No replies. After reading the article Scruggs and Mastropieri’s (2017) “Making Inclusion Work with Co-Teaching” from Teaching Exceptional Children, and Chapters 1 and 2 of Knackendoffel, Dettmer, and Thurston (2017), respond to the following prompts. Initial 1+page   Respond to 1 peer with 1+ paragraph   For both the initial post AND the reply to a peer, you […]

Module 3: Response to Intervention and Multitiered Systems of Support Module Video ReviewsModule 3: Response to Intervention and Multitiered Systems of Support Module Video Reviews

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkK1bT8ls0M  Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWxsI2g5yp8 Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYeMBtmA5oc   Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khzkNRjsPBE   In this module, there are 4 short videos. Watch each video. Then on a Word document, I want you to summarize what you learned in each video in a bulleted format. Do this by putting headings that represent the numbers of the video (e.g., Video 1, […]