Discipline: Tourism

Assessment of the impact of the pandemic on the attendance of cultural events in organization XAssessment of the impact of the pandemic on the attendance of cultural events in organization X

Okay so the task is pretty interesting as later I will be translating this topic into my mother tongue. But I have maybe a strange request – to refer on some papers from my mother tongue as well.  It doesn’t need to be much, but I still have to refer on something, because if it’s […]

Global Palates, Local Flavors: How Switzerland is Integrating Indian Food into its Tourist ExperienceGlobal Palates, Local Flavors: How Switzerland is Integrating Indian Food into its Tourist Experience

TITLE: Global Palates, Local Flavors: How Switzerland is Integrating Indian Food into its Tourist Experience   Aim: To analyse how the Swiss Tourism industry is integrating Indian cuisine into its offering to enhance the overall tourist experience for Indian visitors.   Research Question:  How is the Swiss Tourism industry integrating Indian cuisine into its offering to enhance the […]

A critical evaluation of the models, concepts, and contemporary practices of Human Resource Management and why they are essential for 21st century tourism organisations.A critical evaluation of the models, concepts, and contemporary practices of Human Resource Management and why they are essential for 21st century tourism organisations.

You are required to prepare 3600 words essay that critically evaluates your understanding of the theories, concepts and contemporary practices of HRM and why they are essential for 21st century tourism organisation. The essay must:  1. Explore the HRM function in organisations and the different approaches to understanding HRM.  2. Examine how a Human Resources […]

Impact of Festivlas and Event on Tourism : Case study of ( you can pick any event that you want!!)Impact of Festivlas and Event on Tourism : Case study of ( you can pick any event that you want!!)

Purpose   The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to research an area of the class subject that interests you. You will be limited to eight pages including referees.  The paper must be double-spaced and written in twelve-point font with standard margins. The page limitation does not include the cover page, other artwork, or […]

Write 3 pages on the instructions below and have 3 resources from (add to what is already there someway)Write 3 pages on the instructions below and have 3 resources from (add to what is already there someway)

Leisure and Tourism in a Diverse Society Diversity Solutions Project Proposal (1 Proposal per Team) Theme: LGBTQ+ Group Names: Christopher Herald, Dean Musialowicz, Evan Bidwell, Evan Koch, Diversity Solutions Topic Rationale: Why has your team chosen this issue/topic? In a simple paragraph, tell me why this is important. We chose our topic/issue because we want […]

Case Study on the Revitalisation of Intangible Cultural Heritage–Taking Kunqu(昆曲) as an ExampleCase Study on the Revitalisation of Intangible Cultural Heritage–Taking Kunqu(昆曲) as an Example

1. As this term paper is graded individually, you are advised to formulate your own ideas, and identify a central theme for the purpose. It must contain a relevant title, an introduction, main body of text, conclusion and references. Graphs, tables and figures should be included where necessary, either in the text or as Appendices. Headings / […]

SWOT Analysis, PESTEL Analysis and Porter’s Five Forces Framework for Hilton Hotels and Resorts Corporation Hotel DevelopmentSWOT Analysis, PESTEL Analysis and Porter’s Five Forces Framework for Hilton Hotels and Resorts Corporation Hotel Development

Conclusion with Recommendations Include the highlights of the report and make a recommendation iof go or no-go for investment. If a go….then which hotel types/brands for which parts/areas of the country. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Start with an introduction, which may include an overall orientation to the country, such as map/with neighboring/bordering countries, flag, population, demographics, largest cities/resort areas […]

Sex tourism in The Gambia | What Gambians think about sex tourism in their country?Sex tourism in The Gambia | What Gambians think about sex tourism in their country?

watch : https://youtu.be/J0EZpDmkSog?si=Jlj98UXWjOpgNl_f • Word count: No less than 400 words. • Font: 12 Points. Times New Roman. • Format: Word or PDF Structure and Rubrics: • A title of the essay (3 points) • Paragraph 1: Introduction. A brief summary of the video (5 points) • Paragraph 2-4 write about three different things you […]

Case Study on the Revitalisation of Intangible Cultural Heritage–Taking 昆曲(Kunqu) as an ExampleCase Study on the Revitalisation of Intangible Cultural Heritage–Taking 昆曲(Kunqu) as an Example

1. As this term paper is graded individually, you are advised to formulate your own ideas, and identify a central theme for the purpose. It must contain a relevant title, an introduction, main body of text, conclusion and references. Graphs, tables and figures should be included where necessary, either in the text or as Appendices. […]

Study on the Revitalisation of Intangible Cultural Heritage–Taking Kunqu as an ExampleStudy on the Revitalisation of Intangible Cultural Heritage–Taking Kunqu as an Example

Guidelines for Writing Individual Term Paper Each student is required to write an individual Term Paper on the topic presented in the Group Presentation. The term paper accounts for 20% of the total score for the course. As this term paper is graded individually, you are advised to formulate your own ideas, and identify a […]