The assignment is to write a 3–4-page (approximately 750–1000-word) speech for this high school environmental studies class on the importance of including cities in environmental history. In writing your talk, you must use at least four or five secondary sources, including any sources from our Course Outline. I HAVE ALREADY GATHERED ALL 4 SOURCES NEEDED […]
Discipline: Urban and Environmental planning
Arrangements of arbitrary constructions and interaction of urban and urban planning law provisionsArrangements of arbitrary constructions and interaction of urban and urban planning law provisions /abs/10.1177/09************5428?casa_token=plSxWf4gxGgAAAAA:ETqTY3B_Oz7KcFQjEHrZbH6996UxcgnDzTT_gXwFKvPTXRqv98G-uxcGRU4LNwzQsO-2nJ-B9XUr6qQ Also the following article talks about informal development something that matches this: https:#journals.sage pub .com/doi/full/10.1177/0885412217737340?casa_token=9-o9WoSqCXAAAAA%3A3vrhX4srJo629VKHYD1C0oid-ugmZdKwSBKnDyW0Mk9c8G-QgAYa8A1X3OhRbWgB06Qzi1HxfkoaVe0 I found the following very good: https://www.***** *****8860 I would suggest focusing on the latter in terms of structure. You should add some diagrams / figures. And he certainly wants the bibliography to be collected. […]