Discipline: Special education

Educational and Diagnostic Assessment for Children and Adolescents with DisabilitiesEducational and Diagnostic Assessment for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities

As your summative assessment for this course you will conduct a case study and write a psychoeducational report on your findings.  The purpose of the report will be to contribute to the processes for determining eligibility through the collection of multiple data points.  There are two options for completion: Option 1:  You will be provided […]

Clinical Field Experience B: Observation of Learning Environments: Small Group InstructionClinical Field Experience B: Observation of Learning Environments: Small Group Instruction

The ability to effectively manage a classroom and meet the behavior and instructional needs of students both with and without disabilities is complex. Use this part of your field experience to work hands-on with students. Allocate at least 5 hours in the field to support this assignment. Continue to observe and collaborate with your mentor […]

Week 7 – Assignment: Reading Process Steps–Informational (Nonfiction) ComprehensionWeek 7 – Assignment: Reading Process Steps–Informational (Nonfiction) Comprehension

Complete the Informational (Nonfiction) Comprehension row in the Reading Process Steps document. Ensure you complete all the information requested in each column. Submit the document by Sunday. Note. You will add to this document each week. The goal is by the end of the course you will be able to use this as a study guide for the […]

(presentation) Essential Information for Parents of Special needs children: Guidance and Support(presentation) Essential Information for Parents of Special needs children: Guidance and Support

For your presentation, it would probably be more manageable to break the presentation into sections on each topic. You will also need presentation notes (what would the speaker say and what resources are needed to replicate the in-service with their parent population. These can be a separate document like the one attached or they can […]

Research on over-representation of minority in special education and OR on underrepresentation of minority in gifted education in the U.S.Research on over-representation of minority in special education and OR on underrepresentation of minority in gifted education in the U.S.

We will do a scholarly search for an research article either on over-representation of minority in special education and OR on underrepresentation of minority in gifted education in the U.S. I want you to read at least one article of choice and write in Discussion board on D2L what factors explain over- representation of minority in special education or the underrepresentation of […]

Field Experience A: Special Education Teacher and General Education Teacher InterviewsField Experience A: Special Education Teacher and General Education Teacher Interviews

Assessment Description The role of the special education teacher is collaborative and requires a specific skill set and understanding of the laws and regulations related to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the IEP process, and implementation of the IEP. Additionally, special education teachers frequently collaborate, communicate, and co-teach with general education teachers to […]

Reviewing a Sample IEP and writing if it is in compliant or not, what is missing, what could be added, and why would adding this information or detail be important?Reviewing a Sample IEP and writing if it is in compliant or not, what is missing, what could be added, and why would adding this information or detail be important?

 Hello, Below are the instructions for the 3rd part of the IEP. I’ve attached the IEP template the group is working on (My color is blue), the Sample IEP we have to reference, and the IEP template with directions. On the IEP template the group is working on, I must work on pages 23 to 26. […]

Addressing an issue in special education assessment in technology -peer reviewed journal articleAddressing an issue in special education assessment in technology -peer reviewed journal article

Complete a summary of a peer-reviewed journal article addressing an issue in special education assessment in technology using text published between 2014-2023. Your summary should be at least 2 pages, doubled spaced, and using APA formatting. Also include a final paragraph that gives your professsional opinion of the researched article.  Do not forget to use […]

designing an integrated curriculum for special needs students with effective assessment strategiesdesigning an integrated curriculum for special needs students with effective assessment strategies

Create a PowerPoint presentation of an integrated curriculum creation for first or second-grade special needs class (12 students with autism) with effective assessment strategies. It is a very open-ended assignment and requires peer reviewed evidence as to why it is an effective unit. Topic can be, but is not limited to;  point of view (literacy), […]

Answer chart for Funds of Knowledge and Student Assets Task + Write chapter 3 guided notesAnswer chart for Funds of Knowledge and Student Assets Task + Write chapter 3 guided notes

Instructions: Identify 3 funds of knowledge/student assets you bring to an education setting. An example of this can be found in the Funds of Knowledge and Student Assets Presentation. AND write chapter 3 guided notes: Instructions: In a separate document, respond to the following questions from chapter 3. 1. Compare and contrast Broca’s area and Wernicke’s […]