Discipline: Sports and Athletics

PER 671 Research Article/Case Study – Topic:Literature Review on Gameday Operations and Security Methods at Small Community College Sporting EventsPER 671 Research Article/Case Study – Topic:Literature Review on Gameday Operations and Security Methods at Small Community College Sporting Events

Time to write your Research Article! You should follow the typical structure of original articles: Cover Page Introduction Methods Results Discussion Conclusion References The structure of your final article should look like this: Introduction: An overview of the responsibilities of a sport event manager; Case study: Report in detail the situation that happened in your […]

athletic director at a major Division 1 university and are tasked with building a new sports facility for your program. For this project, you will need to submit a Facility Project Review to the Board of Trustees for approval.athletic director at a major Division 1 university and are tasked with building a new sports facility for your program. For this project, you will need to submit a Facility Project Review to the Board of Trustees for approval.

For this project, you will be an athletic director at a major Division 1 university and are tasked with building a new sports facility for your program. For this project, you will need to submit a Facility Project Review to the Board of Trustees for approval. You will have the choice to pick what type […]

What is your opinion of the name, image and likeness deals (NIL)? Respond to Coach John Calipari and Senator Rand Paul’s perspectives.What is your opinion of the name, image and likeness deals (NIL)? Respond to Coach John Calipari and Senator Rand Paul’s perspectives.

What is your opinion of the name, image and likeness deals (NIL)? Respond to Coach John Calipari and Senator Rand Paul’s perspectives.  https://www.espn.com/college-sports/story/_/id/31086019/everything-need-know-ncaa-nil-debate https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.kentucky.com/sports/college/kentucky-sports/uk-basketball-men/article253143303.html&ved=2ahUKEwiv1rC53cmFAxV0jYkEHSYKAC0QFnoECBcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2EFfogxMxAxKFcodaSgYs2 https://www.newsweek.com/rand-paul-complains-college-basketball-players-turning-rap-stars-1812312

Powerpoint Presentation for Factors Affecting American American Attendance at Sporting EventsPowerpoint Presentation for Factors Affecting American American Attendance at Sporting Events

The purpose of the final digital presentation is to be able to create and communicate information academically and professionally in a digital format. Potential digital formats include slide presentation, podcast, video/animation, webpage, etc. You can use the INTEC Course Guide: Technology Tools page to select a digital presentation tool, though you are not limited to the options […]

Rehabilitation Gameplan for Return to Play/ Return to Sport for Baseball Athlete with Abdominal TearRehabilitation Gameplan for Return to Play/ Return to Sport for Baseball Athlete with Abdominal Tear

Option 2: Programming + relevant literature review Components of this project: Detailed and Well-Developed Training Program of 4-6 months (specify fictitious client or team) Literature Review – This should be based on something related to the program you designed.This should follow proper literature review format and should include at least 30 references. The expected length […]

Effects of Androgenic – Anabolic Steroids in Athletes EXSC540 DISCUSSION REPLIESEffects of Androgenic – Anabolic Steroids in Athletes EXSC540 DISCUSSION REPLIES

Read the original discussion topic below. Follow instructions in the file attached. 250 words to each reply. Response needs to add to and stimulate further discussion.  Original discussion topic: Quoting 1 Corinthians 6:19–20 “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have […]

Research dissertation- Exploring how coach-athlete relationships can affect mental healthResearch dissertation- Exploring how coach-athlete relationships can affect mental health

The title of my research dissertation is Exploring how coach-athlete relationships can impact mental health: an autoethnography. Literature review I have attached the literature review file please can you modify it a little bit if needs be and add it to the thesis.     Methodology Method used to carry out research and collect data […]

The Influence of Coach-Led Mental Training Interventions on Mitigating Fear of Failure and Enhancing Performance in Football PlayersThe Influence of Coach-Led Mental Training Interventions on Mitigating Fear of Failure and Enhancing Performance in Football Players

The 6,000 word professional project (in MS Word or equivalent) is an independent research report that you will write around the topic of your choice – The Influence of Coach-Led Mental Training Interventions on Mitigating Fear of Failure and Enhancing Performance in Football Players.  The project is expected to be based on an area of interest […]

1. The effects of resistance training on muscle protein synthesis and hypertrophy in healthy young adults aged 18-251. The effects of resistance training on muscle protein synthesis and hypertrophy in healthy young adults aged 18-25

    Topic             The effects of resistance training on muscle protein synthesis and hypertrophy in healthy young adults aged 18-25  Question How does resistance training affect muscle protein synthesis and the resulting muscle hypertrophy in healthy individuals aged 18-25, and what specific training variables (frequency, intensity, duration) are most effective in […]

Risks of expressing your authentic self in sport: the influence of stigma covering on perceived job fit and hiring recommendationsRisks of expressing your authentic self in sport: the influence of stigma covering on perceived job fit and hiring recommendations

1.      Outline: Include a detailed outline. Before writing your review, prepare an outline. The outline should include a topic sentence for each paragraph and the key research findings, evidence, or argument that you will use to support each topic sentence. Due 4/11. The biblography information is also uploaded just in case this infromation is needed […]