Discipline: Statistics

In the industry of law based on the fundamentals of statistics 1) describe your specific research interests or questions, 2) develop a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis, 3) identify your sample and population, 4) design your sampling strategy.In the industry of law based on the fundamentals of statistics 1) describe your specific research interests or questions, 2) develop a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis, 3) identify your sample and population, 4) design your sampling strategy.

This assignment helps you apply what you have learned about the fundamentals of statistics. In the industry of your interest (Law) , please 1) describe your specific research interests or questions, 2) develop a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis, 3) identify your sample and population, 4) design your sampling strategy. Please refer to the […]

Amazon Expansion Into New Markets – Use at least one statistical analysis technique that is appropriate for your research, based on your choice of MDP and MRPAmazon Expansion Into New Markets – Use at least one statistical analysis technique that is appropriate for your research, based on your choice of MDP and MRP

According to the document attached, which is Amazon Expansion Into New Markets and MDP and MRO used. Use at least one statistical analysis technique that is appropriate for your research, based on your choice of MDP and MRP., and demonstrate how the Excel (or any other tool analytical tool) output indicates whether statistically significant findings […]

Unit 6 AS1: Case Problem: Ethical Behavior of Business Students at Bayview UniversityUnit 6 AS1: Case Problem: Ethical Behavior of Business Students at Bayview University

.The purpose of this assignment is to apply hypothesis tests to the case of Bayview University. Open the dataset of Bayview University (attached) and read the case in its entirety at the end of Chapter 9 Use descriptive statistics to summarize the data and comment on your findings. Develop 95% confidence interval for the proportion of all […]

Assessing the efficacy of natural focus-enhancing supplements on cognitive performance/productivityAssessing the efficacy of natural focus-enhancing supplements on cognitive performance/productivity

The class is called ‘Statistics for informated decision making’. I have to follow the format of ‘If x then y’ comparing two variables. I am not sure if my title is too broad to follow this format. If so, then I am interested in focusing on Lions Mane as a singular substance. I am including […]

Research Study Report/ A Social Identity of Social Media Impact on Satisfaction with LifeResearch Study Report/ A Social Identity of Social Media Impact on Satisfaction with Life

The final project for this course is the creation of a research study report. After selecting an appropriate study from the Final Project Research Study Options document found in the Module One Reading and Resources, you will apply the critical-thinking skills gained from this course to summarize, analyze, and critique your study using a statistical […]

You have been hired by the D. M. Pan National Real Estate Company to develop a model to predict housing prices for homes sold in 2019.You have been hired by the D. M. Pan National Real Estate Company to develop a model to predict housing prices for homes sold in 2019.

Scenario You have been hired by the D. M. Pan National Real Estate Company to develop a model to predict housing prices for homes sold in 2019. The CEO of D. M. Pan wants to use this information to help their real estate agents better determine the use of square footage as a benchmark for […]

write up an Executive Summary on what city you chose to open a second location in and justify the results.write up an Executive Summary on what city you chose to open a second location in and justify the results.

Final Project Assignment Instructions Scenario Background: A marketing company based out of New York City is doing well and is looking to expand internationally. The CEO and VP of Operations decide to enlist the help of a consulting firm that you work for, to help collect data and analyze market trends. You work for Mercer […]

Descriptive Statistics in Peer-Reviewed Literature (Measures of Central Tendency and Measures of Variability) with reference pageDescriptive Statistics in Peer-Reviewed Literature (Measures of Central Tendency and Measures of Variability) with reference page

The purpose of this activity is to explore use of statistics in peer-reviewed social work research. For Activity #1, you should do each of the following to obtain credit for this assignment: 1. Go to Google Scholar. 2. Select a social work-related research topic that also intersects with issues of Anti-racism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion […]

Submit at least a two-page report (single-spaced, 11-pt or 12-pt, Calibri or Times New Roman font) as a Microsoft Word or PDF document, with tables and graphs embedded.Submit at least a two-page report (single-spaced, 11-pt or 12-pt, Calibri or Times New Roman font) as a Microsoft Word or PDF document, with tables and graphs embedded.

Introduction Instructions: Use complete sentences to describe the purpose(s) of your statistical inquiry. Identify the original data source. Identify and describe the population for which conclusions will be drawn. The last sentence should express one or two major findings of your inquiry. Methods Instructions: Use complete sentences to describe the general type of study: observation […]

What can you say about the probability of a certain event if (a) the probability is 1, (b) the probability is 0.What can you say about the probability of a certain event if (a) the probability is 1, (b) the probability is 0.

What can you say about the probability of a certain event if (a) the probability is 1, (b) the probability is 0. Chapter 6: Explain how a nonstandard normal distribution differs from the standard normal distribution. Describe the process for finding probabilities for nonstandard normal distributions. Illustrate with examples 1) Directly and completely post the requested […]