Discipline: Sports and Athletics

“The Impact of Carbohydrate Timing on Strength Gains in Resistance Training Athletes.”“The Impact of Carbohydrate Timing on Strength Gains in Resistance Training Athletes.”

Write a Review Paper on “The Impact of Carbohydrate Timing on Strength Gains in Resistance Training Athletes.” The paper is expected to be in-depth and comprehensive. Specific guidelines for writing criteria and style are found within the Review Paper Example posted below. Follows formatting of specific example  Appropriately covers topic  A clear scientific rationale has […]

Learning Activity 5 – Coaches and Leaders In RESM Professions who Promote Differences in the ProfessionLearning Activity 5 – Coaches and Leaders In RESM Professions who Promote Differences in the Profession

Reflect on role models in the RESM professions that support individuals who represent elements of diversity (race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, disability, socioeconomic status, and religion). Think about your roles models and RESM professionals you know, what differences do they reflect from those they are serving.  Find one video that demonstrates this notion of differences in the RESM […]

A literature review on The Evolution of Football Boots in Preventing ACL Injuries in Women football playersA literature review on The Evolution of Football Boots in Preventing ACL Injuries in Women football players

The purpose of the systematic review is to comprehensively evaluate existing research on the evolution of football boots and their role in preventing anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries in women footballer athletes. Studies have identified that females in professional and amateur football players as have a higher incidence of knee injury and anterior cruciate ligament […]

port-specific article in the mainstream media that presents issues of sportspersonship, gamespersonship and/or normative or deviant/malicious cheatingport-specific article in the mainstream media that presents issues of sportspersonship, gamespersonship and/or normative or deviant/malicious cheating

CR1 – Max. WC = 300. Include your WC at the end of your text, followed by your “Key” (order of “Key” must align with the order in which abbreviations are first used in the text) and “References” (these do NOT count against your WC). Choose a sport-specific article in the mainstream media that is of […]

Literature Review on The Impact of Social Network Theory and Social Learning Theory on the Success of Sports Teams.Literature Review on The Impact of Social Network Theory and Social Learning Theory on the Success of Sports Teams.

This paper is a Literature Review on The Impact of Social Network Theory and Social Learning Theory on the Success of Sports Teams. Provided in the PDF there are instructions along with 10 sources that need to be included to meet the needs of the attached rubric. This is a literature review that needs to explain […]

Youth Sports: Multi-sport Athletes vs. Single Sport Athletes (Sport Specialization)Youth Sports: Multi-sport Athletes vs. Single Sport Athletes (Sport Specialization)

You will choose an article(s) that report on Multi and Single Sport Youth Athletes   2 Full pages, typed double-spaced, font no larger than Times New Roman 12’. A line less than a full page will be credited to not meeting the expectations given for the assignment; therefore, will result as unacceptable.   Informative Paper- […]

Comparing and contrasting how an athlete is likely to recover from an ACL injury using psychological rehabilitation techniques like imagery, visualization, and mediation versus attacking rehabilitation with only recommended exercises.Comparing and contrasting how an athlete is likely to recover from an ACL injury using psychological rehabilitation techniques like imagery, visualization, and mediation versus attacking rehabilitation with only recommended exercises.

I will attach the paper format broken down to the amount of pages per section, and use these 3 refrences on the bottom found on google scholar. Please add 7 more refrences as asked on the attached document.  Cupal, D. D., & Brewer, B. W. (2001). Effects of relaxation and guided imagery on knee strength, […]

Research paper title: Increase in Private Strength and Conditioning Services Type of paper: Emerging product/service/program in the fitness industryResearch paper title: Increase in Private Strength and Conditioning Services Type of paper: Emerging product/service/program in the fitness industry

Topic: Increase in Private Strength and Conditioning Services EMERGING PRODUCT or SERVICE** within thefitness industry. Include information about the following (use subheadings with the followingtitles):1) Introduction2) Description of the product/service3) Benefits of participation or use4) Logistics of offering the service (training of instructors, equipment/facility necessary)5) Reasons why this product or service should be/is popular (based on […]

Essay on Faulkner’s position of his masculinity compared to that of those of other men in the Arena, and how derives pleasure from this position in relationEssay on Faulkner’s position of his masculinity compared to that of those of other men in the Arena, and how derives pleasure from this position in relation

LENGTH: 1000–1200-word essay (4-5 pages, double spaced)   INSTRUCTIONS:     You are tasked with developing an argument about one of these texts by using two critical texts we have read and discussed: (1) the introductory chapter on sport and pleasure; and (2) the introductory chapter on sport and masculinities. Work to find a connection between pleasure and masculinities in […]