Discipline: Statistics

Scatter Plots, Correlations, and the Correlation Coefficient/ Linear Regression and Prediction/Multiple RegressionScatter Plots, Correlations, and the Correlation Coefficient/ Linear Regression and Prediction/Multiple Regression

Form for part 2 need comepleted. ( assessment template to use is in attachments)(ST3002 assessment template) Also attached is the rubric for this assignement- along with the BODY data set  in my previous assigment ST3001 Part 2 :  As a medical researcher, you attempt to relate key health factors to each other. Are those with higher […]

Individual written analysis (suitable for a web page) integrating applied quantitative analysis within Excel, real data, and focused interpretation.Individual written analysis (suitable for a web page) integrating applied quantitative analysis within Excel, real data, and focused interpretation.

This assessment is an individual client report. You must analyse the data, provided by the Client in the CW2 Excel file. The file contains a sample of companies from the UK retail sector. You must write a report using your analysis of the data provided, that meet the requirements of the Client as set out […]

Do cfos/ceos demographic and biographical characteristics (age, gender, tenure, cpa, mba, work background, education background) have an association with the quality/effectiveness pf internal controlDo cfos/ceos demographic and biographical characteristics (age, gender, tenure, cpa, mba, work background, education background) have an association with the quality/effectiveness pf internal control

Do cfos/ceos demographic and biographical characteristics (age, gender, tenure, cpa, mba, work background, education background) have an association with the quality/effectiveness pf internal control over financial reporting under sox 404 regulation measured by the incidence of dislcosing sox 4 I need only the analysis section (13000 words) Ι attach the word file with theoretical framework, […]

repare answers for the following questions and submit the word and Eviews workfile documents including your answers to the IHU e-learning platformrepare answers for the following questions and submit the word and Eviews workfile documents including your answers to the IHU e-learning platform

Prepare answers for the following questions and submit the word and Eviews workfile documents including your answers to the IHU e-learning platform. Select one monthly adjusted close stock price series from Assignment 01 and answer the following: 1. Using the data F-F_Research_Data_Factors.txt estimate the Fama and French three factor model below and comment on your […]

Impact of median age, household size and employment to population ratio on final consumption expenditure: Evidence from Balkan and Nordic countriesImpact of median age, household size and employment to population ratio on final consumption expenditure: Evidence from Balkan and Nordic countries

I need only an introduction and the literature review for my thesis. It is an econometrics paper so an empirical analysis where we determine the impact of median age, household size and employment to population ratio on final consumption expenditure, in balkan and nordic countries of europe during the 2018-2022 period, taking some panel data […]

creating a data subset, Creating graphical display of data, 3 descriptive statistics questionscreating a data subset, Creating graphical display of data, 3 descriptive statistics questions

  Go to your welcome message from your SME in which you were assigned a random number greater than 50. (My # assigned is 63) Download the original Excel file titled BODY DATA. (attached is the exel file). Start a new Excel file. Copy/paste all column names from the original document. Using the random number provided […]

Draft a Research Problem, Purpose, and Quantitative Research Questions with HypothesesDraft a Research Problem, Purpose, and Quantitative Research Questions with Hypotheses

**My program is Criminal Justice and my Specialization is in Homeland Security** Introduction: Your dissertation topic will need to be aligned with your degree program and specialization. For the purposes of this assignment, consider how you could research your chosen dissertation topic through a quantitative lens, using quantitative methods and research questions that are aligned […]

Conduct a Comparative Analysis of Non-Parametric Statistics in Extant LiteratureConduct a Comparative Analysis of Non-Parametric Statistics in Extant Literature

 **my program is in Criminal Justice, and my specialization is Homeland Security.** Instruction:  For this assignment, you first will identify a topic of interest that you might want to pursue for research. You are not tied to this topic when you reach the dissertation sequence, but it should be a topic that you find interesting now […]