Discipline: Statistics

You will use the Python programming language to perform your statistical analysis.You will use the Python programming language to perform your statistical analysis.

Summary Report: Once you have completed all the steps in your Python script, you will create a summary report to present your findings. Use the provided template to create your report. You must complete each of the following sections: Introduction: Set the context for your scenario and the analyses you will be performing. Data Visualization: Identify and […]

Find Five Empirical scholarly articles in PDF that relates to previous topic attachedFind Five Empirical scholarly articles in PDF that relates to previous topic attached

Find five (5) empirical scholarly articles – Due 02/03 via email before class starts. Come to class with at least five empirical scholarly articles that discuss your proposal variables in some way. Submit these articles to me as PDF attachments (not links) via email. Be prepared to discuss your articles, what you learned, and what […]

You have been recently hired as a junior analyst by D.M. Pan Real Estate Company.You have been recently hired as a junior analyst by D.M. Pan Real Estate Company.

Scenario Smart businesses in all industries use data to provide an intuitive analysis of how they can get a competitive advantage. The real estate industry heavily uses linear regression to estimate home prices, as cost of housing is currently the largest expense for most families. Additionally, in order to help new homeowners and home sellers […]

Interprete and analyse the results and write a comprehensive statistical data interpretation without much plagiarism and no AI similarity indexInterprete and analyse the results and write a comprehensive statistical data interpretation without much plagiarism and no AI similarity index

Can you please assist me placing an order with one of your writers: RobI have done a complete statistical analysis using the Software SPSS.I need a writer with statistical background to interprete and analyse the results and write a comprehensive statistical data interpretation without much plagiarism and no AI similarity index within one week. There […]

Report: Selling Price and Area Analysis for D.M. Pan National Real Estate CompanyReport: Selling Price and Area Analysis for D.M. Pan National Real Estate Company

Scenario Smart businesses in all industries use data to provide an intuitive analysis of how they can get a competitive advantage. The real estate industry heavily uses linear regression to estimate home prices, as cost of housing is currently the largest expense for most families. Additionally, in order to help new homeowners and home sellers […]

ePortfolio final assignment What is the percentage of male deaths compared to female deaths?ePortfolio final assignment What is the percentage of male deaths compared to female deaths?

What is the percentage of male deaths compared to female deaths? I can only have 2 groups to compare just male and females not the transgender group, i attached my part 2 analysis  work off of that. Write up your final results. Be sure to incorportate feedback from your peers and from me on the […]

Influence of value system on importance of social media as well as importance of education.Influence of value system on importance of social media as well as importance of education.

Software use: Jamovi for the images and the tables(Extremely Important) Data set link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z1ceFS9wpNFLsUqf47rxc5tPOn6yo_ga/view?usp=share_link Hypotheses: Self selected values (Q4_1 and/or Q5_2) → Q3_4 and Q4_1 Value system [Q4_1] Importance of education and job: What are your attitudes regarding education and career?   Please indicate how important are the following aspects for you. Values: [1] Absolutely not […]

Discussion post there are 2 questions that need to be answered a couple of sentences each that’s allDiscussion post there are 2 questions that need to be answered a couple of sentences each that’s all

4.2 & 6.2 Application: Have a Nice Trip & Sleep Deprivation.  This week, we will do part of Exploration 4.2 Have a Nice Trip (1-14) (PDF Download PDF) to get a sense of how random assignment can make roughly similar groups. Then we’ll work through part of Exploration 6.2: Lingering Effects of Sleep Deprivation (1-15) (PDF Download PDF) to see how […]

ePortfolio Part 2: Analysis What is the percentage of male deaths compared to female deaths?ePortfolio Part 2: Analysis What is the percentage of male deaths compared to female deaths?

 Begin to analyze the data to answer the question  What is the percentage of male deaths compared to female deaths?   Begin to analyze the data to answer the question. Include the following:  A data display or graph such as a histogram or box and whisker plot or pie chart Numerical work – maybe you compare […]