Discipline: Statistics

GER-2326 Statistics for Social & Behavioral Sciences: Joel Best EXTRA CREDIT AssignmentGER-2326 Statistics for Social & Behavioral Sciences: Joel Best EXTRA CREDIT Assignment

Instructions: Find an article that misuses statistics.  Describe the misuse of statistics in detail, using the language that Joel Best used in the “Damned Lies and Statistics” book.   The article must be from a major publication such as the Baltimore Sun, New York Times, LA Times, Washington Post, Charlotte Observer, CNN, USA Today, etc. Submit […]

Select a topic for which you can gather 50-80 data points for one quantitative variable. Data should be recent (within the past couple of years). (DO NOT USE THE SAMPLE DATA for your lab.) Sample topics:Select a topic for which you can gather 50-80 data points for one quantitative variable. Data should be recent (within the past couple of years). (DO NOT USE THE SAMPLE DATA for your lab.) Sample topics:

Select a topic for which you can gather 50-80 data points for one quantitative variable. Data should be recent (within the past couple of years). (DO NOT USE THE SAMPLE DATA for your lab.) Sample topics: Inflation rate, interest rate, personal savings, price-to-rent ratio, etc. (Trading Economics is a great website for business-oriented data), Workplace […]

Part I: Report Descriptive Statistics and Normality Part II: Create a Histogram, Bar Chart, Boxplot, Q-Q Plot, and Cross-tabulation assignment (Chi-Square Test)Part I: Report Descriptive Statistics and Normality Part II: Create a Histogram, Bar Chart, Boxplot, Q-Q Plot, and Cross-tabulation assignment (Chi-Square Test)

Part I: Report Descriptive Statistics and Normality Report descriptive statistics for the data set. Test the distribution of the leadership variable (ldrship) using the Shapiro-Wilk test.  Test the distribution of the aptitude variable using the Anderson-Darling test. Your part I submission should be completed in APA style in report format. It must be a minimum of 2  […]

You have been tasked with encouraging clients to invest in stocks by writing an article for the online newsletter recommending a stock for your clients to invest inYou have been tasked with encouraging clients to invest in stocks by writing an article for the online newsletter recommending a stock for your clients to invest in

  Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English. You have been tasked with encouraging clients to invest in stocks by writing an article for the online newsletter recommending a stock for your clients to invest in. You will write a descriptive essay about stocks; the essay should be no less […]

How do variations in unemployment rates influence inflation within a mixed economic system over a decade?How do variations in unemployment rates influence inflation within a mixed economic system over a decade?

This research project focuses on conducting a simple linear regression analysis using two variables sourcedfrom an open data repository. Students will have the freedom to choose a topic of interest for theiranalysis, but instructor approval is mandatory. The goal of the project is to provide students with hands–on experience in applying statistical concepts to real–world […]

Introduction section: Summary of literature review on post hoc methods and ceiling and floor effectIntroduction section: Summary of literature review on post hoc methods and ceiling and floor effect

clean the section below. fix the language and check for ai  or general plagiarism. The literature review is attached as an excel. There is also the paper that I described the equation for handling ceiling effect.  I need you clean the section below. fix the language and check for ai  or general plagiarism. and you can […]

Uniform distribution, Normal distibution, Central Limit Theorem, InvNorm functionUniform distribution, Normal distibution, Central Limit Theorem, InvNorm function

Answer the questions on the worksheet that i attached on additional files. The questions are about: (Uniform distribution, Normal distibution, Central Limit Theorem, InvNorm function etc). Watch thefollowing video via the link below. This video will help anwer the questions on additional files and also help find out which calculator functions to use and how […]

STAT 280 Applied Stats (001) SU1 2024 Week 6 Discussion 6 | Confidence IntervalsSTAT 280 Applied Stats (001) SU1 2024 Week 6 Discussion 6 | Confidence Intervals

Discussion 6 | Confidence Intervals Number of replies: 3 REVIEW Review the assigned reading to prepare for this discussion.  For the Real Estate Evaluation Project, you have been working solely with a random sample of a data set of property prices. You found the mean price of homes, townhomes, and units of your sample. How […]

Quantitative Analysis: Cross-Tabulation, Chi-square, and Non-parametric AssociationQuantitative Analysis: Cross-Tabulation, Chi-square, and Non-parametric Association

Enclosed there is instructions for the completion an assignment, gave indepth answers to all answers, use the questios as suheading, if any one of the questions have A, B, OR C,  separate into paragraphy’s  ( for example explatain A, what is statistic B, do you like it ) (A) statistic use in doing researce, as […]

Why do we need to study the variation of a collection of data? Why isn’t the average by itself adequate?Why do we need to study the variation of a collection of data? Why isn’t the average by itself adequate?

Write a brief but complete essay, in which you summarize the main points. Please include jormulas and graphs as appropriate. We have studied three ways to measure variation: the range, standard deviation, box-and whisker plot. They all indicate the variation within data collection. Discuss similarities and differences among these ways to measure data variation. • […]