Discipline: Visual arts

Why the cinematography in The Batman (2022) elevates the film from your average superhero movie.Why the cinematography in The Batman (2022) elevates the film from your average superhero movie.

Instructions: FINAL PROJECT For your final assignment in this class, you are developing an argumentative analysis of a Film. You may choose the film and the approach you take. But, your final project should offer an analytical interpretation and advance a specific argument through a close analysis of said film. Develop a Traditional Research Essay […]

The Spiritual Fall: Spirituality and the Reimagined Fall in Fred Tomaselli’s “Expulsion” 2000The Spiritual Fall: Spirituality and the Reimagined Fall in Fred Tomaselli’s “Expulsion” 2000

please read the PDF and the topic will be The Spiritual Fall: Spirituality and the Reimagined Fall in Fred Tomaselli’s “Expulsion” 2000 need at least three bibliography cite on raserchpaper. short research paper in which you study a contemporary work of art based on scholarly bibliography and cite your sources. Remember that we are using […]

Comparing and contrasting two works of art: Rebecca Belmore’s Vigil and Janice Wright Cheney’s WidowComparing and contrasting two works of art: Rebecca Belmore’s Vigil and Janice Wright Cheney’s Widow

Using the following question please write a 1000-1250 word essay. Use only works from class (visual and written) too build your argument. Write an introduction (with thesis), body paragraphs and a conclusion (with topic sentences). Four sources minimum are necessary (two visual and two written – videos of talks count as written). Do not use […]

you may choose your own project, any format, any genre to combine art and activism.you may choose your own project, any format, any genre to combine art and activism.

For your final project, you may choose your own project, any format, any genre to combine art and activism. Please read this article for inspiration: https://www.artic.edu/highlights/28/art-activism You should take into consideration the design elements as outlined previously in the course: 1. line 2. shape 3. color 4. texture 5. pattern/rhythm 6. proportion/scale 7. space/focal point/depth […]

Review and re write this essay to make it a little longer so it’s a full page double spacedReview and re write this essay to make it a little longer so it’s a full page double spaced

Vincent Van Gogh painted “The Potato Eaters” in 1885. It is about 82 cm by 114 cm and is located at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. The artwork is a unique center of Van Gogh’s early work and his most deep-seated human connection with the common folk that he came across in the countryside […]

Scholarly Article Analysis: eapons in the daily battle: Images of the conquest of evil in the early medieval psalter.Scholarly Article Analysis: eapons in the daily battle: Images of the conquest of evil in the early medieval psalter.

3/12 – 4 Page essay summarizing the scholarly article ( Weapons in the daily battle: Images of the conquest of evil in the early medieval psalter.)  Community College level include at least 3 quotes from the article  https://web-p-ebscohost-com.smccme.idm.oclc.org/ehost/detail/detail?vid=0&sid=a22be653-2477-4ae7-8309-f55f25a4b816%40redis&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=9309035185&db=a9 

The Birth of Venus is by Sandro Botticelli and Under the Wave off Kanagawa by Katsushika HokusaiThe Birth of Venus is by Sandro Botticelli and Under the Wave off Kanagawa by Katsushika Hokusai

Western European Art The Birth of Venus is by Sandro Botticelli the date is 1485. The current location is at The Uffizi, the time period is the Renaissance and the Italian period. The other art piece I chose was the Under the Wave off Kanagawa by Katsushika Hokusai.This art piece was made during the Edo […]

Resubmit/Rewrite Assessment Task 2 Research essay: The Legacy of Bauhaus in Modern Lighting Design: A Comparative Study of the Arco, Pipistrello, and W103 Sempé LampsResubmit/Rewrite Assessment Task 2 Research essay: The Legacy of Bauhaus in Modern Lighting Design: A Comparative Study of the Arco, Pipistrello, and W103 Sempé Lamps

Resubmit Assessment Task 2: Research essay taking into account your tutor’s feedback for improvement In this Research Essay, you must undertake a comparative analysis of at least three works of design. At least one work should be an historical example associated with the topics discussed in the unit. Your three chosen works of design should not […]

A Colombian in Italy: Fernando Botero’s Relationship with Italian Art and HistoryA Colombian in Italy: Fernando Botero’s Relationship with Italian Art and History

Research Paper Instructions: Critical thought and analytical writing  five-page assignment, relating to  Fernando Botero’s Relationship with Italian Art and History an original individual research paper about a relevant topic within the scope of the course using scholarly sources (journal articles, book chapters, photographs, etc.) as well as other pertinent sources such as original documents and archival […]

Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side.Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side.

there are some information about me.  While my academic passion lies in chemical engineering, I also harbor a dream of becoming a musician.Personally, I think my voice is clearer and better sounding, and because of my love for music, I’ve been posting a lot of my voice work on NetEase Music, a music platform that […]